My Iron Suit

Chapter 1160: And move and cherish!

Daisy looked at Chen Mo, who was tall and tall on the outside of the car window, and she couldn't help saying something.

"Speaking of which, the commander is indeed younger and more handsome than Sol!"

Dai Dai said, glancing at Jane Foster, who was behind Chen Mo, and shook her head.

"If she meets the commander first, she will definitely not look after that savage again. But now, I think she can't help herself!"

Outside the car, Jane Foster quickly caught up with Chen Mo, and when Chen Mo looked at her, he said quickly.

"Can I follow you in a car? I have something to ask you!"

Chen Mo didn't need to think about and knew what Jane Foster wanted to ask, but he didn't refuse, nodded, and then he got into the car, moved inward, and said to Jan Foster.

"Come up."

When Jane Foster saw Chen Mo promised, she sat in happily.

The convoy set off immediately, drove out of the manor, and drove towards the place where the abnormality occurred.

I sat in the car, Jan Foster looked at Chen Mo, hesitated for a while, and then he asked a little bit.

"Do you know where Sol is now?"

Chen Mo knew about the relationship between Jane Foster and Saul, so he didn't hide it, he said directly.

"After the last incident in New York, Sol escorted the evil **** Loki and teleported to Asgard through the cosmic cube! He should still be in Asgard!"

I heard Chen Mo's words, Jane Foster could not help but feel a little lost, and he really left again, not even to see her!

Chen Chen looked at Jan Foster's low look, and suddenly said again.

其实 "Actually, Sol is thinking of you all the time."

Jane Foster, who was immersed in disappointment, could not help but shook his head and looked up at Chen Mo.

"You don't need to comfort me."

Chen Mo smiled slightly and continued.

"Remember that before the New York incident, the Tromso Observatory suddenly hired you as a consultant?"

Jane Foster suddenly stunned, watching Chen Mo said with excitement.

"You mean?"

Chen Chen nodded.

"Yes, Sol is most concerned about your safety. After Dr. Servig was taken away by Rocky, Sol was worried that the next thing might affect you, so he sent you to Norway. Salary, private jets, and most importantly, very remote, no aliens will hit there, much safer than staying in the city! "

Jane Foster was also surprised when she received the job offer from Tromso Observatory in Norway because the treatment was so good and the invitation was urgent. She sent a private jet to pick her up. When she heard Chen Mo's explanation, she knew that it was all because of Sol!

While Jane Foster was happy, she could not help asking Chen Mo.

"Why hasn't he ever seen me?"

Chen Mo immediately answered.

"The Rainbow Bridge connecting Asgard to the Earth was destroyed. Last time, in order to stop Loki's plot, God King Odin mobilized a large amount of dark energy before Sol came to earth. After the battle, in order to avoid Loki again Escaping and causing a new disaster, he had to use the cosmic cube to take Rocky back to Asgard as soon as possible. "

When Jane Foster heard this, she was finally relieved, and then asked Chen Mo anxiously.

"Can I see him again?"

Chen Chen nodded his head and said with certainty.

当然 "Of course, the Rainbow Bridge will be repaired sooner or later, and there is an opportunity to connect Asgard to the earth!"

Jane Foster heard that, thinking of Dr. Servig's research during this time, he suddenly came to his senses and said quickly.

"You mean, celestial bodies converge?"


Chen Chen smiled and nodded slightly.

Jane Foster got a positive answer from Chen Mo, but couldn't help but say.

"We always thought that was the imagination after the doctor was crazy!"

Chen Chen smiled and shook her head.

"Do you think the doctor is really crazy? Well, he is indeed a bit abnormal, but that is mainly the role of drugs, plus some special personal habits, at least in space science, Dr. Servig is the current The most outstanding scientist in the world! "

Jane Foster nodded.

"Well, I admit that Dr. He is indeed a genius. But there really are nine nations? And will there be a space channel connecting the nine nations?"

According to their previous theory, wormholes can only form under strong energy or gravitational conditions. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to form wormholes on the surface of the earth!

Chen Mo knew that it was not easy to reverse the ideas of these scientists, and he did not intend to do so, so Chen Mo only said with a smile about Jane Foster's question.

"Don't you know after a while?"

Jane Foster did not say much anymore. She had already got the answer she wanted to know the most. As for the question of space passage, as Chen Mo said, she knew it as soon as she arrived!

The temporarily settled manor selected by Chen Mo is not far from the destination. Soon, the team arrived at a construction site in downtown London that has been closed.

The team stopped, and Jane Foster and Dr. Servig all stepped out of the car, and then they noticed that a group of agents outside the site were on alert to prevent others from coming in.

"Bring a phase meter and look like a toaster!"

Dai Dai threw the car keys to intern Ian ~ ~ and turned towards Chen Mo and Jan Foster.

"I know what a phase meter is!"

Ji Yian whispered.

记得 "Remember to bring my detectors like those of the javelin!"

At this time, Dr. Servig came around from the other side, finished speaking to him, and followed up.

Wu Yi'an sighed helplessly as she looked at several metal devices over one meter long installed behind the carriage.

Who made him an intern!

Despite being an intern's intern!

But Dr. Servig and Jane Foster's research group is all students in the physics department who want to join. He can get this qualification to help move equipment, but also at the University of London without mathematics. Work out!

And he has just joined, it seems that he was involved in a very mysterious event, and even saw the legendary commander!

Although he can only move equipment with him, it is enough to excite him.

So, move and cherish it!

Hold four or five detectors horizontally and hugged them. He picked up the toaster-sized phase meter with both hands, and Ian laboriously closed the door with his buttocks, then turned and chased after Chen Mo and others.

Ian was comforted by the fact that when he came to the blockade, two agents took over the instruments in his hand and eased him.

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