My Iron Suit

Chapter 1048: Alloy armored combat uniforms!

The main props of this film are handed over to the Aegis group, and the props such as the protagonist's equipment are naturally more important.

After receiving the mail, Su Shi did not reply with Enron, but directly ordered the production.

Enron now only has this design sketch drawn by memory. In the end, the props must have perfect and accurate drawings. If she wants to improve the details, a little correction and improvement, I don’t know how much time to spend. And the final effect she is not necessarily fully satisfied.

Su Shi knows that the set of alloy armored combat uniforms given by Chen Mo is the original version he wears, and the perfect version that Enron wants most. Naturally, he is not worried that Enron will be dissatisfied.

The drawings given by Chen Mo are very perfect, and can be manufactured in the afternoon with the efficiency of Aegis.

Therefore, Su Shi would like to make the actual appearance of the alloy armored combat uniforms, giving Enron a surprise!

Enron saw the design map sent over, but Su Shi did not respond in the morning, but could not help but be anxious, worried that Chen Mo would veto this plan.

Before it was over, she has not dared to take this original design out of the issue of confidentiality.

But now, she has figured out the benefits and dispelled concerns, then this design is the perfect solution she wants the most, she does not want to be finally rejected by Chen Mo!

I waited until noon, when I was eating in the company cafeteria, Enron’s worried Chao Su asked.

"How about the equipment design that I sent you."

Su Shi saw Enron’s embarrassment, and counted the time in his heart, then smiled and comforted.

"The boss is still watching. If there is no reply, it means that there is no direct veto. You don't have to worry. There should be results in the afternoon. Don't worry, I will definitely pass the understanding of the boss!"

Enron had no choice but to nod, but his face was still suffering.

Sitting on the side of Zhang Xin and Xu Qing heard the words but could not help but curiously widened their eyes, and the rice refused to eat, and quickly asked the two people.

“Is there a new equipment design plan? What kind of?”

Su Shi looked at the two little girls with a curious look, and could not help but smile and said to the two.

"Hurry to eat your meal, and when the afternoon comes out, you will know!"

Zhang Xin and Xu Qing looked at the smile on Su Shi’s face, but there was speculation in my heart.

In fact, the two also know that the "black steel armor" is actually the best equipment, but they are also afraid of the existence of "", so Enron did not come up with the program, they did not mention.

Now I look at Su Shi’s mysterious and mysterious look, so that the two can't help but doubt whether Enron has come up with the “Steel Armor Program”.

You must know that Su Shi also knows that "" exists. Apart from this situation, the two cannot think of other possibilities.

I have to say that the two little gimmicks are still very clever, and they have guessed the facts from Su Shi’s expression.

The two immediately turned to look at Enron and asked temptedly.

"You should not use that program?"

Enron heard the words and looked at Su Shi quietly, and found that she did not react. Then she secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly made a look at the two women, vaguely said.

"Let's go back and show it to you later."

Enron did not know, Su Shi actually knew the existence of "", and now he is working for him!

Zhang Xin and Xu Qing remembered that Su Shi had explained them before, and did not tell her the identity of the survivors of the crash, so Enron did not know that Su Shi also knew the existence of "".

Obviously Enron was afraid that Su Shi would find an abnormality and questioned the plan in their mouth. Although the two little girls didn’t understand why Su Shi was not willing to reveal their identity, since they had already agreed to Su Shi, they could only continue to conceal, so they The two no longer asked, and they bowed their heads and ate.

When I returned to Enron's office, Zhang Xin and Xu Qing couldn't wait to ask.

"You don't really take out the ‘’s armor?”

Enron immediately explained that she was inspired by Su Shi’s “unintentional” and found that the image of “” was actually better for him to hide his identity!

After listening to Zhang Xin and Xu Qing, it was no coincidence that it was a coincidence, but Su Shi intended to do so, deliberately guiding Enron to put down his concerns and use the "" steel armored combat uniforms!

However, after listening to Enron's explanation, they also realized that turning the image of "" into a superhero image in a familiar movie is indeed more conducive to his hiding identity!

Just as Zhang Xin and Xu Qing were preparing to leave Enron's office and continue to train for Agent No. 0, a burst of noise suddenly came from outside the office. The three men looked at each other and could not help but push the door out.

And when they saw the situation outside, the faces of the three people could not help but be shocked!

I saw that Su Shi was coming in their direction, and by her side, it was a tall figure wearing black armor that was almost exactly the same as their memory!

If you don't know that this is a company, "" can't be here, they almost think that the figure around Su Shi is him!

In the shocking eyes of Enron’s three men, and the amazement of the staff of the Aegis Film Company present, Su Shi and her tall figure wearing alloy armored combat uniforms quickly came to them, as the tall figure kept approaching, They can clearly feel that the ground under the feet is shaking with the other's footsteps!

Obviously This set of alloy armor is not a prop made of plastic, but is really made of heavy alloy!

Su Shi looked at the shocked look of the three people and said with a smile.

"How, surprise? This is the Aegis machinery built using the latest H-3 alloy. In fact, the boss immediately passed this program after seeing it. I let the design department improve the details and then directly Let the factory do it, I want to give you a surprise, do you look dissatisfied? If you are not satisfied, I will re-edit the design department."

Enron heard that this was only a return to God, and quickly shook his head and said.

"No! No need to change! This is what I want!"

Enron sees this set of black armor that is almost exactly the same as her memory. The face is full of surprises.

She was also worried that her design was relatively simple, and she could not fully express the effect of "" armor. The effect of the production may be quite different. Now it seems that she saw it in the library on the same day. There is almost no difference!

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