My Iron Suit

Chapter 945: The biggest goal!

In fact, at the beginning, when I saw the world projection, Chen Mo knew that this time it was not the beginning of the "Resident Evil" series, the first time.

From the picture in the world projection, this should be the world of Resident Evil 4.

The two almost identical **** figures descended from the channel and shot at the enemies around and on the ground. At the beginning of Resident Evil 4, the female Alice and her clones attacked the umbrella. The story of the company's Tokyo base.

But what Chen Mo didn't think was that not only was the movie world that passed through the first part of the "Resident Evil" series, but even the time that passed through was not the same as in the past, at the beginning of this movie story!

It seems that the plot on the other side of Tokyo is not catching up. The base of the umbrella has been blown up. Alice must have escaped from the crashed plane. Now I should be driving the small propeller plane in the movie. I don’t know. Where to wander!

The biggest goal of Chen Mo’s crossing this time is Alice. To be precise, it is the T virus antibody on her body!

The mutation of T virus has great randomness and uncertainty. Most humans have become ordinary zombies after being infected with T virus, but some have evolved into more powerful tentacles, zombies, foraging, and tracking. The tyrants, while they have more powerful strength, the physical variation is also very huge, and even most of them can no longer be called people!

Chen Mo is not sure that he will be bitten by a zombie. What will it become after being infected with the T virus? Super tyrant? Still the ultimate tentacle?

There is no Chen Mo who intends to evolve into a non-human form, but I don't want to take risks easily!

However, not all people infected with T virus have undergone physical changes and become monsters!

There is only one person in the world who has perfected the fusion of T virus. The strength, speed, power, recovery and other abilities of the body have all been greatly improved, and even have a strong mental power, but the body does not have Any non-human changes happen, still maintaining the normal state!

The only perfect enhancer of this T virus is Alice!

Chen Mo wants to perfectly integrate the T virus. The safest way is to find Alice!

Only her body has the perfect integration of the T virus!

However, due to the late passage of Chen Mo, the story of the umbrella base in Tokyo has ended, and Chen Mo has lost the trace of Alice!

However, Chen Mo did not worry about it. After watching the movie, Chen Mo, who knows the story, knows that Alice will go there next time!

According to the story of the film, after leaving the Tokyo base, Alice spent a long time driving a small propeller plane to a place called Acadia in Alaska.

Before Claire, their survivors heard a broadcast from Arcadia on the radio, knowing that it was the last place in the world that was not infected, where survivors could be sheltered.

Eventually, with the help of Alice, the survivors rushed to Arcadia on the helicopter of the stolen umbrella company, and Alice left to deal with the umbrella company!

Now that the Tokyo base has been destroyed, Alice wants to find Claire and other survivors.

However, after spending six months on her, struggling across the Atlantic and arriving at the coordinates, she found that in addition to the aircraft left by many survivors who had arrived before, this should have been the survivor. The place of the shelter is empty!

In the open space like an airplane cemetery, Alice also found the umbrella company helicopter that Claire used to take when they left. Obviously they had successfully arrived here before, but then they did not know what happened, all People are gone!

Alice has been traveling alone for half a year, during which she did not find any living humans, originally thought that they could find Claire and other survivors here, but I still thought it was dead!

This made Alice's heart hit a lot, and could not help but shake it up and began to wonder if there was only one person left in the world!

Just when Alice lost her fascination, she was suddenly attacked. When Alice controlled the attacker, she found that she was attacking Claire!

Only at this time Claire has lost her mind and is controlled by the spider-shaped controller on her chest.

After Alice destroyed the spider controller, Claire recovered her consciousness but lost her original memory!

After that, Alice continued her journey to find survivors with her memory of Claire. They continued to drive the small propeller plane and went south along the West Coast, searching through each city and looking for survivors. And Los Angeles is their must!

Or the end of the journey!

Because the final story will be staged here!

Chen Mo doesn't need to struggle to find Alice who doesn't know where it is. He just has to wait here, and it won't take long for Alice to come to the door!

In addition, in the character of Alice, his initiative to find up will only cause her doubts, but it is not conducive to the development of his follow-up plan, but rather than waiting for the rabbit, it is actually more beneficial for him!

Moreover, he can take advantage of this time to do other things, such as practicing the guns!

There are not so many other worlds that can be arbitrarily slaughtered for him to practice!

For other people, the zombie army of horror nightmare is a good target for Chen Mo!

Although the strength is not strong, but the number can not stand, and now the zombies have evolved in the process of constantly consuming the flesh and blood compared to the initial slow-moving primary zombies!

They not only can extend the four-petal tentacles from their mouths, but their strength, speed flexibility, and even intelligence have greatly improved!

Even if you don't consider the ability to infect T virus, its own strength has already surpassed that of ordinary humans. In the absence of firearms, it is difficult for ordinary people to deal with them!

Using them to hone the gun method is a very good choice for Chen Mo!

However, Chen Mo did not rush to carry out the action, but dragged the satellite map on the holographic projection to the location of the Los Angeles seaside. A huge cargo ship appeared in front of Chen Mo. With the enlargement of the satellite image, the hull was "Arcadia". The name is clearly displayed in front of Chen Mo!

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