My Iron Suit

Chapter 1359: Plan B!

Although all the monsters have landed, there will be no further support, and there are still some hunter mechs on the human side, but they still need time to arrive. I am afraid that the mech hunters here will have suffered heavy losses.

Fortunately, Chen Mo didn't spend too long to deal with the super monster. Seeing that a mech was in danger, Chen Mo immediately rushed up, and the giant sword in his hand slashed through, directly cutting off the monster's head.

Originally seeing Chen Mo killing the powerful super monster, a group of Mech Warriors were very excited and fought back. At this time, with Chen Mo's joining of the top fighting power, the battle situation was quickly reversed.

The giant mecha, no matter whether it is a level 4 or level 5 monster, has been slashed by the flame giant sword, the dancing red sword light and the splattered blue blood are constantly interwoven in the air, and the monster's huge body is constantly Fall down.

When the next batch of hunter mechas arrived, the hills in the east and south of Mount Fuji were already covered with huge monster corpses, and the large mountain was directly dyed blue by the blue monster blood !

As the last monster was killed by several mechas, a huge burst of cheers broke out in the command center of all bases!

In the mecha communication channel, excited voices of mecha drivers sounded.

"we won!"


"It was finally successful!"


The mecha fighters still on the way, listening to the cheers on the communication channel, excited and happy, at the same time, they couldn't help but feel a bit complicated.

They couldn't catch up with the pinnacle battle that was enough to be included in the history of mankind. They couldn't help but feel a little regret, but in any case, humanity won!

Newt knew at the moment when the super monster fell, he knew that his plan had failed, and the remaining monsters would never succeed!


Newt shouted angrily.

After ten years of hard planning, he saw that he was about to succeed. It was almost foolproof at first, but he was unexpectedly destroyed by this giant mecha that didn't know where he came from. After many years of planning, he was destroyed. How not to be angry!

But soon, Newt calmed down and said to himself.

"Don't be too proud! I still have Plan B! That's right, Plan B!"

Newt said with unwilling glance at the direction of Mount Fuji, and then quickly turned and ran towards the building.

At this time, there was no one in the hollow of Tokyo City, and all the hunter mechas were all on Mount Fuji. Without any obstruction, Newt easily left the roof and hid again!

On Mount Fuji, the battle is over, and from time to time there are hunter mechas coming from the sky.

Since all mechas are flying with rocket thrusters, they are unable to return directly due to fuel restrictions.

Now that the monsters are all eliminated and the crisis has been lifted, there is no need to concentrate all the mechas here, and the Tokyo base cannot accommodate so many mechas.

A large number of heavy transport helicopters were quickly mobilized and began to hoist numerous mechas back to their respective bases.

That part of the follow-up mechs that did not follow were missed, but only participated in the battle through the communication system cloud in the air. After experiencing the tragic battlefield where the corpses were everywhere, they were directly hoisted by the helicopter and began to return.

However, more mechas have been fighting with many monsters for a long time, especially the appearance of super monsters. The short confrontation has caused great damage to the hunter mech units. Many mechas have been damaged, and the rest are all injured. Not light.

The Tokyo base has limited maintenance capabilities. These mechas can only be hoisted back together with their broken arms and legs to be repaired by their respective bases.

However, due to the large number of mechas, the battlefield is again in disarray. The corpses are traversing the field, the recovery of broken limbs, the lifting, and the evacuation of the mecha take a long time.

At the same time, the Pacific Rim Defense Forces also dispatched a large number of manpower and equipment to treat the monster corpses and blood scattered around Tokyo and Mount Fuji.

All the blood was collected, and the monster body was hoisted by a heavy transport helicopter to a unified location for temporary storage.

For a time, the entire Mount Fuji was very busy. A large number of transport helicopters in the sky traveled through the sky, flying huge corpses of mechas and monsters.

In Tokyo, a large number of people are cleaning up monster corpses and buildings destroyed in battle. Citizens who have been hiding under the ground for a whole day have begun to return to the ground one after another.

Although the number of monsters landing in Tokyo Bay is more than that around Mount Fuji, but Chen Mo has always been in a position of suppression, and the battle area has always been controlled by him within a certain range. Although the number of damaged buildings is still large, but compared For the entire huge Tokyo city, it is only a relatively small area.

As the alarm was lifted, a large number of civilians poured out of the underground fortifications, and the originally empty and dead city came to life again.

People looked at the collapsed buildings in the battle area and the countless giant monsters that were killed on the ground.

The monsters have not reappeared for ten years. Many people think that they have completely disappeared. I did n’t expect that they would appear so many at once.

They couldn't imagine what would happen to the entire Tokyo City if these monsters were not killed, thinking of the faces of everyone here could not help being afraid for a while.

As for the Joint Pacific Defence Force, the recognition and gratitude in people's hearts has never been stronger.

Without these hunter mechs, they might see a ruin when they come out of the ground, and the entire Tokyo city will be completely destroyed by these monsters ~ ~ Even the entire world will have an amazing number The horrible monster fell under the huge figure.

Newt was hiding among many citizens of Tokyo at this time, looking at a monster body hanging in the air, Newt's face was full of unwillingness and hatred.

At this time, the three mechs were hoisted by six heavy transport helicopters and flew over their heads, flying towards the east. The crowd below immediately burst into a fierce cheer, cheering off for these heroes who saved them.

Newt looked at the direction of the three mechs going away, knowing that the Pacific Rim Defense Forces had begun to evacuate mechas from other bases.

In a corner where no one paid attention, Newt took out his tablet and checked it out.

With his operations, a high-definition satellite map appeared on the screen. On Mount Fuji and the surrounding area, a large mass of heavy transport helicopters and mechas can be seen, many of which are moving rapidly towards the distance.

Among them are three mechas that just flew over Tokyo and flew in the direction of North America to the east.

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