My Iron Suit

Chapter 1358: Flame Sword!

The super monster looked at his broken arm and could not help but make a louder roar, ignoring the **** rushing arm, opened the blood basin and turned his head to bite toward the giant mech, and the other arm was facing Grab it with a giant mech.

But at this time, the three flexible long tails of the giant monster have been cut off, and one of the two forelimbs has been cut off.

Although the four hind legs are still intact, maintaining agile movements, but the attack has inevitably appeared a huge loophole.

Chen Mo flashed easily to the side of the giant monster's diagnosed arm, avoiding the attack of its sharp teeth and giant claws.

At the same time, facing the super monster with a wide open door, Chen Mo directly raised the Ion Longsword, and pierced the sword towards the head of the giant monster.

The thick cuticle on the surface of the head was easily pierced under the ion sword, but then suddenly a sudden meal, Chen Mo could obviously feel a strong resistance, even the sharpness of the ion sword could not easily pierce .

The sword struck forward a little harder, and finally got stuck and stopped.

Obviously, this super monster is a combination of three monsters, and its head structure is not the same as ordinary monsters.

Before the monster attacked again, Chen Mo suddenly pulled out his long sword, backed away, and ordered at the same time.

"Jarvis, scan the monster brain!"

Soon, a translucent holographic projection of a monster appeared in front of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked towards the monster's head, and then rolled his eyes involuntarily. The monster's head was almost solid!

I saw under the **** layer of the monster's head, but there were layers of hard bones. These bones overlapped each other and extended from below the **** layer to the center of the brain. There, a brain that was much smaller than the normal ratio was This thick layer of bone armor is closely protected.

The hardness of these bones is very strong. Although a single layer is not enough to block the attack of the ion sword, it is difficult to break through so many layers.

At the same time, Chen Mo also found that there are three secondary brains in the body of the super monster.

According to the monster information he knows, the core brain in the head is responsible for consciousness, and these secondary brains are responsible for controlling the body. If all three secondary brains can be destroyed, the super monster can also be killed!

The defense of these three secondary brains is not as tight as the core brain of the head. Although it is also deeply hidden in the huge body of the super monster, the length and sharpness of the ion long sword are enough to cause damage to them.

However, Chen Mo did not choose this troublesome solution, but instead looked back at the huge monster's huge head.

The remaining five legs of the super monster propped on the ground, roared towards the giant mech, and rushed up again.

Chen Mo stood there unavoidably, holding the slender hilt of the ion long sword with both hands. At the next moment, the red light on the ion long sword suddenly flourished, forming a red flame directly from the blade Rose up.

The blade of the long sword was almost completely enveloped by the flames, and turned into a flaming giant sword. The intense high temperature swept out, causing the surrounding air to twist.

In the movie, the flame chainsaw of furious obsidian can cut off the ion chain sword of the vengeful wanderer, which is obviously more powerful, and Chen Mo can't let this technology go.

It ’s just that the shape of the flame giant sword is really cool, and it always emits a strong high temperature, so Chen Mo did not directly use it. Until then, the ion long sword could not penetrate the head defense of the super monster, and Chen Mo turned on its power. When it reaches the maximum, the flame giant sword mode is turned on.

Facing the super monster that Rumble rushed towards him quickly, Chen Mo went back and waved a huge sword of fire and rushed up!

A quick note, easily cut off the last claw shot by the super monster, the speed of the foot of the giant mech accelerated again, and rushed straight up to the horror giant bite that the super monster bit him!

Facing the horrible giant mouth full of sharp teeth, which was enough to directly bite the body of the giant mech, Chen Mo's face did not change at all, holding the flame giant sword in both hands and spurting forward with a sword!

The flaming sword cut through the air, and in a blink of an eye pierced the mouth of the super monster.

The powerful resistance is again transferred to Chen Mo's perception through the neural feedback system, but this resistance is much smaller than before.

Chen Mo immediately kicked the ground with both feet, his arms suddenly pushed forward with force!


The hard and heavy multi-layered skull armor was completely penetrated by the blade, and the flaming sword was completely submerged in the giant monster's mouth.

At this time, the arms of the giant mech had reached into the mouth of the super monster, but it did not shut its mouth to bite, but stood there stiffly in this attacking posture, among the six giant eyes The vitality gradually dimmed.

As the giant mech suddenly withdrew the flaming sword, a blue blood sprayed from the mouth of the super monster, and its huge body fell to the ground, splashing a lot of dust, and the surrounding ground followed the fierce It vibrated.

"It's gone!"


"How long is this? This mech is too powerful!"


Seeing that the super monster was killed by a giant mecha with a sword, some mechas around and the command center of each mecha hunter base burst out in surprise.

Many people have been desperate before, and they do n’t have much hope for the silent giant mechas. Most people think that Chen Mo can entangle the super monsters and insist on the arrival of other supported mechas, waiting for them to join other monsters together. Kill all of them, and then gather all the power of the mechs together to deal with this powerful super monster ~ ~ Unexpectedly, Chen Mo even single-handedly solved this terrible monster, and the whole process was only used In just a few minutes, it was much faster than they killed the level 4 monsters.

After killing the super monster, Chen Mo looked down at the flaming giant sword in his hand, but in his eyes could not help flashing a trace of satisfaction.

The dark sword body is still cold and hard, and the ion flame wrapped around the blade is very hot. After fighting for so long, there is no trace of blood.

As soon as the monster's blood was touched, it was completely burned and could not be attached to the sword body.

After glancing in front of him and falling to the ground, there are still huge corpses of super monsters that are hundreds of meters high. After confirming that it has died, Chen Mo immediately turned to look at the battle between the hunter mech and other monsters.

Because some mechas were injured or even damaged during the brief confrontation with super monsters, the number of mechas and monsters changed. The original hunter mecha that had a slight advantage before the super monster appeared, but at this time it fell into the disadvantage. .

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