My Iron Suit

Chapter 946: The corpse sea!

Looking at the name of "Arcadia" painted on the hull, Chen Mo's mouth could not help but reveal a smile.

In fact, this ship is Acadia that Alice is looking for, but it is not the shelter of human survivors, but the test ground of Wesker!

Wesker is the top of the umbrella company. He has successfully integrated the T virus. The strength has been greatly strengthened, but his integration is not perfect. It seems to be a normal human being, but he already has Some of the characteristics of the zombies, such as the four-petaled horror tentacles that can be extended from the mouth!

Although Wesker has a powerful force, it can no longer be called a human being in essence!

This is exactly what Chen Mo can't accept!

So even if Wesker was in the ship not far from the sea, Chen Mo did not plan to go directly.

Moreover, the fusion of Wesker and T virus is also unstable. He can't completely suppress the T virus in the body. The T virus is also giving him strong power and almost immortality while also competing for his body control. right!

He must regain the balance by constantly consuming the fresh human flesh and blood and acquiring new DNA, which makes Chen Mo think of the vampire who must constantly use blood to survive!

The "Arcadia" is actually a test site where Wesker collects survivors to test and "eat" themselves!

The ship descended south from Alaska along the coastline, sending radio broadcasts along the way to attract survivors and then catch them.

And now, they are in Los Angeles, waiting for new test products to cast their own nets!

Chen Mo did not rush to find Wesker.

Wesker's serum has no value for him, only Alice's perfect fusion is what he needs!

As for Wesker, let him wait on the boat, and he can't run anyway!

Moreover, since "Arcadia" has arrived in Los Angeles, then Alice should be coming soon, he still find a place to wait for Alice is more important.

The best place is of course the fortress surrounded by the Dead Sea!

It is the last stronghold of the surviving human beings in Los Angeles, and the place where Alice will go after coming to Los Angeles!

Moreover, mixed into this group of survivors, waiting for Alice to take the initiative in the fort, it is easier to get Alice's trust than to find it directly!

So, Chen Mo told Javis to pay attention to the Arcadia at the seaside, and used the satellite to search for the aircraft along the coast to search for Alice, then lifted the steel shirt and put it into the space.

It has been confirmed that the T virus in the air cannot affect him, and it is unnecessary to continue wearing the steel shirt, and if it is seen by the survivors, it will cause unnecessary doubt.

After lifting the steel shirt, Chen Mo moved to the top of a building next to it. According to the orientation of the satellite map just seen, Chen Mo looked up towards the east side of the city.

Chen Mo is now in a downtown location in Los Angeles. He is surrounded by tall buildings. The building at his feet is considered to be the tallest one in the vicinity. It is also relatively well preserved. It is not burnt to the frame like most high-rise buildings.

From here to the east, the lower the height of the building, the lower the area has left only the low factory.

Standing on the top of the building, all the sights in the east are full of Chen Mo’s eyes, and the empty space filled with zombies and the fortress standing in the corpse are clearly reflected in Chen Mo’s eyes.

Standing in the position of Chen Mo, you can just see the big "HELPUS" slogan written on white paint with white paint, obviously there are survivors.

According to what Chen Mo learned from the movie, the huge fortress like a castle was originally a prison.

Only when the Resident Evil broke out, the governor ordered the release of all prisoners, so the prison was vacated and occupied by survivors who later fled. With its tall and strong walls and heavy steel gates, it blocked the outside. Numerous zombies, in this dead city occupied by zombies, have won a place of human survival!

Next, what Chen Mo has to do is to go there!

But the dense zombies outside are huge obstacles!

In fact, the easiest way is to go from the air, but Chen Mo can't directly teleport in the past, or fly in a steel war suit, so that the survivors inside will treat him as a monster!

And the plane was forced to land on the top of the building, but Alice’s play, Chen Moke did not intend to grab, and if he really drove the plane past, some of the survivors would definitely have a different mind, wanting to sneak a plane and leave this seat. A cage surrounded by zombies!

This kind of thing that undermines the internal stability of others, Chen Mo will not do it!

Therefore, in the end, Chen Mo chose to directly rush in!

The zombies in the district have nothing to fear about Chen Mo, even if it is the corpse of the sea, Chen Mo can also kill a **** road!

However, in order to avoid showing too much power when it comes up, and scaring those survivors, Chen Mo chose a gentle way.

Ten minutes later, a heavy truck galloped across the empty streets. From time to time, the cars with the roads were directly knocked open, and huge heavy trucks roared.

Chen Mo sat in the cab, holding the steering wheel in both hands, looking at the corpse sea that was approaching in front of him, and his eyes could not help but reveal a hint of excitement!

Driving a truck to the sea of ​​zombies, this experience can not be owned casually, and only in the world of biochemical crisis can have a chance to experience!

Soon Chen Mo’s heavy-duty truck drove out of the empty street and rushed into the endless jail of the prison!

Some of the zombies on the outermost side heard the movement behind them, turned and looked over, but only saw a tall truck front in front of the eyes quickly zoomed in, and even the heavy truck directly flew out!

"Hey! Hey! Hey!..."

A dull crash sounded in the front of the car!

These zombies were attracted by the human breath surviving in the prison, so the closer to the prison wall, the denser the zombies, and the most peripheral zombies Chen Mo is now in are actually scattered.

Therefore, although the number of zombies in front of Chen Mo is quite large, it has not reduced the speed of many trucks.

Chen Mo put the throttle directly to the end, and the heavy truck roared and continued to advance toward the depths of the corpse!

A zombie was knocked out and some were directly caught under the tires!

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