My Iron Suit

Chapter 1191: Assault!

Latest website: Malakis didn't pay attention to the broken throne any more. After throwing the black hole grenade, he took people directly to the side of the palace!

He has a unique connection with the ether particles, and he can roughly sense the position of the ether particles!

Guided by this induction, Malekis rushed towards Friega's dormitory with two dark elf soldiers!

At this time, most of the guards in the Golden Palace were attracted to the dungeon by Algorim. There were not many obstacles on the road, but Rao was so. When Malekis arrived at the door of Friega's dormitory, He was left alone.

However, Malekis obviously did not care about his life and death. Looking at the gorgeous golden door in front of him, a flash of excitement flashed in Malekis' eyes. He could feel that the ether particles he was looking for were in it!

With a cold face, he opened the gate of the palace, Malekis strode in, and at a glance he saw "Jane Foster" sitting beside Shitai and Frigga standing in front of her.

"Jane Foster" saw Malakis intruding suddenly, and stood up from the stone steps in panic, hiding behind Frigga, while Frigga looked dignifiedly with a dagger. To Malekis, Shen said.

"Retreat! Monster, I can spare you!"

Malakis didn't take Frigga's warning at all. Asgard broke through, how could he retreat because of this woman's words!

"Why can't you, me, woman!"

Malakis said as he walked towards them!

When Frigga saw the sword approaching her, she asked Shen Shen.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Malekis! I'm here to get what belongs to me!"

Malekis said, but seeing that Friega could not help turning to look at "Jane Foster" standing behind, even if she knew that the ether particles must be in her body.

Malekis looked at Jane Foster, and walked towards her.

"Jane Foster" hurriedly ran away towards the back, Malekis was about to chase after him, but Frigga slashed out with a sword, even if he evaded quickly, he was still with a short sword on his face. Scratched a wound.

Malakis immediately pulled out the short knife in his waist and went towards Frigga, but Frigga struck the short knife with his sword and fell to the ground, and then backhanded and a sword in Malikis A wound was made on his arm.

Only then did Malekis realize that she despised the woman a little, and did not expect that her strength was not under him.

Ether particles are right in front of him, and the excitement about to recapture the ether particles makes him helplessly underestimate the enemy, but he is shot down as soon as he fights!

Malekis reacted immediately, but the short knife had been released, and he had to fight Frigga with bare hands.

In fact, the strength of the two was originally equal, but the overarching Malakis was shot down from the beginning and lost the opportunity. Now, with bare hands, under the fierce attack of Frigga, it is only possible Defeat, keep going back!

Several swords kept Malekis weak and fight back. Frigga finally seized the opportunity. A sword reached Malekis' neck and forced him to the wall!

In an instant, Malikis was directly captured by Frigga!

However, Malakis did not panic, but looked away with a sneer, Frigga felt that something was wrong, and quickly turned and waved his short sword toward him!

At the same time, she also saw the figure behind her. She was extremely tall and strong, but she was covered with bone spurs, and her head had long horns and fangs. monster!

The dagger in his hand was directly grabbed by the sword body. Frigga felt as if he was clamped by iron tongs. He couldn't continue to wave, but the monster's palm didn't mean to hurt or bleed!

With a surge of power coming in, the dagger in his hand was taken away by the monster in front of her, and then she grabbed her by the neck and raised her to mid-air, with her feet off the ground, and no resistance.

Frigga, who had just defeated Malakis just now, became a captive of others in a blink of an eye. The strength of this creepy monster was so powerful!

However, when Malikis smiled proudly and was about to catch "Jane Foster", a clear silver sword light suddenly appeared from the platform beside them, and was holding Fry Jia's cursed warrior, Algorim, cut it off!

Malekis couldn't help changing the face of the sword that appeared out of thin air. This sword was extremely fast and appeared so suddenly. If it was cut at him, he would never escape!

However, after all, Algorim is different from the past. After becoming a cursed warrior, not only has his strength increased many times, but his defense, physical strength, reaction speed, and agility have also been greatly improved.

When Chen Mo slashed his sword, algorim felt a sudden attack behind him, despite facing away from Shitai, and a strong sense of crisis appeared in his heart. It seemed that the sword could cause him a lot of danger. Big threat!

Algorim immediately couldn't care about the Friega being held in his hands, and quickly sent his hands to let go of her, and at the same time rushed forward, trying to avoid the threatening sword behind him!

I have to say that the strength of the cursed warrior is indeed very powerful. Chen Mo, who has been hiding in the high platform, was able to find a sword in time for the opportunity, but he found it in time and hid in the past, and did not cause him substantial harm .

However, Chen Mo didn't get nothing. After all, he attacked suddenly ~ ~ Algorim just rushed to avoid the key, but the long horn above his head was cut off by Chen Mo with a sword. Root, only half left!

After the sword passed, Chen Mo's figure also completely appeared on the high platform. The black armored silver sword and murderous Sensen saw the cold in Malekis' heart and quickly ran away!

Frigid took off Algorim's palm and gave Chen Mo a shocked look. She didn't expect that this earth man really had such a powerful strength.

Just now, she was held in front of Algorim by holding her neck, and she just saw the whole process of Chen Mo's attack!

The lightning-quick sword was hard to pick up if she changed it! !!

But this time was obviously not the time to sigh, noting that Malakis was rushing towards "Jan Foster", and Friega quickly turned and chased after him.

Although the image of Jane Foster formed by that illusion is enough to be false, it will disappear as soon as you touch it, and it will be easily exposed. The real Jane Foster is hidden in this hall. If you do not stop Ma He will be found by him sooner or later.

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