My Iron Suit

Chapter 1159: All 1 is for science!

Dr. Servig could not help remembering how he was treated when he was brought up, and asked quickly.

"You were kidnapped too? Those guys are so rude! Are you not injured?"

After listening to Dr. Servig, Jane Foster and Daisy could not help but look at each other, and it sounded that Dr. Servig did not seem to be treated the same way.

避免 To avoid irritating Dr. Servig, Jane Foster chose to skip this, shook his head, and looked at the young man who had just stood up on the sofa.

Although this tall young man looks young and not much older than Daisy's intern, the expression on his face is filled with coldness and majesty. The sharp and deep eyes make people dare not look straight. !!

Dr. Serveig noticed Jane Foster's gaze, and then remembered Chen Mo around him, and immediately introduced.

"Yes, Jane, I forgot to introduce you, this is the commander! He also discovered the phenomenon of celestial aggregation, and the space channel connecting the nine nations will soon open!"

When Jane Foster heard the words, she looked at Chen Mo with a look of surprise, staying on his face for a long time, and then turned to look at Daisy.

Dai Dai was equally shocked, and she did not expect that the veteran superhero during World War II, a commander who was almost 100 years old, looked so young!

Daisy could not help whispering to Jan Foster.

"It is indeed much younger than your family!"

Jane Foster gave Daisy a nasty look, and then looked at Chen Mo again, remembering the strange scene when she almost slipped, Jan Foster couldn't help but point to the medicine bottle on the ground and said to Chen Mo.

"Is it you just now?"

Chen Mo nodded and nodded, and then waved to the ground. In the shocked eyes of Jan Foster, the medicine bottles scattered on the ground seemed to be picked up by a pair of invisible hands and flew off the ground. Get up, fly towards the wall, and finally fall into the trash bin.

"how did you do it?"

Jane Foster said in shock.

This kind of ability to move objects out of thin air, even Thor, as Thor, can only be used with his hammer, and he can't clean up a medicine bottle in one place as easily as Chen Mo waved his hand!

If Sol, he can only smash the trash can with a hammer!

Chen Chen heard Jan Foster's question and explained.

"I call it mindpower, you can understand it as the realization of spiritual power, I can apply spiritual power to objects and push them, like this!"

Chen Mo said, raising his right hand again, the four people present felt only a gentle force wrapping them up and holding them up, and then they felt that their feet slowly left the ground, and the whole person floated up !!

"Hey, I can fly!"

Dai Dai watched as she floated in the air, feeling curious, shouting heartlessly.

The other three also calmed down after the initial panic and experienced the feeling of floating in the air, which was also very interesting.

But soon, Daisy realized the power of holding her body wrapped up with the same pair of hands, her face suddenly turned red, and she shouted towards Chen Mo.

等等 "Wait! Don't you touch us all this way!"

默 Chen Mo could not help but hesitated, and almost immediately withdrew his mind and let them fall to the ground.

Looking at this beautiful assistant of Jane Foster, Chen Mo didn't know what she was thinking!

But looking at Jane Foster's face also starting to turn red, Chen Mo had to put them back to the ground, explaining.

念 "Spiritual power is a kind of power, there is no tactile feedback, or you can understand it as some kind of electromagnetic force. Although it can also be used for exploration, all I can feel is the shape of the object being probed!"

When Jane Foster heard that her face was much better, she turned her head and gave Daisy a stern glance, annoyed that she didn't cover her mouth.

However, Daisy didn't mean to stop, and heard Chen Mo's explanation, her face changed suddenly again, and she couldn't help raising her arms around her chest and said in horror.

"Don't you know our size? Oh my gosh, don't tell me about sponges!"

闻 Everyone at the scene heard that his face couldn't help getting weird. Chen Mo looked at Daisy with a look of panic, and said slowly with a look of caring for the mentally handicapped child.

"Actually, I didn't know you had a sponge."

When Daisy heard the words suddenly, she suddenly felt like she had done something stupid!

She turned to look around and stood beside, looking at Jane Foster on her chest with a scrutiny, Daisy simply let go of her arm and said, breaking the jar.

"Okay, okay, I have a sponge, so what! The doctor also increased the insole!"

Jane Foster and the intern heard that they could not help turning to look at Dr. Servig, and even Chen Mo could not help looking down at his shoes.

Yes, there is a pair of heightened insoles in Dr. Servig's shoes!

"Hey, why drag me in!"

Dr. Serveig noticed that everyone's eyes had fallen on his feet, and he couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable, and quickly explained.

"Increasing the insole helps me focus and is good for thinking!"

Daisy could not help asking.

"Like you like being naked?"

"Yes! Everything is for science!"

Dr. Servig said ~ ~ to make a dedication to science, so that several people could not help but look at each other.

Dai Dai glanced at the trash bin where Chen Mo had just thrown away the medicine bottle, and said to Dr. Servig.

"Eric, all your medicines have been thrown. May I help you pick them up?"

Apparently, Daisy felt that Dr. Servig still needed to take the medicine.

Dr. Servig shook his head casually and said easily.

没 "It's okay, I don't need them anymore! I'm not crazy, the Nine Kingdoms really exist, and the celestial convergence is about to happen. This world is much crazy than me!"

When Jane Foster and Daisy heard Dr. Servig's words, they couldn't help looking at each other. They heard that those who often kept me crazy were really crazy!

Chen Mo didn't give a few people a chance to speak anymore, and said directly.

"Okay, I think we should set off. What will happen later!"

A few people immediately stopped talking and followed Chen Mo out of the hall.

Daisy and her intern Ian still returned to the original position of the station wagon, but Jane Foster did not take the co-pilot, but followed Chen Mo towards a black SUV.

Seeing this, Dr. Servig opened the door of the station wagon co-pilot and sat in, speaking to Daisy in the driver's seat beside him.

"Are Jane ready to give up Sol?"

:. :

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