My Iron Suit

Chapter 1356: Ion sword!

Although Chen Mo's giant mecha kicked this super monster to the foot of the mountain, he failed to hit or even kill it as he did with the fifth-level monster.

The energy of the blow was still reflected by its body's absorption and failed to cause any harm to him.

Although Chen Mo's giant mech is powerful, but it seems that he can't deal with this extremely powerful super monster.

The super monster reflected the energy of Chen Mo's attack, and then roared upward, and climbed up to Mount Fuji again.

Without the blockage of many hunter mechas, other monsters also climbed towards Mount Fuji from the east and south with it.

Just as many mecha fighters looked at a super monster who had climbed the mountain first and wanted to launch another attack, Chen Mo's voice suddenly sounded in their cockpit.

"You stop other monsters and give it to me!"

Facing this powerful and terrifying super monster, Mech Warriors no longer have full confidence in Chen Mo as they did before. They do not think that Chen Mo can deal with this powerful super monster alone.

Hearing Chen Mo's words, they could not help turning around to look at him, but they saw that the black giant mech raised his right hand and slowly reached out behind.

At the same time, the person standing behind the giant mech body saw the changes in it more clearly.

A piece of armor in the middle of the giant mech's back suddenly popped out, and a long black hilt popped out from below.

The right hand of the giant mech gripped the hilt and pulled it out suddenly. With a loud and crisp clang, a long black blade was suddenly pulled from the armor.

This black sword clearly uses a technology similar to the chain sword of the Avengers. The entire blade is not a whole at this time, but is connected by blades one by one, like a steel chain, which is also capable of Hidden outside the spine of the giant mech without affecting the cause of movement.

And as Chen Mo pulled out his long sword and pointed it into the air, the blades shrank rapidly, and they were tightly connected together in a crisp metal collision sound, and merged into a real long sword.

The entire blade looks seamless, and the gap between the original blades disappears completely. Although the blade is dark and black, the sharp edges of the two sides are shimmering!

At the same time of the fusion of the sword body, the two sides of the hilt quickly extended out two branches, forming a cross handguard, a huge black cross long sword appeared in the hands of the giant mech!

As the sword was completely formed, a dazzling red light suddenly appeared from the root of the blade, and the entire blade was covered in a blink of an eye, adding a bit of killing intent to this black sword.

Chen Mo wanted to create his own mecha, naturally he would not forget to make the melee weapons he was most good at. He had not brought them out before, but those opponents were not enough for him to use weapons.

This black cross sword uses the chain sword and ion sword technology of the Pacific Rim Defense Forces, combined with the amazing destructive blade of the dark elf blade aircraft. After the transformation and strengthening of the fire source, the power is higher. Although it has not reached the level that the sword of the king is indestructible, it is much stronger than the melee weapon of the hunter mech.

Seeing the cross swords shining brightly in the hands of the giant mech, the hearts of everyone could not help raising hope.

Although all of their previous attacks were absorbed and rebounded by the Super Monster, it does not mean that it can completely ignore any attacks.

Although the monster's reflective panel can absorb the energy of their attack, it should still be hurt in the face of the blade's attack.

Of course, the premise is that they can get close to the monster, which is difficult for them, but for Chen Mo, maybe it can be done!

After all, he just kicked the super monster off the hillside in front of them.

In the cockpit of the Avengers, Jack and Knight glanced at each other, and immediately controlled the Avengers to turn towards the monster that was climbing upward on the southern slope.

Other Mech Warriors knew that they could not help Chen Mo while staying here. They immediately turned around and rushed to other monsters that were rushing up the mountain according to Chen Mo's order.

Holding a black cross sword made with the sword of the king as the prototype, Chen Mo looked at the giant super monster that was climbing up under the mountain through the holographic image in front of him, and a look of excitement appeared on his face.

Level 4 and Level 5 monsters have almost no counterattack in his hands, and they are not challenging to deal with. The giant super monster that is half as tall as his giant mecha is obviously much stronger.

This is the opponent he really wants!

But the foot that fell from the sky just now can be said to be the strongest power of his unarmed attack. This super monster obviously has the ability to absorb the attack energy and rebound similarly to the Zhenjin Nano combat uniform. Normal explosions and blunt attacks against it Does not work.

Although the giant mech has great power, the giant monster's size is too large, and the brain's vitality is also heavily protected. Coupled with this near-cheating energy rebound ability, it is really not easy to deal with.

It's just that because its body does not have Zhenjin's indestructible and powerful defense, it can't be really invulnerable like Zhenjin's nano combat uniform. As long as it uses a sharp enough weapon, it can completely cause damage to it.

Holding the ion sword with both hands, Chen Mo directly controlled the giant mech and rushed towards the super monster that climbed up the mountain.

Seeing this black mecha that kicked it down the hillside just now ~ ~ The super monster raised his forearms angrily, stretched out huge claws and patted him.

With the terrifying power of a super monster, if this claw is shot, the giant mech will definitely fly directly away.

But when Chen Li's claws were about to come into contact with the giant mech, his legs slammed **** the ground, and his huge body jumped flexibly, just avoiding the giant claws of the super monster, and leaping to the top of his head.

At the same time, Chen Mo suddenly waved the long sword in his hand and cut it towards its neck.

In the face of the sharp ion sword, the hard **** armor that can absorb and rebound the attack energy has lost its function, but its own defensive power simply cannot resist the attack of the ion sword. It is easily cut open, and the blue blood follows The dance of the long sword splashed out.

This sword made a long and deep wound on the neck of the super monster, but compared to its large size, it was not too heavy and did not hurt the key.


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