My Iron Suit

Chapter 1049: Both hands knight sword!

At the time, in the library, Enron’s emotions were very exciting. The details of Chen Mo’s alloy armored combat uniforms were not particularly clear. The sketches drawn by the design were only restored by the feelings. Many details were not perfect. .

She sent the design to Su Shi before. After she wanted to pass the review, she and the designer worked together to perfect the details and design the final official version.

Before she really thought that Chen Mo had not been reviewed, and she still had some concerns. She did not expect that the program would not only pass smoothly, but Su Shi actually gave it out directly!

This made her unable to marvel at the strength of the Aegis Group.

Not only is the factory's manufacturing capabilities very strong, it has produced a complete set of complex armored combat uniforms in just a few hours, and it looks very fine.

The design department's super design ability also made her can't help but admire!

They were able to optimize it to this point in such a short time based on that design sketch!

At this time, I saw this set of alloy combat uniforms. Enron only thought that the designer got the feeling expressed by her thoughts and sketches. I didn’t even think that this set of alloy armored combat uniforms was made according to Chen Mo’s equipment. Naturally the same!

The only difference is that the materials used are different!

However, this set of alloy armored combat uniforms is not the precious Edelman alloy used by Chen Mo's set, but it is also made of H-3 special alloy with very strong performance. It is indestructible and can defend against ordinary bullets. The attack is completely ok!

Especially the physical quality of Agent No. 0, even if it is a bullet of a heavy machine gun, he can withstand this set of alloy armored combat uniforms!

Although Su Shi did not say, Enron and Zhang Xin Xu Qing both guessed that the wearing of alloy armored combat uniforms should be Agent No. 0.

After all, the height is nearly two meters, and there are not many people who are so strong and strong, and just after dinner, Agent No. 0 was called by Su Shi. The three people thought that there was something else. I didn’t expect to wear it. Equipment went!

This set of alloy armored combat uniforms was worn by Agent No. 0, but it was quite a bit of their mighty and domineering impressions, and the chilling and powerful momentum!

Enron carefully looked at the No. 0 agent wearing an alloy armored combat uniform, and looked satisfied. Although there are some differences with her "", it is safe enough to complete this movie!

After the plot, the lens, and the rendering of special effects, Enron is sure to be able to present the perfect effect she wants!

But soon, Enron's eyes suddenly could not help but shine, a silver flash reflected in her eyes.

Enron immediately walked behind the Agent No. 0 and saw the source of the silver light.

I saw the black metal armored combat uniform behind the back, a foot of more than one meter long, simple and retro silver hand knight sword is fixed in the center of the back, the hilt just came out from behind the head, from the front also can not tell.

"This sword is...?"

Enron looked at this two-handed knight sword that was not in the design, and couldn't help but turn his head and look at Su Shi, asking doubts.

Su Shi smiled at Enron and explained.

"This is the boss's idea. He thinks that a superhero can't just use the fists and feet to fight. It looks too ordinary, and the weapons such as the pistol rifle are not quite suitable for this set of alloy armored combat uniforms. It is better to use it directly. Cold weapon!"

Su Shi said that he looked at the No. 0 agent wearing an alloy armored combat uniform, and the silver-handed knight sword behind him, slowly said.

"Since it is a knight, it is naturally a little iconic weaponry. The medieval knight armor is too retro, so it uses a more sci-fi handsome metal armored combat uniform, but the two-handed knight sword can be used as a weapon to become a symbol of the protagonist! ”

Enron heard it and thought about it. He turned around around Agent No. 0 and looked at it carefully. He finally couldn’t help but nod his head and agreed with Su Shi’s statement.

Originally, she just wanted to make a low-cost action movie. The wonderful fist fight is enough. At most, it is appropriate to add some gun battle shots, but now that it is a superhero movie, it can't be as simple as it used to be. Chen Mo's suggestion is a good way!

Compared to wearing an armored empty-handed combat, or holding a firearm, it is obviously still a simple and simple but domineering two-handed knight sword and alloy armored combat uniforms!

And the more you look, the more Enron feels that this pair of knights and swords are good, so that some of the original thin characters have become more noble and majestic, just like the finishing touch, let this character live completely!

If there is no long sword, Agent No. 0 wearing this set of alloy armored combat uniforms looks like a cold and powerful combat robot. If it is difficult to distinguish, it is fearful, then the zero number of the knight’s sword is now carried. In addition to becoming more majestic and powerful, the agents have a feeling of heroism, fearlessness, compassion and justice.

It seems that it is no longer a cold steel killing machine but a steel knight who guards justice!

This is the feeling that Enron wants!

In fact, there is a real superhero like Chen Mo who helps behind the scenes. This superhero movie has a natural advantage!

This film is equivalent to Chen Mo's autobiography. The weaponry itself is used by himself. Many of the plots in the film are also personally experienced or dominated by him. He naturally has the most say.

Regardless of the costume props or the problems on the plot, Chen Mo can propose a perfect solution from the perspective of the parties.

The original fictional superhero movie became the autobiography of the real superhero. Even the actor Chen Mo gave her a powerful presence with super hero strength. This movie should not be too simple to shoot!

When Enron was surprised by this long-handed knight's sword like the pen of the gods, Zhang Xin and Xu Qing were all looking at Su Shi, and the four bright big eyes flashed with brilliance, full of deep meaning.

When the library appeared on the day, Chen Mo did not have the sword of the king, so Enron did not know that Chen Mo had a two-handed knight sword.

However, they and Su Shi, who survived for a long time on the desert island and Chen Mo, saw the long sword on Chen Mo’s back!

At this time, the hands of the Knights behind the No. 0 agent are exactly the same as those of Chen Mo!

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