My Iron Suit

Chapter 1355: unstoppable!

After the birth of this super monster, he immediately opened a huge mouth and shouted toward the front.

A strong airflow was ejected from its huge mouth, like a hurricane sweeping through, the blowing earth and rocks flew, the trees swayed violently, and many thick branches were directly broken.

Immediately, his eyes turned to Mt. Fuji in the distance, and took a direct step towards the battlefield of mecha and monster fierce battle. Every step fell, the earth followed a violent vibration, just like a severe earthquake.

Many of the hunter mechas on the Mt. Fuji defense line squinted at the sudden appearance of this huge monster.

The size of this sixth-level monster is too huge. Even if it is far away, the mechs such as the Vengeance Rovers on the southern battlefield can still clearly see its figure.

In Tokyo City, dozens of kilometers away, Newt stood on the top of a skyscraper and saw the super monster that was crawling towards the foot of Mount Fuji. His face could not help but show a frantic color, and he was very excited.

Although limited by the technology provided by the pioneers and the number of mechanical scorpions, only three monsters can be combined, but unlike the movie, this super monster is composed of the three most powerful fifth-level monsters. No matter the size or strength has reached its peak.

Newt believes that neither the group of hunter mechas, nor the giant mecha that is still slaughtering monsters in Tokyo at this time, can stop the pace of super monsters!

Mount Fuji is in front of you. As long as the super monster climbs into the crater, the rare elements in the volcano and the blood of the monster will fuse and violently explode. Mount Fuji will be detonated, which will trigger a continuous eruption of the entire Pacific Rim and destroy the entire All living things on earth!

By then, no one can stop the pace of the pioneer invasion, and here will become a new colony of the pioneer family!

Newt ’s brain has been completely controlled by the pioneers and has lost himself. All he thinks now is to destroy humanity!

At the foot of Mount Fuji, the super monster quickly came to the eastern battlefield.

"This guy is too big!"

"Stop it!"


The height of the super monster is more than 150 meters, and the body is very strong. The hunter mech of seventy to eighty meters is like a weak child in front of it, and there is no resistance at all.

All the mechs that were in front of it were shot with one paw, and they couldn't even stop it a little bit.

Coupled with the restraint of other monsters, most of the hunter mechas have no time to step forward and stop. This giant monster quickly crossed the eastern defense line and climbed along the **** towards the top of Mount Fuji.

"Damn! Don't let it go up!"

Although they know that they are not opponents, many hunter mechas still chase them up desperately. Monsters running on land are not as fast as hunter mechas, and other monsters are quickly thrown away by them.

But although they chased up, they still couldn't stop the giant monster from moving forward.

The three tails of the giant monster were just thrown away at will, and several mechas chased from behind were directly pumped out.

However, there are a large number of mechas, and the mechs of the southern defense line quickly rushed up. All the mechas that can move are swarming one after another, and various attacks have been turned on the giant monsters.

Missiles, machine guns, arc whips, morning star hammers, ion guns, all hit super monsters.

However, these attacks fell on it, but did not cause damage to it, but instead produced a bright blue light at the location of the attack.

These lights spread rapidly along the surface of the super monster's body, and finally gathered towards its front paws, forming a dazzling blue light.

As the giant super monster smashed its dazzling fist heavily on the ground, the blue light quickly spread along the ground towards the surroundings. Wherever it passed, the powerful energy tore the ground apart. The blue shock wave surged out of the ground, and the rocks, trees, and hunter mechas around the ground were all blown out by this shock wave.

Because it was on a hillside, many hunter mechas rolled directly and fell down.

Other mechas also fell heavily on the ground, breaking many trees, and watching the super monsters that once again took their steps towards the top of the mountain, they felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

This super monster is so powerful, and has the magical ability to rebound and attack. I am afraid that even Chen Mo's giant mech is not its opponent!

However, they did not give up on this. If this super monster is allowed to climb Mount Fuji, mankind will face a crisis of extinction. In any case, even if it is the life of everyone, it must be stopped!

As many mechas climbed up and wanted to charge the super monster again, a familiar black figure suddenly fell from the sky.


With the power of falling, Chen Mo kicked directly on the head of this super monster. Although the monster's body was huge, it also fell back to the sky under the heavy kick of the giant mech, along the The hillside rolled all the way to the foot of the mountain.

On the hillside below, many mechas that had just climbed up looked at the huge figure rolling down above, and flew towards both sides. They finally flashed before the super monster rolled down, avoiding the crushed Danger.

However, the dozen or so monsters that rushed up below were not so lucky. Because their formation was too dense, they could n’t dodge the super monsters that rolled down. They were hit by a super monster like a pile of bowling bottles. ~ Some thick-skinned meat is better, and quickly climbed up again, while many of those with weak defenses were directly hit with bones, and sent out screams of sternness.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but their eyes lit up, but when they looked at the super monster that quickly got up from the ground and didn't seem to have suffered much damage, their hearts could not help but sink again.

Chen Mo's just kicked the kick just enough to directly headshot a defensive fourth-level monster, even a fifth-level monster would be hit hard.

But this super monster just shook his head and climbed up again, almost without any harm, but his body was shining blue again.

These lights quickly converged on its front paws, and finally hit it with a punch, which triggered a strong earthquake shock wave again.

Although no mecha was in its attack range, only two unlucky monsters were blown away by energy shock waves, but once again seeing this near invincible energy reflection ability of mecha fighters, my heart could not help sinking.

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