My Iron Suit

Chapter 1346: support!

Personally experienced Chen Mo, the hunter's mech, naturally knowing the huge gap it represents.

The panoramic projection of the giant mech allows Chen Mo to fully control the surrounding environment and the battlefield situation. All the surrounding conditions are clearly visible in front of him. Gently turn his head to see the sides and behind him. Fighting with himself is not. Great difference.

The hunter's armor relies on the huge screen in front of the driver's eyes to display the picture in front, which is equivalent to wearing a motorcycle helmet. The angle of view is very limited. The speed is much slower, and it is easy to fall into passive during the battle.

Glanced at Jack and others running under his feet, Chen Mo turned his head and glanced at the six hunter mechs lined up not far away.

From the perspective of this giant mech that is up to 100 meters, the six hunter mechs are much shorter.

Looked down at the six mechas slightly, and Chen Mo couldn't help but have the illusion that six children were standing in front of him, among them was a small and sturdy little fat man!

Running Jack and others felt that the huge giant mech had swept the eyes of them, and then threw it towards the six hunter mechs in the distance, which made him embarrassed.

As they accelerated towards the mech, the dim red light of the giant mech chest suddenly became dazzling.

In the eyes of everyone in the square, the giant mecha suddenly moved!

Bent legs bent, suddenly jumped into the air, the huge body immediately rose from the ground, as if losing gravity, quickly flew into the air!

The dark elf warship itself has an anti-gravity system, which can fly freely on the surface of the planet. When the tinder source transforms it into an armor, it naturally retains its various advanced functions and strengthens it.

The giant mech leapt into the air, and the armor at the foot quickly deformed, revealing two huge jets, and two dazzling red beams sprayed out from it, pushing its huge body, completely incompatible with its body shape. Flying at a very high speed towards the distance, he disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye, leaving only a huge roar that broke through the sound barrier and echoed across the square.

The people on the scene were startled by the sudden lift of the giant mech, and the airflow lifted by the thruster once again rolled up a violent wind on the ground, and everyone blowing clothes hunted.

The drivers who were rushing towards the mecha could not help but stop, and some slack eyes watched the giant mecha go away.

Is this really a giant mech up to 100 meters? Not only does it fly, but the speed is so amazing!

Even if they are the fastest fighter, it is estimated that this behemoth is not flying fast!

General Quan and Asako Mori stood in front of the dome fortress and looked at the direction of the disappearance of the giant mech. While shocked, they couldn't help but feel relieved.

With the amazing speed that it showed, it is sure to arrive in Tokyo soon, and they have no doubt about its strength.

Chen Mo can easily defeat the powerful furious obsidian while driving the vengeful wanderer. This giant mech transformed from the dark elf warship, the fighting power in his hands will only be more powerful!

A group of mech warriors did not delay too long, and quickly boarded the hunter mech after Chen Mo left.

After a countdown, the rocket thrusters behind the six mechas started at the same time, and the monster blood [Zero Zero Reading 00kxs] exploded with strong power under the catalysis of rare metals, pushing the heavy mechas slowly off the ground and into the air. From now on, the speed is a little slower than Chen Mo's giant mecha just now.

Nevertheless, they continued to fly higher and higher under the propulsion of the rocket propeller, and the speed became faster and faster. Finally, they crossed a long arc in the air and flew in the direction of Chen Mo's departure.

At the same time, the same scene is taking place among the dozen or so bases throughout the Pacific Rim.

More than eighty mechas were successively launched into the sky, surpassing the heavy transport helicopters, striding across the Pacific Ocean toward Tokyo.

Among the giant mechas transformed from the dark elf warship, Chen Mo flew towards Tokyo while thinking about an important thing.

Mechas in this world all have their own names.

Revenge of the Revenge, Phoenix Guerrilla, Athena Saber, Heroic Protector ...

Even the villain that attacked Sydney was given a domineering name like furious obsidian.

So what name should his giant mech be called?

Gundam? Number zero? Ares King Kong? Longshen Maru?

Although these names are very familiar, but it seems that some of the second, and Chen Mo's current identity is a bit different, and the shape of the giant mecha is not too suitable.

And since this giant mech was born in this world, Chen Mo intends to give it a name with the same style as the hunter mech.

But I do n’t know if the name is too difficult to get, or the mecha is flying too fast ~ ~ Until the mecha arrived in Tokyo, Chen Mo still did not come up with a satisfactory name.

Chen Mo had to let go of this matter temporarily, and turned his attention to Tokyo City instead.

At this time, in the city of Tokyo, the three hunter mechas are in different shapes from the three heads, but they are all fiercely fighting with huge monsters. The sound of heavy impacts and the explosion of missiles is constantly coming. collapse.

And behind them, the prosperous Tokyo city lined with tall buildings was opened up a passage full of fire and ruins, extending from their location to the seaside.

From the destruction of the buildings, it can be seen how fierce they are fighting.

However, it is clear that the three mechas at Tokyo base are not opponents of the three-headed monster, and they have not been able to stop them outside the city. What they can do is at most delay the speed of the monsters.

After all, there is a powerful fifth-level monster among the three-headed monster!

Before the three mechas dealt with the two level 4 monsters, they were all injured. At this time, facing these two level 4 monsters and a level 5 monster, it is very rare to be able to insist that there are still no casualties.

Fortunately, the citizens of Tokyo have been evacuated. Although the city was severely damaged, there were no civilian casualties.

However, the situation of the three mechas is not optimistic at this time. The left arm of one of the mechas has disappeared, and you can only attack the monster with one hand. The other two mechas are also covered with scars, a lot of The armor was damaged and fell off, with sparks flashing from time to time, and obviously it was also a serious injury.

The claws and teeth of the three-headed monster occasionally add deep scars to several mecha bodies.

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