My Iron Suit

Chapter 1362: Drone A debut

Newt quickly took out the tablet and quickly operated it, but found that the giant mech that killed a large number of monsters in Tokyo City was still at the Moyulan base.

Looking up at the familiar giant mecha not far away, Newt couldn't react.

Satellite monitoring should not be wrong. If that giant mech leaves Mo Yulan base, he will immediately receive an alarm.

But the giant mech in front of him stood there really, and it was impossible to be fake.

Newt did not know that the giant mech transformed from the dark elf warship itself had the ability to stealth, and his satellite monitoring program had no effect on it.

Just when Newt was puzzled, the huge waves generated by the giant mech dropped into the water had flowed over, the yacht followed a violent bump, and Newt had to hold the handrail of the ship's side tightly to prevent himself Was thrown into the sea.

In the giant mech, Chen Mo looked at the wormhole that had been fully opened and nodded in satisfaction. Newt did not let him down!

Chen Mo was originally worried that if he failed to open the wormhole, he would have to work hard to allow other monster admirers who were controlled by the pioneers to "find an opportunity" to re-embed the monster embryo into the control center of the drone arm. They opened the wormhole again.

But now everything is much simpler.

Seeing that the monsters walking in the front roared and rushed towards the giant mech, Chen Mo did not take the initiative to face the battle, but looked up into the air.

On the yacht, Newt, who gradually stood firm as the shaking reduced, could not help but look up with the gaze of the giant mech.

At the next moment, Newt couldn't help but open his mouth in shock. I saw dozens of huge white steel figures spraying a long tail flame behind the sky, and they were diving towards the position where they were below!

As the director of the Shaw Industrial Development Department, Newt recognized these white figures at a glance, which is the drone armor of Shaw Industrial!

But haven't all the drone armor been destroyed, where did these guys come from? Is it ...

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! ..."

Just when Newt was puzzled, dozens of drone armor had landed from the air and fell into the sea in a burst of sound, which stirred up huge waves, and at the same time, all monsters, Furious obsidian mechs and wormholes were all surrounded.

The yacht at the foot of Newt was once again shaken violently by the turbulent waves, just like his mood at this time, turbulent.

The reality of these unmanned aerial vehicles is too far from his expectations, and the kind of awkward feeling that appeared in my heart has become more and more intense.

However, Newt could only grasp the guardrail tightly. As the yacht continued to shake until the turbulent waves subsided slightly, Newt found that these mechas had already fought against a dozen monsters crawling out of the wormhole !

Mo Yulan base, training center, fifty UAV armor control terminals shipped from Shaw Industries were neatly arranged in the room, Mo Yulan base's thirteen mecha hunters, nine hunter trainees, and Shaw Industries Twenty-eight mecha pilots are manipulating these fifty UAV mechas on the mecha control terminal.

"A group of four monsters in two, a group of five monsters in four, and the rest of me and me will deal with the furious obsidian!"

Because of the relationship of Moriko, Jack, who was appointed by Chen Mo as the commander of UAV A Corps, ordered loudly.

Many drone armors immediately coordinated to rush towards the monster, and Jack and Knight manipulated the two drone armor to furiously obsessed with one monster.

The last fiasco in Sydney in the hands of furious obsidian has been circling in his mind. The powerlessness and despair made him unable to release his heart. This time he must have a shame!

At the same time, after really experiencing Shao Liwen's drone armor technology, Jack felt the power of this technology.

Through the drone armor control terminal, he can control a drone armor by himself, and the agility and speed of the movement are slightly improved compared with the case where the hunter armor and two people cooperate.

The hunters like Amara and Ouyang Jinhai did not consider so much. They finally had the opportunity to actually fight against the monsters. They were all excited and took out all their energies one by one.

"Vico, let's deal with this unicorn together, be careful not to be pushed!"

"I will break its corner!"


The situation at this time is very detrimental to the monster.

Although these monsters are powerful, there are about 40 or 50 UAV armor surrounding them, which is three or four times the number of them. Even with the addition of three monsters that do not need to maintain wormholes, the furious obsidian mech is still in Absolute disadvantage, not to mention there is a giant mech that is extremely powerful, and even the super monsters are killed by it.

But Newt is not desperate because of this, he still has a chance to reverse the situation!

As the director of the R & D department of Shaw Industries, he was responsible for the drone A project. It was also at this opportunity that he made hands and feet in the control center of drone A and implanted a monster embryo before delivering it. Fifty drone armors from all major bases were turned into monster mechs, which opened a large number of wormholes and opened a new monster invasion.

If he did n’t guess wrong, these sudden appearances of UAV A should be because of the 50 unmanned UAVs that had not been assembled because of the previous decision by the Pacific Rim Defense Force to cut the number of deployments by half!

It's just that he didn't expect that after the previous drone armor mutation accident, they dared to continue to manufacture drone armor!

You know, UU reading, but he has implanted monster embryos in all UAV armor control centers!

If they do n’t find out, they can directly use the drone armor made by these control centers, then he can directly reverse the situation in front of him, or even destroy the giant armor in turn!

Thinking of this, Newt quickly picked up the tablet and operated it, trying to activate the monster embryo through the hidden backdoor program he left in the drone armor.

However, after a long time, several monsters have been killed by the besieged drone armor, but these drone armor still have no response, and there is no tendency to mutate into monster mechs.


Newt's furious punch hit the railing, and his heart fell to the bottom.

Obviously, his hands and feet on the drone A control center have been discovered and cleared by Shao Liwen, and all the backdoors he left in the drone A control system have been blocked. He simply cannot control these unmanned Mech!

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