My Iron Suit

Chapter 1057: Surprise superhero!

Seeing that the bullets they shot were completely useless for the guy wearing a black alloy armor and tall and majestic, the gangsters were still attacking, but they were already timid!

What the monster is, how could it be unscathed under the attack of the bullet!

Even wearing a body armor, it is inevitable that the bullet will be injured under the huge impact of the bullet. The continuous shot is more likely to be directly damaged by the bone, and the internal organs are destroyed. It is absolutely impossible to be completely untouched like this guy. influences!

The bullets in their hands can only make Wade's body a little bit, and there is no way to stop Wade's action. Under the fierce attack of Wade without fear of bullets, more than a dozen gangsters will soon be knocked down to the ground. The bald-headed man, including the one who was helped by his hand, was slapped back to the ground by Wade!

In a blink of an eye, the situation reversed, and the original imposing Brown helped everyone lie on the ground!

In the original Italian mafia stronghold on the street, although the crew of the crew hid in the house, they were also paying attention to the situation outside. At this time, they looked at the tall figure of Wade that stood still on the street. Everyone is not blinded by shock.

At this moment, they can't tell if they are filming here, or they really met a superhero!

The protagonist written in the script is almost the same strength!

Enron also witnessed Wade's bullets knocking down all the meditations. At this time, looking at Wade's figure, Enron suddenly reacted, and he seemed to ignore a problem!

This set of alloy armored combat uniforms has been worn by Wade and Agent No. 0. Enron has not been in direct contact with it, and it is not clear whether it has multiple.

Enron is not a professional after all. He is not very familiar with the special alloys of Aegis. Although Su Shi and her introduced this set of alloy armored combat uniforms using H-3 special alloy, she only thought it was to alleviate weight.

When watching two people wearing metal armored combat uniforms, they are generally no match when they are in peace. Enron instinctively thinks that this set of alloy armored combat uniforms is not heavy, just a set of light and thin props made of lightweight alloys.

However, now I have seen the strong defense effect of Wade wearing the alloy armored combat uniforms. In the mind of Enron, the thick outer armor of the Knight SUV has emerged.

The armor of the knight can also easily resist the attack of the pistol bullet, but the weight is not low, and it is almost the same as ordinary steel. This alloy armored combat uniform can achieve this kind of defense effect even if the alloy density is low. It is absolutely impossible for the ultra-light aluminum alloy she had imagined before, and it is even more difficult to be a thin or hollow material. In this way, the weight of this alloy armored combat uniform is even lighter than steel, and definitely exceeds 50 kilograms!

A person wearing such a heavy equipment can also play such an amazing speed and flexibility, then its own power must be even more amazing!

It seems that the chairman of the Aegis Group's personal bodyguards is much stronger than she had imagined!

Enron couldn’t help but compare Wade’s performance with Chen Mo’s performance. Although there was a strong defense provided by the alloy armored combat uniforms, it also added a lot of burden to him. After some comparison, Enron I have to admit that Wade’s strength is much stronger than the original Chen Mo!

However, this is only relative to Chen Mo, who was still in high school that year. In Enron, Chen Mo was so powerful in the past. Today's strength is bound to be stronger than at the beginning. At least, it will not be weaker than Wade!

Even the plane crashed, he fell alive on the desert island, and he passed all the people safely left the desert island and hid it. If he had received the reply of Chen Mo’s "I am still alive", even Enron was almost Thought he is dead!

But now obviously not thinking about this, the outside crisis was temporarily solved under the outbreak of Wade, but now it is still not safe outside, Enron did not let the crew go out, but took out the phone from the pocket.

Someone in the crew just called the police. Enron called Su Shi to tell her what happened here. After such a big thing, she must report to the company. Some things in the future must be sent to the company. Responsible for processing.

In the distant streets and surrounding houses, many onlookers who witnessed what happened just now are all excited.

so cool!

What did they just see?

A man in an alloy armored combat uniform, under the attack of more than a dozen pistols, hardly hit the bullets, and simply knocked all the enemies to the ground, all lost their fighting power!

If you have not witnessed the whole process, they will think that this is filming!

Although these people seem to be making movies!

At this point, they were full of curiosity about the film. An actor in the crew, wearing a prop, could knock down a gunman like a superhero. How wonderful would this movie be?

I used to take pictures of the following exciting battles like movie movies, and uploaded the videos to the Internet.

"Los Angeles is a superhero!"

"Hidden super master in the mystery Does anyone know if this is the movie?"

"A single person fights more than a dozen gunmen and gangsters, even unscathed, the real superhero!"


Many people hiding in the distance and behind the window have taken video, and soon several related videos appeared on the network, and successfully attracted the attention of many people.

"Writer of sensational headlines!"

"Which movie is this, it feels great!"

"This clip has not been seen, which new movie should be, and ask for the name!"

"That set of black armor is cool, is it new equipment for Batman? But I haven't heard of Batman making new films!"

"What happened to that crew? It doesn't look like a movie story. It seems that the real crew is experiencing an unexpected situation!"

"How could it be that I didn't see how much the armor was wearing? The bullets were not afraid. One person killed more than a dozen. It was definitely a movie. It might be a new superhero from Marvel. Look forward to it!"

"This is obviously the phone sneak shot in the window, and I also found several videos taken from other angles, although it is hard to believe, but I still think this is true!"


When the netizens on the Internet quarreled about the true and false of these videos, the police finally arrived at the scene.

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