My Iron Suit

Chapter 1190: Black hole grenade!

Latest website: At the same time that the energy hood generating device was destroyed, the energy hood that had been completely wrapped up by the Golden Palace suddenly lowered again, and has been wandering on the periphery, working with the airship of Asgard. The two sharp-edged aircraft immediately reversed their direction and rushed towards Golden Palace, where most of them had been exposed!

The anti-aircraft artillery arranged on the Golden Palace also launched attacks on the two sharp-edged aircraft, but they were still completely avoided by their super flexibility.

The center position of the Golden Palace was locked, and the passage leading to the king's palace was directly led by a sharp-edged aircraft.

The height of the passageway is just enough for the sharp-edged aircraft to enter sideways, but the hall is full of tall stone pillars, extending from the passageway to the interior of the king's hall, it is impossible to enter.

However, after the aircraft rushed in, the long sharp blade hit the stone pillar and cut it off directly, but the aircraft did not decrease in speed, rushing all the way in, continuously breaking the rows of stone pillars in front of it to the ground .

The huge black sharp blade was like breaking bamboo, breaking dozens of stone pillars in a row, rushing into the deepest part of the palace, and Odin's throne approached!

During the period, many Protoss soldiers were buried under the collapsed huge stone pillars, and some people were directly run over by the aircraft and died on the spot!

The continuous impact caused great movement, even Sol and others in the dungeon could clearly feel the strong vibration from the head!

Sol and Vostag, Vandal and other Asgard fighters led by soldiers, and the few remaining fugitives who were still resisting could not help but stop, many people thought it was an earthquake!

Odin, who was rushing to the dungeon, also stopped abruptly, looking up in the direction of the shock, his face could not help changing, and he turned his head and ordered the generals around him.

"You take someone to the dungeon, Shiv and the guards follow me!"

When Odin finished speaking, he took a few people from Shifu and hurried towards the palace!

At this time, in the Royal Palace, the sharp-edged aircraft that had rushed in had stopped in front of the throne. A dozen Royal Palace guards who had escaped from the disaster were holding weapons and shields, and slowly surrounded the aircraft slowly and carefully.

Except for the stones that fell from the broken stone pillars from time to time and hit the ground with a noise, the whole palace was surprisingly quiet for a while!

When these soldiers surrounded the aircraft, the aircraft that had not been moving suddenly suddenly opened a hatch, and when the soldiers focused on the hatch, several red energy beams were suddenly Shot from the aircraft.

Unprepared for the soldiers, several people were hit directly.

The power of this beam of light is quite powerful. The part that was shot directly turned into fly ash. A soldier who was shot in the calf disappeared directly. The body that was shot in the body died directly on the spot. Only a few of them died in time. Lift the shield and block the beam.

But then, more than twenty dark elf soldiers quickly emerged from the hatch, holding energy weapons to attack the remaining Asgard soldiers. With the advantage of long-range attacks, there were several more soon Asgard soldiers were killed.

But at the same time, other guards around the palace also rushed over. Not only were Asgard soldiers blocking the Dark Elves, but they were more than they were at the beginning, and after the initial panic, they also found out The power of the energy weapon in the hands of the Dark Elf soldiers is very great. Only the shields in their hands can resist, so they raise the shields and form a formation to move forward!

When a dark elf soldier saw this, he took a black grenade from his waist, and after pressing the switch, he threw it directly towards the densest place in front of people!

The grenade exploded among Asgard soldiers, and a dazzling white light flashed, quickly forming a blue energy ball with a diameter of more than two meters in the air, enveloping two soldiers closer to them directly.

The next moment, without waiting for them to respond, the energy light ball shrank to a ball with a diameter of less than one meter, and the two soldiers originally enveloped in the light ball were squeezed into one with no resistance. In a group of desperate screams, the light ball continued to shrink inward, like a black hole, tearing the bodies of two soldiers and compressing them quickly into a ball, which eventually became smaller and smaller. A flash of light disappeared completely!

The power of this black hole grenade is much greater than that of energy weapons. Not only the bodies of two Asgard soldiers, but also the armor on them and the shield sufficient to resist the attack of energy weapons are hardened by a strong force. Shengsheng squeezed into a ball, and eventually disappeared completely!

Chen Mo, who was watching through the virtual image in the helmet in the queen's palace, couldn't help wondering whether his indestructible Edman alloy could resist the power of this horrible black hole grenade!

Chen Mo has made up his mind that he must get the technology of this space grenade!

The battle in the palace continued.

The dark elf soldiers kept firing and firing space grenades from time to time, but in the area covered by the energy light sphere, no matter it was a person or a stone pillar, weapons, all were rubbed into a ball and devoured!

Even the people around the light ball can feel a strong tear, and an unstable person will be sucked in!

However, as guards from other parts of the palace continued to come to ~ ~ the number of Asgard soldiers continued to increase, and finally they attacked with the fierce energy of the Dark Elf soldiers, rushed to them, and waved Attacked with a sword and spear!

The Dark Elves finally suffered casualties, and the two sides were evenly matched for a while.

Just as the Dark Elf soldiers and Asgard's guards fell into a fierce battle, a cold face of Malekis came out of the aircraft's hatch with two soldiers out!

He didn't care about the two sides of the fierce battle, he took two soldiers and strode forward, and the two dark elves guarded on both sides tightly. If Asgard soldiers approached, they would be killed by the two directly!

Looking at the throne of God King made of gold on the high platform in front, Malekis flashed a hate in his eyes. He took a black hole grenade from the waist of a dark elf soldier passing by, and started directly toward Odin's. Thrown on the throne.

The black hole grenade exploded on the throne, and the gold on the throne was torn off by the blue space energy, falling off the throne piece by piece and sucked into the black hole. When the black hole disappeared, the original majestic atmosphere Throne D, there is only the base and a pile of broken gold nuggets!

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