My Iron Suit

Chapter 1197: Secret passage!

Rocky couldn't help looking at Sol, and frowned.

"Why do you believe me?"

He had deceived Sol and Odin many times before, and he didn't believe they would still trust him so much.

Sol heard a deep look at Rocky, and replied in a deep voice.

"I don't trust you, but my mother trusts you!"

"I want to say that when we played against each other in the past, I did hope for you, because you are my brother after all!"

When Loki heard this, his look couldn't help but have a slight change, remembering that Thor's sympathy for his subordinates, each time he was betrayed by his trust!

Just as Rocky reflected on his past betrayal and hurt against Sol, he heard Saul continue.

"But now that hope no longer exists, I will not show mercy to you, if you dare to betray me, I will kill you!"

Rocky wasn't angry when he heard the words, and he could feel Sol's disappointment.

Rocky asked himself, changing it was him. Facing the betrayal and deceit of his brother again and again, he might have hated each other long ago, not just disappointed like Sol!

Looking at Sauer with a harsh face, Rocky was warm in his heart and asked with a smile.

"When are we leaving?"

"right now!"

Immediately after, Sol released Loki from the cell and took him out of the dungeon.

Locked up in the dungeon for more than half a year, Rocky, who had regained his freedom, couldn't help but get excited, and asked Sol as he walked forward.

"Brother, what is your plan? The two of us took your little girlfriend to Wat Algem, and used her as a bait to bring the dark elves over, and then? You show off and kill them all? What is the mission? Cheering for you? "

Sol Wenyan kept walking, took Rocky out of the Golden Palace, and walked towards an Asgard that was not far away, and said without looking back.

"First, you missed someone. Second, your task is more than just cheering!"

Just when Loki was puzzled, Yu Guang's eyes suddenly found two familiar figures!

Rocky quickly looked up and looked carefully. When he could see the two people standing by the airship, the steps under his feet could not help but mess up, almost tripping himself to the ground!

The tall figure in black armor next to Jane Foster was not the last person in his heart to see him!

He was destined to be the nemesis!

There was an excitement in his heart, and Loki suddenly understood what Sol had just said. He did miss a man, and this man was Chen Mo!

Looking at Chen Mo, who was standing next to the airship and looking at him, Rocky's footsteps could not help slowing down, and he looked at Saul very unnaturally.

"Otherwise, I won't go, anyway, my strength is not strong, there is nothing to help when I go, it is better to let Fandal and Shiv go with you!"

Saul heard it without saying a word.

"The commander named you and asked you to go. Your mission was also assigned by him. You can tell him directly!"

Rocky glanced at Chen Mo, who was looking at him, and immediately lowered his head, followed Sol without a word and walked over.

As for rejection, forget it, as a member of Asgard, he is obliged to fight for Asgard!

Of course, the main thing is that he didn't have the courage to disobey Chen Mo!

He has learned enough lessons from Chen Mo, and has already been scared by Chen Mo.

So after following Saul to the airship, Rocky didn't dare to mention it. Saul gave him a glance, showing an unexpected expression.

However, when Loki came to Chen Mo, she felt a pain in her body and her legs were a little weak. After all, the previous painful memory was too strong. Every time I saw Chen Mo, it was okay. Kick off a cliff or tall building!

If it weren't for the airship parked on a flat ground and replaced with the outdoor platform of the Golden Palace, how far away would Rocky be, he would never step forward!

Just fall freely on the earth. If he comes back again in Asgard, he will have no face in Asgard in the future!

Originally, Rocky was worried that Chen Mo would take care of him as soon as he met, but he was relieved that until he came to the airship, Chen Mo just stood there quietly and did not mean to do anything.

However, Rocky instinctively leaned on Sol, and at the critical moment, only Sol could save him!

Chen Mo, who was always on his guard, didn't respond, but Jane Foster, who was ignored by him, strode towards him before and after he reached the airship.

Luo base station was beside Sol, looking at this Sol's earth girlfriend, looking at Sol's face, and politely speaking.

"In Lower Rocky, you may have heard of me ..."

Rocky said, but saw Jane Foster approach him aggressively, raising his right hand so hard that a slapping fan was on his face.


Rocky wasn't finished, but was interrupted by Jane Foster!

"It's for New York!"

Jan Foster stared at Rocky with an angry expression.

Sol looked at this familiar scene and couldn't help thinking of the scene where Jan Foster was slapped two times in the medical room before. Jane was fine, just because his temper was ignited!

But it wasn't him now, and Sol was happy to watch the joke aside.

For Rocky, the mortal power of Jane Foster was no different from tickling.

Looking at Jane Foster with an angry look on his face, Rocky couldn't help looking at Sol and said with a smile.

"I like her!"

Sol, who had originally seen the joke, saw a touch of play and sympathy in Rocky's eyes.

It seems to be saying that although I can't beat you, your little girlfriend on earth can clean up you!

Although it was clear that Rocky could not know that he was slapped by Jane Foster's two slaps, Saul could not help feeling a little guilty in Rocky's playful gaze, and immediately turned his head to tell everyone.

"It's getting late ~ ~ Let's go now!"

Knowing that it was not time to avenge the earth, Jane Foster glared at Rocky fiercely, and then turned and set foot on the airship.

Rocky didn't care about Jan Foster's anger, but he couldn't care less about Chen Mu!

Seeing that Chen Mo got on the airship, stood on the bow, and ignored him, Loki followed Sol on the airship, but he stood on the last side of the airship.

"Where are we going now?"

Rocky couldn't help asking Thor after boarding the boat.

"Rainbow bridge?"

Sol shook his head and said to Rocky.

"No, let's go the secret way!"



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