My Iron Suit

Chapter 1367: Biological Technology!

Ten years ago, the dangerous wanderer passed through the wormhole and detonated the nuclear reactor to kill the bishop-level pioneer who occupied it at that time.

After that, the current pioneer became the new bishop, leading the ancestors, and occupying the territory closest to the sphere of light, rebuilding the wormhole and monster tower destroyed by the explosion.

Originally due to the destruction of the wormhole and the main console, the coordinates connecting the earth were lost. Although this pioneer rebuilt the wormhole, he could not open the door to the earth again in a short time.

Of course, this does not mean that humans are completely safe, but under normal circumstances, the monster will attack for a longer time.

However, the infected Newt used the biological rays of the monster mech to guide the coordinates of the earth to the pioneer, helping it to open the channel to the earth in advance.

As for those monsters, it ’s not just clone technology.

Similar to the Hunter Mech, they are produced directly!

Each monster tower is a monster production line. Lots of basic tissues, organs and limbs are manufactured in batches like basic parts, and then assembled by an assembly platform at the bottom of the tower, these tissues and organs are joined together. The monster is then sent to the monster circle for storage.

The biotechnology mastered by the pioneers is somewhat similar to Zitari, but it is very different.

The Zita Swiss soldiers, Leviathan monsters and monsters are all biological weapons they made for war. The difference is that the Zittari people combine machinery and biotechnology, and the monsters are the products of pure biotechnology, but Newt The monster mechs made are quite similar to the biological weapons of the Chitarians.

According to Chen Mo's understanding of the two races, the power they hold is basically between Bozhong and Zhong. If the two sides are up, it is really difficult to say who wins and who loses!

Although the monster's power is stronger and more destructive than the Leviathan, but most of them do not have the ability to fly. In addition to the mothership, the Zitarians, the Leviathan and the Qitarui All can fly, and the speed is very fast, it is difficult for heavy monsters to attack them.

Although the energy weapons of the Zita Swiss soldier are limited to the rough-skinned monsters, when a large number of aircraft set fire to attack, even the fifth-level monsters will eventually be killed by them. The number of human flying machines is almost endless!

The strength of the two races can be said to be comparable, but in terms of biotechnology alone, the biotransformation technology mastered by the pioneers specializing in biotechnology is obviously above the Qitarui people.

Not only are monsters larger than Leviathan, they are also stronger. In addition to powerful defenses and super powers, they also possess powerful special abilities such as electromagnetic pulses and energy reflection.

Chen Mo will naturally not let go of the cutting-edge technology of the pioneers.

Although the pioneer's biotechnology system is completely different from the earth's technology, Chen Mo's grasp is not ordinary earth science and technology, and will not be troubled by the lack of a USB interface on their console.

Taking out the holographic smartphone from the space, Chen Mo threw it directly at the main console not far away.

The phone quickly transformed into a miniature Transformer in the air and landed on the main console. A scanning ray was emitted from the Transformer head and slowly swept across the entire fan-shaped console. Its internal structure was clearly shown in the In front of Jarvis.

Immediately its palm quickly deformed and extended many metal tentacles, piercing into the console.

This console is actually equivalent to a biological computer. Although it is completely composed of biological cells and does not have any electronic devices, its basic principle is similar to that of computers. The storage, transmission and instruction of data are also dependent on biological currents. Bioelectricity can be intercepted, deciphered and imitated by Transformers.

Jarvis controlled the miniature Transformers, and soon deciphered the basic operating rules of the biocomputer, establishing a data connection with it, but then it was necessary to break through the protection of the biocomputer and decipher the language of the pioneer race. Can be done within.

Chen Mo immediately took full control of this bishop-level pioneer, let it assist Jarvis to control the biological computer, and then immediately thought off the two other cardinal-level pioneers.

Subsequently, Chen Mo turned his head to look at the light ball suspended in the air in the distance.

Since the special radiation it emits can give the pioneer a strong mental power, then this radiation should also work for him!

With the continuous improvement of his strength, Chen Mo has become more and more difficult to continue to improve his ability. Since the last time the T virus was integrated in the Resident Evil World, his strength has not improved for a long time.

Although assisted by super equipment such as steel armor, the sword of the king, and teleportation, self-healing and other variant abilities, Chen Mo has the strength to fight against Ya Tian ’s father-level strong men, but his own power is more real In fact, there is still a big gap between the Yatian father and the strong.

If the special energy radiation of that light ball can really enhance the mental power, this is undoubtedly an unexpected joy for Chen Mo.

But at this time, all the radiation was blocked by the steel armor. Chen Mo couldn't feel the effect of this special energy radiation at all. To know if it was useful to him, he had to come out of the steel armor!

Chen Mo immediately ordered Jarvis to test the external environment. The final result of UU reading is that although this underground space has the presence of oxygen, it is not suitable for human survival. The air contains strong toxins Ordinary people will be killed soon after they are exposed!

However, with Chen Mo's strong physical quality and strong self-healing ability, this toxin is not enough to cause damage to him.

Under the huge temptation to improve his strength, Chen Mo did not hesitate and immediately teleported from the suit, but his body surface was still covered with a layer of mental protection cover. If the situation was not right, he could teleport back at any time. In the suit.

The thought that controlled the palm part was slowly withdrawn, and the entire palm was immediately exposed to the air. Chen Mo soon felt a warm sensation coming from the palm skin, and the side toward the light ball felt relatively stronger.

Obviously Chen Mo was not only eroded by toxins in the air at this time, the radiation emitted by the light sphere was also affecting his body.

However, the degree of this effect is very slight, and it is not even a harm. Even if the two factors are superimposed, it cannot break through the defense of Chen Mo's skin. The impact on Chen Mo is almost zero, and even the ability to heal is useless.

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