My Iron Suit

Chapter 959: Prisoners in prison!

Angel Ortiz’s rifle obviously doesn’t use pistols, and at most Luther West’s large caliber pistol is likely to work.

However, depending on the rate of fire of his pistol, Chen Mo did not have much help at all. It is impossible to rush out with Chen Mo directly to clean up the zombies.

Obviously, Chen Mo did not expect them to help. He basically planned to clean up the hundreds of thousands of zombies by himself from the very beginning!

But recalling the amazing killing speed of Chen Mo in the corpse, with a lot of bullets, hundreds of thousands of zombies are actually a matter of time for him!

So although it sounds a bit exaggerated, the method of cleaning up the zombies is actually the safest and safest. There is basically no risk. The only problem is that Chen Mo will be tired.

But this is exactly what Chen Mo wants.

Hundreds of thousands of live targets can not be found anywhere. If in the normal world, killing hundreds of thousands of people by hand, even if they are all enemies killed, it will definitely have a great impact on Chen Mo’s mentality. Chen Moke does not want to Become a demon killing demon!

But the object of killing is zombies, and Chen Mo has no pressure. This is not a war between countries, but a battle between humans and virus variants. In a sense, these zombies are not life at all, but only It’s a few walking dead, and killing these zombies is also a way for the heavens!

In the end, the four had to accept Chen Mo’s second plan, waiting for Chen Mo to slowly clean up the hundreds of thousands of zombies outside, and then they could leave the house to protect them and imprison them. They have been prison for several years!

Seeing that the four people have accepted the "reality" and did not object to his plan, Chen Mo turned to ask other questions.

"There are only four of you in this prison?"

Luther West has long been completely convinced by Chen Mo’s strength. Later, Chen Mo is expected to clean up the zombies to save them, so they have not concealed Chen Mo’s problem.

Luther West shook his head and replied directly.

"We also have a companion, Wendell, who is in charge of a criminal in a prison sentence."


Chen Mo repeats the accident.

It’s been four or five years since the virus broke out. Although it’s a prison, it’s quite surprising to have a criminal at this time.

However, in fact, Chen Mo’s heart is very clear about the true identity of this so-called “criminal”!

Later, Luther West took Chen Mo into the prison where they lived.

In order to prevent prisoners from jailbreaking, there are only a few windows on the outer wall of the prison, so most of the interior space is not exposed to sunlight, even in the daytime.

Electricity has long since been interrupted, and the main lighting in prison is the torch!

In the area where they are constantly active, a torch is tied every few meters on the wall and on the stair railing. Although the fire is dim, it can also see the road.

Luther West and Angel Ortiz also held a torch in front of them, leading the way, while walking, Luther West told Chen Mo about the situation here.

"When the disaster happened, we came to this prison to take refuge. There is the largest and strongest wall in Los Angeles. This is the best chance to keep those terrible things out."

"When we got here, the guards and prisoners in the prison had already run out. I guess, when the virus broke out and people started eating people, it wouldn't make sense to lock the prisoners again."

As Luther West said, a group of five stopped at the end of the dim prison corridor, and Luther West and Angel Ortiz pushed together a thick iron gate in front of them.

Following the two, they turned a staircase behind the door and came to a very empty enclosed space.

“In the beginning, we thought that this place had been completely abandoned, and no one had it until we found this!”

Luther West, who took the lead down the stairs, let out aside, waiting for the other people on the stairs to walk down, and his eyes crossed the dark space in front and fell to a dozen meters away.

The area of ​​this space is not too small, it is two or three hundred square meters, but in addition to a dozen iron barrels with torches placed against the wall, only the middle of the space has a small container size. Steel cage!

Made entirely of steel and high-strength bullet-proof glass, this cage is the highest security level for the most dangerous prisoners!

It is almost impossible to escape from here!

Because this space is relatively large, only a dozen torches can not be completely illuminated, the light in the entire space is very dim, plus a layer of barbed wire on the outside of the bulletproof glass, standing at the stairway, the average person simply looks at it. It is not clear what is going on in the steel cage.

However, Chen Mo's super-excellent vision was far from being affected. With the dim light of the swaying swaying, Chen Mo clearly saw the figure sitting on a simple bed inside the cage.

He was wearing a dilapidated gray prison uniform, sitting at the bed and meditating.

It seemed to be alarmed by the voice of Luther West. He suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the stairs. Chen Mo also saw his compared to Luther West and Angel Ortiz et al., this man wearing a prison uniform was locked in a strong cage, but it was a bit more fierce, and Chen Mo felt a very familiar temperament in his body. It was only a very elite soldier. There will be a sigh of breath on the body!

Obviously, the identity of this "prisoner" is not simple!

And Chen Mo also knows his other special identity, that is, Claire's brother who should have met Alice now!

Soon, Chen Mowu came to this independent cage. A tall, bald middle-aged man was sitting on a stool in front of the cage and looking at the newspaper until Chen Mo went to the front, he did not find it, still Luther West called him and he noticed the arrival of everyone.

"This is Wendell!"

Luther West said to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo glanced at Wendell, who stood up from the stool. He did not say anything, but went straight to the cage and looked at Chris inside.

Wendell was also very strange about Chen Mo, a stranger who suddenly appeared. However, seeing Chen Mo did not pay attention to his meaning, he did not ask for boring, his eyes swept over the other four, and then asked strangely.

"How come you all come? Bennett?"


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