My Iron Suit

Chapter 1347: Leave it to me here!

The largest monster with a similar shape to the lizard is a fifth-level monster. Between the huge tails full of sharp thorns, a mech is easily pulled out, and the huge force directly breaks a building. It hit the building behind it hardly and stopped.

Finally got up, and the mech did not stay, and rushed towards the monster again.

Although the combat effectiveness of the three mechs is tenacious, if they continue to do so, they will not be able to persevere for too long. It is only a matter of time before they are killed. When the monsters are unblocked, they will drive straight into Mount Fuji!

If the mecha from Mo Yulan base came to support, it was really too late.

Fortunately, Chen Mo came in advance.

Seeing the situation below, Chen Mo didn't delay the time, directly turned the direction and dived towards the battlefield below!

After a tail drove a mech, the fifth-level monster flew directly towards the two hunter mechas that were fighting with the fourth-level monster on the other side.

Rushed to the two mecha bodies, its thick and powerful, longer than the body, the tail with bone spurs waved like a whip, and swept across the two mechas suddenly.

One of the mechas found the attacking tail and quickly leaned over to hide, while the other mecha was not so lucky.

It was fighting the fourth-level monster that was as strong as the mutant King Kong in front of him. The attack on the lizard monster was discovered a little later. Although he tried hard to dodge immediately, he still failed to completely avoid it and was drawn by the tail end. , Crashed into a building next to it.

Without waiting for it to get up again, the Vajra monster that had just fought against it threw at it.

This monster looks like a strong gorilla, with very thick arms, and double fists are like a pair of iron hammers. The swing room can directly smash the building easily!

Is covered with a thick cuticle shell, as if wearing a layer of armor, the defense is extremely powerful, and the previous battle has not left any scars on it.

Seeing that the mecha that had been fighting with it fell to the ground, it immediately rushed up, two sturdy arms raised high, and the hammer-like fists hit the head of the mech that fell on the ground. Smashed!

If this hit, the cockpit is likely to be directly exploded!

And this mech fell to the ground, blocked by the building behind, there was nowhere to dodge, and the other two mechs were still some distance away from it, and there was nothing they could do to rescue them.

Seeing the huge arms that fell from the cockpit quickly, the faces of the two drivers could not help flashing a trace of despair.

At this moment, a violent breaking sound like a cannonball suddenly came from the air. At the next moment, the two of them only felt a black figure flash in the afterglow of their eyes, and then a deafening loud noise rang beside them. A violent shaking came at the same time, but the huge arms that fell in front of him disappeared.

Didn't stun them, but took the opportunity to quickly climb up and turned to look at the location where the King Kong monster was.

The next moment, the two were completely stunned involuntarily.

I saw that the majestic King Kong monster had fallen to the ground, the entire head and neck and most of the shoulders disappeared, replaced by a roar of rotten meat mixed with blue blood.

And a very tall black steel figure was standing at the position of its original head, and the blood emitting blue fluorescence was slowly sliding down its leg armor.

Just now they almost got their head-shot Vajra monster, but in the blink of an eye they were stepped on the head by this black giant mech.

It's extremely hard, heavy cuticle shell that can easily resist the attack of the mech, but in front of this giant black mech, it was easily stepped on like an eggshell!

Stood up, the two looked at the black mech in front of them, but found that the other was even higher than they thought.

Faced with the black mech that was close at hand, the hunter mech, which was more than 70 meters high, had to raise his head and look up hard in order to see the other side.

While seeing the giant mecha completely, both of them were puzzled.

All the Pacific Rim Defense Forces are in service, even the retired mechas, and they are all very familiar with it. The giant mecha, which is over 100 meters tall, is clearly not within their knowledge.

But it was indeed an armor, and they had just rescued them from the monster.

Just when they were puzzled, a deep and majestic voice suddenly sounded in the cockpit.

"Leave it to me, you guys step back!"

Not only the mecha that was rescued, but Chen Mo's voice also sounded in the other two mechas.

But unlike the two pilots who were rescued, the other two mechas just now clearly saw the amazing scene of the giant mecha falling from the sky like a cannonball, stepping on the King Kong monster directly.

For the strength of this giant mecha ~ ~ They have a more real understanding.

Although they have never seen this giant mecha, and have just experienced the attack of furious obsidian and the mutation of the drone armor, but judging from the rescue action it just made, at least they can confirm that this mecha is coming Help them.

However, the three mechas did not leave directly as Chen Mo said. Since this giant mecha, together with them, they can't even drop him to face these two monsters alone.

Chen Mo saw nothing more, and rushed directly towards the fifth-level monster.

While Chen Mo killed the Vajra monster from the sky, the other two monsters stopped their attacks on other mechas and turned to look at the giant mecha that Chen Mo was driving.

Although they also realized that this giant mecha, which is larger than them, poses a greater threat than the remaining two hunter mechas.

Seeing the giant mech rushed towards it, the fifth-level lizard monster opened its huge mouth and roared to the sky, while violently waving its huge tail full of thorns, and pulled it heading towards the giant mech.

At the same time, the other head is a giant lobster, with two huge pliers, a monster covered with a hard carapace, and like a giant tank rushing up towards him.

The huge spiked tail of the lizard monster took the lead in front of Chen Mo. Chen Mo did not dodge, but directly extended his left hand and grabbed its tail.

The attack of a lizard monster is not much faster than its huge size, and the response of the hunter's mech is also relatively slow, and the movement is much slower than that of normal humans, so it is more difficult to dodge.

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