My Iron Suit

Chapter 1030: The last one thing!

In the face of some self-defeating Alice, the red is slowly said.

"No, you are far beyond their expectations, and clones are more human than humans!"

This time Alice didn't talk anymore, but turned her head and looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo did not go to comfort her again, just gave her a smile of encouragement. He knew that Alice needed a little time to fully accept his own life, but he believed that this was not too difficult for Alice!

Alice seems to feel the power contained in Chen Mo's smile. The original heavy expression on her face has gradually eased. She just needs a little time to get used to it. After all, she thought she was a normal person not long ago. In a blink of an eye, it became a clone, and no one can accept it immediately.

Just after Alice turned around, Red said it again.

"You still have one last thing to do."

Alice heard a word and asked without doubt.

"What do you mean?"

After the red did not speak again, but the projection of the air disappeared, and then, Alice placed on the stone above the projection device split open, from which a contact lens was raised.

A blue light was projected from below again, and a picture was projected through the contact lens in midair. Alice looked up and saw that it was a picture of Alicia Marcus as a child!

The sound after the red sounded.

"Alice Marcus downloaded her memory for you before she died!"

"You have never had a childhood, and you are not integrated with what she has not been able to become!"

Alicia Marcus apparently wants to fill Alice's regret and fill her Alice's past gaps with her childhood memories.

At the same time, Alice, who has her childhood memories, is a continuation of her life, making up for her premature aging, never regretting a normal girl!

Alice looked at a picture of memory in the air, and Alice could no longer remain calm, her mood fluctuated wildly, and her face was constantly changing, excited, eager, hesitant, entangled, and resisting.

This memory is the "past" she wants to find. It is a precious childhood for her, but they are not the memories of the time she really experienced, but copied from Alicia Marcus. I want to have it, but I don't want to be a "replica" of others!

The clone of Alicia Marcus has made her unacceptable, but at least her memories are all of her own, but if I copy the memory of Alicia Marcus, even if it is only childhood. Memory, then she is still her?

Alice, who was extremely entangled in her heart, didn't know whether she should accept this memory. She couldn't help but turn her head to Chen Mo and wanted to ask for help.

Chen Mo looked at Alice and said slowly.

"Determining who you are, that is not your body, nor the memory of childhood, but your thoughts! It is your experience and thoughts from the Raccoon City!"

"You are like the twin sisters of Alicia Marcus, who have the same genes, the same childhood, but different lives have created two completely different people!"

"In any case, you will always be you, Alice!"

Alice listened to Chen Mo’s words and her mood gradually stabilized.

Chen Mo is right, whether it is a clone of Alicia Marcus, whether she has her childhood memories, she is Alice!

Alice, who calmed down, immediately had a decision. She turned directly to look at the memory projection into the air, and asked after opening the red.

"what should I do?"

"Put that glasses into your eyes. It will connect your neural network and transfer memories directly to your brain, turning them into your memories."

With the red, the memory projection in the air was instantly received, and the contact lens was revealed again.

Alice immediately stepped forward and picked up the projection device.

However, looking at the small contact lens above, Alice made a difficult, then turned around and looked at Chen Mo, asking for help.

"Do you wear this thing?"

Chen Mowen glanced at the contact lens and could not help but shake his head.

With his super sharp vision that is sharper than the eagle eye, there is no such thing as a contact lens.

However, looking at the face of Alice's face, Chen Mo decided to give it a try. He had never seen a pig running after he had eaten pork. When he wanted to come, it was not difficult to put the contact lens into his eyes.

"We can try."

Alice heard the words and looked up with a smile.

But soon, Chen Mo found that he thought things simple!

When he pinched the contact lens and put it in Alice's eyes, Alice, who had never worn the contact lens, instinctively blinked. The glasses had not touched the eyeball and was blocked by the eyelids.

"Don't blink!"

"I can't control it!"

After all, Alice is not Chen Mo, she can't do the slight control of every part of the body like him. When something is close to the eyes, people will instinctively wink.

Chen Mo had to hold Alice's eyelids in one hand and quickly put it in, but he obviously stunned Alice's reaction speed. At the moment when the glasses approached, Alice's eyelids broke out all the power and speed, and again invisible. Glasses are caught!

Without waiting for Chen Mo to speak, Alice said first.

"Instinct, I can't control it!"

Chen Mo could not help but regret that he took this errand, but since he has already started, Chen Mo does not want to quit halfway, he does not believe that a small contact lens can still hold him!

This time, Chen Mo took all the strength!

The hand speed broke out instantly, and the contact lens was put into the eye before Alice did not respond!


But the next moment Chen Mo saw that the contact lens was squeezed out by Alice's fast-moving eyelids and fell to the ground!

Chen Mo quickly grabbed the glasses with his mind, and looked at Alice with a serious look, Shen Sheng said.

"In this case, I am going to be hard!"

Without waiting for Alice to react, she felt that her body was shackled by an invisible force, and the whole body could not move. Even the eyelids seemed to be split by the invisible force. Living.

No matter how hard she blinks, she can't close her eyes!

Alice was a little scared at first, instinctively twisting her body and trying to struggle, but it didn’t help at all, and when she saw Chen Mo, who was standing in front of her face, she was still in front of her. When I contacted the contact lens, Alice quickly understood that Chen Mo lost her patience and fixed her with her mind!

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