My Iron Suit

Chapter 1361: Familiar figure!

These three mechas created by him are his real cards. The combat power is far above the Shaw industrial mass production drone armor, but it is a pity that there were four originally, but now only the three in front are left. station.

Thinking of this, Newt couldn't help but flashed a trace of resentment, and then quickly lowered his head to operate on the tablet.

Although there are only three angry obsidian left, it is enough to open the wormhole and destroy humans!

It's just that although the furious obsidian is also controlled by the monster, the main body of the body is still mechanical and does not have the ability to open the wormhole.

What Newt has to do now is to turn them into monster mechas!

"Come on baby! Become your true look!"

As Newt clicked the OK button on the tablet, the three furious obsidian mechs in the distance suddenly changed.

In the cockpit, the body of the monster that was originally like a rotten flesh rapidly expanded and expanded in violent creep, as if the magma in the sea continued to expand and solidify, and the thickened cracked surface appeared a dazzling blue Shine.

The slender tentacles connected to the mech also quickly deformed and expanded, becoming extremely thick.

The monster tissues that have been fused with the mech system have also been mutated at the same time. They all began to grow rapidly and swell, spreading frantically towards the body of the furious obsidian.

The bodies of the three furious obsidian mechs twitched continuously, as if a monster had come alive in the mech body.

As the blue light continued to illuminate in the mech gap, a burst of harsh metal twisting and tearing sounds on the furious obsidian, as if something was surging inside the mech, accumulating, making the outer armor bear Tremendous pressure.

When this pressure reached its limit, a sharp bone spur suddenly emerged from the cracks of armor everywhere in the furious obsidian!

Although the hard armor of the furious obsidian was not torn, it was stretched out by these bone spurs and the monster tissue surging underneath, and the body of the entire mech was instantly enlarged.

The small pieces of armor on the arms and palms were directly jumped by the rapidly growing and spreading monster tissues, replaced by two grim claws glowing with blue light.

Like the previous drone armor, the three furious obsidians are turning into real monster armor!

When the changes on the furious obsidian were over, the three mechas had completely changed.

Although most of the original black armor is still there, the body shape has become larger in a circle, with sprawling bone spurs on the body, a large amount of blue shiny monster tissue is exposed between the gaps of the armor, and the hands and feet are completely transformed. The horrible and sturdy monster claws.

Looking at the three more sturdy monsters standing in the sea, furious obsidian mecha, Newt's face was excited, his voice excitedly said to himself.

"Yes! Baby! This is what you really look like! Next, let's open the wormhole and welcome the arrival of the monster army!"

As Newt's voice fell, the armor on the chest of the three monsters' furious obsidian mechs opened at the same time, and three dazzling blue beams shot out of the chest, shooting out into the sea water in the center of the three mechs, and the water was boiling Generally churning up.

The three blue light beams intersect on the seabed, reflecting the seabed into a dazzling blue. Under the continuous illumination of these blue light beams, a strong yellow light burst out of the center of the beam and along the seabed Continue to expand around, like a time and space door that is slowly opening!

The wormhole connecting the pioneer world is opened again!

At the same time, the command centers of the major bases of the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force sounded a harsh alarm again.

Through the tumbling sea, Newt could vaguely see that the wormhole with a yellow light on the bottom of the sea was slowly opening. While excited, Newt couldn't help but be very nervous, and looked up from the north to the base of Tokyo from time to time.

Before the wormhole is fully opened and stabilized, at least two monster mechas must continuously output high-energy rays to keep the wormhole open and expanded.

If the mechs of the Tokyo base come to stop, he can only divide one at most to resist, and the time for the other two to open the wormhole will be much longer.

Although the combat power of Monster Furious Obsidian is strong, it is also very stressful to deal with the three mech hunters at the Tokyo base alone. Even three wounded mechs, it is very likely to kill the monster Furious Obsidian under siege.

If they cannot block these three mechas before the monster comes out, as long as they attack the other two mecha worms, the wormhole opening will be easily destroyed.

By that time, even if they eventually killed three mechas and reopened the wormhole, they missed the best chance for a raid.

The mechs of the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Forces with rocket thrusters are likely to arrive in time before they arrive at Mount Fuji, and by then they will be defeated.

With Newt's nervous waiting, the first monster finally crawled out!

Looking at the huge monster that crawled out of the sea and roared upward, Newt finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was only a level 4 monster, but with this monster to assist defense, even if the mecha from the Tokyo base came, they were completely Can be blocked.

And until the wormhole is fully opened and stabilized, the monster has also crawled out of three heads, but the mechas at the Tokyo base have not yet arrived.

Newt was excited at the same time, but could not help but feel a little puzzled. It stands to reason that the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Forces are exploring the Pacific Rim 24 hours a day. The wormholes and monsters will be noticed by them as soon as they appear. No response at all ~~ ~ Newt couldn't help but feel something wrong!

But looking at the huge monster that was crawling out of the wormhole, Newt's concerns soon disappeared completely.

It ’s too late to say anything now, the wormhole has been fully opened, the monster army will continue to flow, all obstacles that are in front of his monster army will be flattened, Mount Fuji will be ignited, and the entire Pacific Rim will also follow. Detonated, humanity is about to perish, and the great pioneer is about to dominate the planet!


Just as Newt watched excitedly as a monster crawled out of the wormhole and rushed towards the direction of Mount Fuji, with a loud noise, a familiar black figure suddenly descended from the sky, fell into the sea, and stopped in front of the advancing monster !

"It's that mech in Tokyo! Damn it! How is this possible! Isn't it at Mo Yulan base now ?!"

Newt stared at the giant mech in front of the monster, his eyes widening in shock.

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