My Iron Suit

Chapter 1198: Afraid of Rocky!

Sol shook his head and said to Rocky.

"The Rainbow Bridge teleportation is too high-profile. The dark elves are now likely to be hidden above our heads. The rainbow bridge is too dynamic. It will be discovered by them as soon as it starts, which will easily cause their suspicions. We need to go through a more hidden channel Walter Alheim! "

Seeing Sol's gaze on him, Rocky nodded.

"Well, I do know a secret passage, but you haven't told me your plan. In addition to cheering, I will be your ferryman?"

When Sol heard a deep look at Rocky, he told him the plan.

After listening to it, Rocky could not help but take a serious look, this operation was more dangerous than he imagined!

Looking at Sol, Rocky frowned and said.

"I'm very likely to be killed by you, and you should at least give me a weapon, such as my dagger!"

In the look that Rocky was expecting, Sol nodded his head slightly, and stretched his hand to his waist, and Rocky could not help but smile happily.

He didn't want to face the dark elves empty-handed, especially the scary guy who escaped the dungeon!

Only with a weapon in his hand can he be a little confident!

Rocky happily took over the artifact dagger that Sol had handed over to him, and felt the long-lost security again.

"That's right, you still have something to say!"

Just when Loki happily put his dagger back to his waist and talked to Sol, he suddenly felt something more on his wrist!

Rocky couldn't help lowering his head, and then he couldn't help his expression.

I saw a sturdy pair of handcuffs on his wrist!

But it was Sol who quietly handcuffed him when he had just gotten a dagger!

Rocky raised his hands and looked at Sol with an unbelievable look, but saw that Saul smiled proudly.

"I know you like ghosts! Haha, I'm so relieved now!"

Rocky looked at the proud Saul in a speechless way. He used to lie to him as a fool and turned him around. I didn't expect to be fooled by accident today!

Sol helped Jane Foster sit in the middle of the airship, and then turned to Rocky, still in a daze watching the handcuffs.

"Don't delay time, set off!"

Rocky looked at Sol and suddenly laughed.

"You lied to me! It's amazing!"

Rocky said, standing at the stern, holding the joystick of the airship with his cuffed hands, driving the airship slowly into the air, galloping towards the mountains in the distance!

I do n’t know why, for the first time in so many years, Sol was deceived. It can be said that he hit the wild goose all day, but he was called to peck his eyes. Brother finally has a brain!

Fortunately, Sol doesn't know what Rocky thinks, otherwise he will definitely follow Chen Mo, drag Rocky off the airship, and let him experience the feeling of free fall again!

However, Sol soon found something wrong, leaned his head out of the airship, Sol looked down and found that they were now less than ten meters above the ground!

The airship had to shuttle between various buildings, making Jan Foster a little seasick!

Sol couldn't help turning his head and glaring at Loki, roaring angrily.

"What are you doing? After six months in prison, won't even the airship drive? Pull up the height and drive straight from the air!"

Naturally, Rocky would not say that it was because of being dropped by Chen Mo from heights several times, creating a psychological shadow, some fear of heights!

The corner of his eyes glanced over an air defense turret just past, and Rocky said pretentiously.

"It just happened. Am I not afraid of being hit by the battery as an enemy by mistake?"

Sol heard impatiently at Rocky's lame excuse.

"Fart! We drove an Asgard airship, not a Dark Elf's aircraft! Didn't you see Jane's seasickness around you? Fly me up immediately, or I'll throw you off the boat! "

Rocky heard that the hands holding the joystick shuddered, causing the airship to follow a bump, and Jan Foster, who was somewhat seasick, couldn't help but retched.

Seeing that Sol's face was even more angry, and he had the intention to get up and walk towards him, Loki didn't care about the fear of heights, and quickly pulled the joystick to quickly raise the height of the airship.

He believes that Saul will not kick him from a height of 100 meters like Chen Mo, but the height of ten meters has angered Saul and he can still make it. The ten meters height is not too much for him. It was a fall, but he never wanted to experience the feeling of free fall again!

The airship hurried over the building, flew straight towards the mountains in the distance, and the dizzy Jan Foster finally felt comfortable and even looked at the scenery in a mood.

The airship quickly flew out of the Asgard center and came to the outer hilly area. There were fewer and fewer buildings on the ground, and eventually disappeared completely. What appeared to them was a large continuous lake. !!

Under the control of Rocky, the airship quickly lowered its height, pressed close to the lake, and flew towards one of the rolling mountains surrounding the lake!

The peak of this mountain is extremely dangerous. Almost all of it is surrounded by steep cliffs over 60 degrees. There is not even much vegetation on the mountain. The black rock wall is exposed directly, and it seems more and more dangerous.

As the airship got closer and closer to the mountain peak, the airship that had been flying close to the lake lifted up again, and soon rose to the height of the mid-mountain, and accelerated straight towards the center of the mountain!

Jane Foster looked at the towering mountains that were coming down quickly, and couldn't help holding Sol's hand nervously. UU read a book Sol also turned his head and shouted at Rocky with a nervousness.


He only knew that Rocky knew a secret passage to other worlds, but he didn't know the exact location and way of passing. At this moment, it seemed that the passage should be in this steep mountain, but now the airship was straight Rushing towards the mountain, why is it getting faster and faster?

Looking at Sol's nervousness, Rocky completely forgot about the fear of heights, and said proudly.

"If it were that easy, everyone could do it!"

Seeing the mountain approaching, and soon approaching the mountain, Sol could not help shouting.

"Are you crazy?"

At this moment, Sol was seriously skeptical that Rocky had been mentally distorted for half a year, and wanted to take revenge on the society and take them to the cliff!

However, speaking of it, Rocky's psychological distortion is not a day or two. Otherwise, he would not want to kill him again and again, and with the Zetaris invaded the earth, trying to rule humanity!

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