My Iron Suit

Chapter 1058: We can't afford it!

Pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are strongly recommended: several police cars flashed with warning lights and quickly rushed from a distance. The car just stopped, and more than a dozen policemen rushed down with their pistols, but when they saw the ground, they were constantly The mourning mix, and the tall figure wearing black armor standing quietly on the street like a sculpture, could not help but point the gun at Wade!

"Put your hands up!"

"Do not move!"

Although they received an alarm saying that the crew had been attacked by more than a dozen gunmen, the situation in front of them is obviously more threatening to the guy wearing strange black armor!

"Don't shoot! He is with us! We are the victims!"

"It’s the police we reported, you should go to the people on the ground!"

Just as Wade turned to look at the police coldly, and the atmosphere began to get tense, Enron and the crew came out from time to stop the police and explained it.

Fortunately, they ran out in time, otherwise these policemen are likely to fight Wade!

The pistols in these policemen are not enough threats to Wade. If they dare to shoot at him, Wade can not care about the crime of assaulting the police, and pack them up!

At that time, these policemen are likely to be the same as those on the ground, and they are all knocked down by Wade!

Under the explanation of the people, and Wade has not had any threatening actions, the policemen who were nervous and alerted by the police car slowly relaxed and removed the guns one by one.

"You said that you are the victims?"

A policeman put his handgun back into the holster of his waist, and at the same time glanced at the street lying on the street in front of him. He was mourning the sorrow, and his face was a little weird and asked the crew member who had just spoken.

"Of course, we were filming. These guys came to collect protection fees and attacked us. If our actor would work hard, plus this set of bullets can be bulletproof, we might all be killed!"

The crew member who spoke just said a little angry.

They were almost killed by this group of gangsters. These police officers even questioned the identity of their victims!

After listening to the members of the crew, and then look at the group of punks on the ground and a bunch of pistols that fell to the ground, the police also roughly figured out the situation before, but at the same time, their hearts have become more Confused!

A group of gun-mixed scams were all solved by an actor in their crew?

This group of guys who make movies is not going to make a movie, is it silly?

Think of the things in the movie as real!

It is impossible for even more powerful people to deal with more than a dozen gunmen!

This is the real world, not the Marvel movie!

But looking at the punks lying on the ground and the dozens of pistols scattered on the ground, and the tall figure like the body of steel standing up in the crowd, they could not find other explanations!

It’s not always possible for these crews who have no fighting power to knock them down!

With full of doubts, everyone present was taken to the police station.

Although the dozens of people who fell to the ground seem to be miserable, Wade has actually left their hands. Most of them are just fractures. They are not life-threatening. After simple treatment, they are interrogated separately.

In the end, the police got surprisingly consistent confessions from both sides, whether it was the gangsters being beaten or the crew members of the "victims", which proved to be the cast of the crew, Wade, the tall man wearing the black armored props. The guy knocked down all the gangsters with bullets!

The bullet marks on the suit and the deformed bullets scattered on the ground also confirmed this!

"how can that be?"

The police chief heard the report from his unbelief.

"They are making movie props more powerful than bulletproof vests? Then we simply buy their props. When the bulletproof vests are good, then you can all become super special forces! One person can kill more than a dozen gunmen!"

Even the most advanced body armor can't stop the close-range shooting of dozens of bullets in a row, and it can also defeat all the enemy!

The police officer who came to report heard the words of the Secretary and said with a smile.

"We are afraid we can't afford it!"

The director asked and said with a frown.

"What do you mean?"

The police officers immediately said what they got.

“This crew is from Aegis Films, their alloy armored combat uniforms, using the latest super special alloys that Aegis uses on supersonic private jets, costing more than a million dollars!”

"One million dollars?"

The Secretary squinted his eyes and immediately relieved that it was not surprising that a million dollars could have that effect, and he also had a certain understanding of the Aegis Group. After all, it is a famous local name in Los Angeles. The large company, the video of the knight buggy, he also saw, the super anti-elasticity he is also fresh in memory!

However, his heart still could not help but sigh the Aoji Group's local style, a movie props, even using such expensive super alloys.

It’s just a million dollars to spend such an item, and the whole movie doesn’t know how much it will cost!

"Even if this set of props can be bulletproof, how did he knock down all the dozen gangsters?"

The Secretary turned to think of this again and asked his opponent.

The police officer immediately replied.

"The real identity of the stuntman is the bodyguard of the chairman of the Aegis Group. The physical fitness and fighting ability are very is the real top fighting master, and playing ten is not a problem at all!"

The Secretary heard that he did not speak. A top-ranking rich man with a net worth of at least 100 billion is naturally not an ordinary person. This makes sense.

However, at the same time, for this movie, he couldn't help but look forward to it. The equipment was so bloody, the actor's skill was so powerful, and an accident in the shooting was like a movie. The real movie didn't know. What it looks like!

Moreover, the chairman of the Aegis group sent out their own bodyguards. It is obvious that the emphasis on this movie will not be a ticket. If it is released, you can go to the cinema to see it!

There are not a few people who think like the police chief!

As the details of the case gradually exposed, people finally realized the ins and outs of the matter. The videos on the Internet turned out to be true. The attack with a dozen gunmen inside was the chairman of the Aegis Group. Personal bodyguard!

The cost of the set of alloy armored combat uniforms was also exploded! 166 novel reading network

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