My Iron Suit

Chapter 1029: Constantly narrowing the gap!

The antiviral agent does not work for the completed Chen Mo, but it does not mean that Alice is useless. At this time, the T virus in her body has been completely killed by the virus antibody, and she once again lost the super power and became an ordinary person. !

Or, this is exactly what she wants, although the T virus gives a powerful power to the Alice ribbon, but if she can choose, she would rather be an ordinary person!

For the T virus that killed seven billion people on the planet, Alice’s heart has an instinctual rejection!

Seeing that Alice still didn't wake up, Chen Mo did not rush to wake her up, but roughly tried his ability to strengthen, and quickly judged his own improvement.

As he had before, the strength of this T-virus enhancement is not as weak as the previous baptism of Thor's Thunder!

Physical fitness, including strength, speed, reaction, bone strength, brain power, etc. have all improved a lot, from the original ten times the physical quality of ordinary people to twelve times!

It seems that there is only a double improvement, but the enhancement to Chen Mo's strength is very huge!

The improvement of strength in any aspect, such as strength, speed or reflection, can bring about tremendous improvement in strength, not to mention the substantial improvement of Chen Mo in all aspects!

Now Chen Mo can easily kill himself before, even if it is a one-to-many, there is not much pressure!

At this time, Chen Mo has doubled his combat power!

Self-healing ability, this time has also been greatly enhanced!

Although Chen Mo's previous self-healing ability can also be reborn, but the speed is much slower than the simple healing injury. After all, the bone grows much slower than the muscle and takes a long time to grow slowly.

Although I didn’t really cut an arm to experiment, Chen Mo’s slight damage to the bones through the mind, the speed of repairing the bones, and the activity of the cells in the body can be felt, not just the healing of the wound. The speed is much faster, and the regenerative capacity of the bones is also enhanced. Although it is still far less healing than the skin muscles, it can also be quickly repaired and repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Broken arm regeneration is just a matter of tens of minutes. Local bone damage can be repaired in a few minutes!

In addition to physical fitness, as the mental power increases, the teleportation and the improvement of the mind are equally great!

After the last intensification, Chen Mo's teleportation can carry objects within the range of Thursdays and meters, and make a single teleport of up to one kilometer.

Now, the range that can be carried has been expanded to six meters, and the teleport distance has reached two kilometers.

However, Chen Mo is more valued or mindful!

Today's mind coverage has reached 200 meters, which is more meaningful to Chen Mo than the teleportation!

He can make multiple consecutive teleports in a short period of time. The distance between the teleports of one kilometer or two kilometers is not so great for Chen Mo.

However, as a powerful field control skill, not only can it fully grasp the battlefield situation within the scope of the mind, but it can also control the weapon to attack. It is equivalent to the extension of Chen Mo's eyes and hands. The improvement of the mind is very important to Chen Mo. huge.

It is also very important that as the spiritual power continues to increase, the power of the mind is constantly increasing!

From the time when the "Wolverine" world had just received the power of thought, there was only about one ton of strength. After these two enhancements, it has reached the current 20 tons!

But it is stronger than Chen Mo’s own physical strength!

The improvement of physical strength is limited by physical conditions. It is relatively difficult to raise. It is very difficult to reach the level of the Hulk and Raytheon, but the strength of the power is based on the strength of the mental power and is not restricted by physical conditions. The increase is much greater than the body strength!

Although the body's strength is not as good as Raytheon's Asgard Protoss with a special Protoss physique, and the Hulk's full-bodied muscles, almost invincible mutant muscle men, but relying on the addition of the power of mind, Chen Mo can be greatly shortened and their The power gap between!

And with the continuous improvement of Chen Mo's spiritual strength, his power is more than they are sooner or later!

In addition, Chen Mo also has the strength and defense bonus of steel shirts. The gap between the top and the top of the giants such as Raytheon and the Hulk has become smaller and smaller. It doesn't take long for Chen Mo to rely on Zhenjin Shield and the King. Swords can also fight against them!

Chen Mo just roughly figured out his strength after strengthening. Alice, who was lying on the ground and stunned, slowly woke up. Chen Mo did not continue to study his strength. He walked to Alice and reached for her.

Looking at Chen Mo standing in front of him, Alice asked with a confused look.

"Why am I still alive?"

Chen Mo let go of his hand and said slowly.

"I think you can ask after the red."

Alice turned and looked at the dozens of **** dogs that fell to the ground not far away, and then took the projection device out of her pocket and placed it on a stone in front of him.

A light and shadow is projected from the projection device, and a red stereoscopic image is formed in the air.

"What happened in the end?"

Alice asked with a frown.

"Alice Marcus ordered the termination of the cleanup All the cleanup teams have been recalled, and after they all return to the base, all the umbrella bases around the world will start self-destruction procedures, umbrellas The company will no longer exist!"

After the red words, Alice’s heart was loose, and she immediately asked her doubts.

"Why am I still alive?"

Immediately after the red, she explained to her.

"Virus antibodies only destroy the T virus in your body without damaging healthy cells. You are now free from infection."

Alice heard the words and quickly understood it. Some helplessly looked at the red and said.

"I thought I would die, you and Alicia, you lied to me."

"We have to make sure that you are willing to sacrifice yourself, save others, and others in the umbrella company. This is absolutely impossible. Alicia Marcus is not wrong, you are much better than them."

After the red words, Alice remembered the secret that she had learned at the bottom of the hive. She was a clone created by Dr. Isaacs!

Although Chen Mo’s previous persuasion had already accepted her reality, the words after the red still made her emotions a little excited, and said with anger.

"I was once one of them. I was created by the umbrella company. I am just their tool!"

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