My Iron Suit

Chapter 1368: Energy radiation!

Chen Mo did not underestimate this toxin and radiation.

His physical fitness is more than ten times that of ordinary people, and his physical constitution has undergone essential changes. Even if ordinary flames are directly burned on his body, it is difficult to cause damage to him. This toxin and radiation can make him obvious The feeling has already shown that their power is not weak. If they are replaced by ordinary people, exposure to this environment may soon be killed by highly toxic and radiation.

Confirming that the body can withstand it, Chen Mo gradually withdrew his thoughts. When the mouth and nose were exposed, the air entered Chen Mo ’s airway, and this slight warm feeling also spread into Chen Mo ’s body, and became more intense, like It was a breath of hot air.

However, this level of stimulation is totally worthless to Chen Mo, his attention is attracted by the changes in his mind!

As the thought was completely withdrawn, the originally blocked energy radiation also irradiated Chen Mo's body. Chen Mo could obviously feel the feeling of coolness coming from his mind, and his mental power was slowly increasing as if he had received some kind of stimulation. !

Although the speed is very slow, it is not easy to notice without careful observation, but it is indeed improving!

This energy radiation is also useful to him!

At this moment, Chen Mo couldn't help but be excited.

Standing on the spot and feeling for a moment, Chen Mo confirmed that he did not have any adverse reactions. The toxins in the air and this special energy radiation did not cause real damage to his body. Chen Mo immediately decided to continue to approach the ball of light.

The distance from the light sphere here is about ten kilometers. The energy radiation is too weak. According to the growth rate of mental power at this time, even if you stay here for a year, it will not be much improved.

These pioneers could not bear the stronger radiation damage and could not continue to approach the sphere of light, which does not mean that Chen Mo could only stop there.

It will take a long time to confirm Jarvis ’s invasion and decipherment of the biological computer. Chen Mo did not wait any longer. He directly put the suit into the space, used his mental power to take off, and flew towards the direction of the light ball.

The gravity of this underground world is much weaker than that of the earth, roughly equivalent to the moon, only about one-sixth of the earth, Chen Mo is much easier to fly than on the earth, but for the sake of caution, Chen Mo did not fly toward the light ball at full speed Going, just maintaining the speed at about one hundred kilometers, and the distance of ten kilometers can fly for just six minutes. If anything happens, Chen Mo can stop in time.

Chen Mo's figure passed through towering monster towers and flew past the circle full of monsters, causing a monster to roar upward, but Chen Mo ignored it and focused his attention on himself.

As the distance from the sphere of light continued to pull in, Chen Mo could clearly feel the warmth of the body surface increasing, and at the same time the cooling sensation in the brain also became stronger, and the speed of mental power improvement was significantly accelerated.

Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a little excited, looking at the huge light sphere that was suspended in the underground space in the distance, emitting a faint yellow light, but restrained the urge to accelerate, and still flew forward at a speed of 100 kilometers.

Soon, Chen Mo flew half the distance and came to a place five kilometers away from the ball of light. It was far from the territory of the pioneer bishop. The surrounding area was barren, and besides rocks, it was still rocks.

As the distance doubled, the radiation on Chen Mo ’s body surface became more intense. Although he still only stayed on the epidermis and failed to cause substantial harm to Chen Mo, the warm feeling was obviously much stronger. Correspondingly, the speed of mental power is also greatly enhanced.

This level of injury has no effect on Chen Mo at all. He didn't stay at all and immediately continued to fly at this speed.

However, as the distance continued to pull in, Chen Mo clearly felt that the radiation damage was rapidly increasing, much faster than when flying in the outer periphery.

Chen Mo was not surprised by this.

The intensity of the radiation is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. If the distance is doubled, the intensity of the radiation will increase fourfold. Chen Mo ’s mental energy growth at the five-kilometer position has increased fourfold than the ten-kilometer position Match.

Chen Mo then judged the next situation. As the distance got closer and closer, the radiation intensity would change more drastically, so Chen Mo immediately slowed down the speed, but still flew forward firmly.

The distance quickly reached two kilometers. At this time, the radiation intensity had become twenty-five times that of the previous one. The highly toxic corrosion in the air had become negligible, and Chen Mo ’s feeling finally began The change is like being irradiated by the midday sun, and it feels a little hot.

Feeling the increased mental power in his mind, Chen Mo continued to fly forward without hesitation, but the speed slowed down again.

One kilometer, the distance was ten times closer, and the radiation intensity increased by a hundred times. Chen Mo began to feel pain for the first time.

At 500 meters, the distance was reduced by 20 times and the radiation intensity was 400 times. The skin began to redden and the pain increased.

Two hundred meters, fifty times the distance and two thousand five hundred times the radiation intensity, Chen Mo finally could not bear the strong radiation and began to be injured. The skin was burned and damaged by the energy radiation, and the bright red flesh below was exposed, but Under the effect of self-healing ability, the damage is constantly repaired, and the damage only stays on the body surface.

At this time, Chen Mo's speed has also been reduced to the speed of walking. The skin was continuously burned, damaged, and quickly repaired. The severe pain continued to hit, and Chen Mo couldn't help but frown.

One hundred meters, one hundred times the distance, and ten thousand times the radiation intensity!

Chen Mo finally reached the limit!

The radiation here has become even more violent ~ ~ Like the solar storm, it continuously blows towards Chen Mo. The intense energy radiation tears Chen Mo's skin directly, exposing the muscles and bones below!

Chen Mo's determination was firm, and he couldn't help but clenched his teeth. It changed the ordinary people's screams, and even comatose!

However, correspondingly, Chen Mo felt that his mental power was constantly increasing at a very obvious speed!

At the same time, Chen Mo's body is constantly being repaired and damaged, and his strength is constantly improving!

This feeling of strength improvement Chen Mo has not experienced for a long time, and his feeling at this time is really painful and happy!

Chen Mo also tried to find out his thoughts, to block the damage of the energy radiation to the body, but felt a huge resistance, and pressed his mental force firmly into the body, unable to leave the body at all, only barely kept flying , Just don't fall to the ground.

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