My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 122: Make a choice between me and my sister

The latest website: Donggong Mingyue blinked her eyes, a little disbelieving: "Senior brother, do you really want to give me Lei Lingzhu?"

Lu Yi nodded and said with a smile: "Of course, you are a congenital thunder spirit body, and this thunder spirit pearl is the most useful for you. With this thunder spirit pearl, you should also be able to quickly improve your mood."

Donggong Mingyue realized the mood of thunder not long after breaking through to the golden core realm, but the improvement of the mood of thunder is very slow, and it is not yet 10%.

"However, this Lei Lingzhu is too precious." Donggong Mingyue naturally wanted this Lei Lingzhu, but it was so precious that she didn't even have the courage to take it.

Lu Yi shook his head and chuckled: "As long as you can cultivate well and improve your cultivation quickly, even if it is precious, senior brother is willing to give it to you."

"Senior brother..." Donggong Mingyue's big eyes were red with a hint of redness, and she was very moved. She stared straight at Lu Yi, not knowing what she was thinking.

Lu Yi smiled and said, "Hurry up and take it, I just gave Senior Sister an Ice Spirit Orb."

East Palace Mingyue: "???"

Hearing this, her expression suddenly stiffened.

She looked at Lu Yi and widened her eyes: "You even gave Senior Sister an Ice Spirit Orb?!"

Not only Donggong Mingyue was surprised by Lu Yi's words, but Liu Ningshuang's calm little face also showed fluctuations. She glanced at Lu Yi with inexplicable eyes.

Lu Yi smiled and nodded: "Of course, you and your senior sister are very important to me. Since I have the treasures suitable for you, I will naturally not be stingy."

Hearing Lu Yi's words, the atmosphere was a little silent, Donggong Mingyue glanced at Liu Ningshuang, and saw that Liu Ningshuang was also looking at her.

Both of them had strange looks in their eyes.

Donggong Mingyue snorted, took the Lei Lingzhu handed over by Lu Yi, and said, "Since the senior sisters have all, then I'm welcome!"

Seeing that Donggong Mingyue accepted Lei Lingzhu, Lu Yi nodded in satisfaction.

"In this way, you can all quickly improve your strength. When the time comes, we will walk on the Immortal Dao together." Lu Yi was very happy.

Donggong Mingyue and Liu Ningshuang both had a meal, then looked at each other.

Liu Ningshuang smiled lightly: "Junior brother, just don't pull the two of us too far away."

Donggong Mingyue put her hands on her hips: "This young lady is very talented, and she will work hard. I will definitely not be left behind by you!"

Lu Yi was very satisfied.

In this case, you can get some resources later, and you can give them to senior sisters and junior sisters. Their strength will improve, and the rewards they get from learning will also increase, and then their own strength will also improve. At that time, you can use more resources to train senior sisters. and sister.

This is a virtuous circle, and it is also the thinking of sustainable development.

At the same time, Lu Yi also thought about the other Spirit Orbs in his hand: 1 Water Spirit Orb, 1 Wood Spirit Orb, and 1 Wind Spirit Orb.

The Shui Lingzhu could have been given to Senior Brother Jiang Fan. After all, Senior Brother Jiang Fan is an acquired water spirit body. Unfortunately, he went out with Senior Brother Bai Yulong and Senior Brother Tie Man to experience and did not come back for several years.

I don't know where the waves are now.

Mu Lingzhu... Lu Yi's eyes lit up, but he thought of a candidate, Yun Xi.

She is a Myriad Flower Spirit Body, a Mutated Spirit Body belonging to the wood attribute. If the Wood Spirit Orb is used for her, it should be of great use.

As for the Wind Spirit Pearl... Lu Yi didn't know the genius cultivator who possessed the wind attribute Taoist method.

After that, the three of them drank wine, discussed Taoism, and chatted.

Not long after, Donggong Mingyue's pretty face was blushing and she was drunk. She lay on Lu Yi's shoulder and breathed out alcohol, and was driven by Liu Ningshuang to the training room to refine her spiritual energy.

Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang drank for a while, until Donggong Mingyue and Liu Ningshuang finished refining, and Donggong Mingyue and Liu Ningshuang left Lu Yi's cave.

Lu Yi returned to the training room with a relaxed mood.

I have to say that after daily hard work, it is also very good to have two people talking, chatting, and relaxing.

Especially when these two are unparalleled beauty.

After Lu Yi relaxed, he continued to practice.

At night, Lu Yi was practicing when he suddenly heard Donggong Mingyue's voice from outside the door: "Senior brother, come out quickly."

Lu Yi was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled, it was clear that the East Palace Mingyue left not long ago, why did he come back?

He came to the door of the cave, opened the door of the cave, and then saw Donggong Mingyue standing outside the door.

The night was cold, and the silver stars scattered, dyeing Donggong Mingyue's pretty face with a layer of silver powder, which looked a little more mysterious.

Her eyes wandered a bit. After Lu Yi opened the door of the room, Dong Gong Mingyue's body stiffened, and then she looked at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi was a little puzzled: "Junior sister, what's the matter? Are you confused about your cultivation?"

Seeing Lu Yi's concern, Donggong Mingyue blinked and couldn't help showing a smile, then she looked away slightly, took out a purple sachet, and handed it to Lu Yi.

"Senior brother has done so much for junior sister, but junior sister is unable to do anything for senior brother. This sachet... is the tradition of my Donggong family, and it has the function of praying for peace and happiness. I made it after I went back and gave it to senior brother."

Lu Yi was stunned for a moment, then felt a little warm in his heart. He didn't expect Donggong Mingyue to give him this thing.

He took the sachet and looked at it. It was a kind of sachet made of purple silk, with a delicate "Yi" embroidered on it. .

Lu Yi hung the sachet around his neck and smiled slightly: "Thank you Junior Sister, I like this sachet very much."

Donggong Mingyue seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and then her pretty face flushed, and she said, "As long as you like it, junior sister has no other way to repay."

Lu Yi thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Don't you still have a promise?"

"What...?!" Donggong Mingyue's body suddenly stiffened, she glared at Lu Yi, her pretty face flushed, and she shouted, "No, don't tell your brother!"

She suddenly turned into a ray of lightning and disappeared.

Seeing Donggong Mingyue leaving, Lu Yi scratched his head, feeling a little helpless.

The main reason is that Lu Yi saw that the task has not been completed, and it seems that there is no way to go on like this, so he wondered if it would be better for him to be direct.

The result seems to be the same.

Lu Yi was helpless.

Then he turned his head, looked in the direction of the forest, raised his eyebrows, and said with a slight smile, "Senior sister, why don't you practice at night and come to me?"

The forest outside was quiet for a moment, and then a stream of light flashed past, and Liu Ningshuang in white appeared outside the cave.

Liu Ningshuang, who was originally as cold as a fairy, seemed to be able to ride the wind at any time under the moonlight, like a moonlight fairy.

She and Lu Yi stood opposite each other, and a cold voice sounded: "Junior brother's consciousness is amazing, and he found me."

Lu Yi smiled slightly: "Actually, I didn't notice it at first, but just now, Senior Sister, your own breath fluctuated."

When Lu Yi said that he promised each other just now, he noticed that Liu Ningshuang's breath fluctuated, otherwise he really didn't notice it.

Liu Ningshuang looked at Lu Yi, smiled lightly, and said, "Junior Brother seems to like Junior Sister very much, are you planning to become Dao Companions with Junior Sister?"

Lu Yi thought for a while, then smiled and said, "If Junior Sister can fall in love with me, then I will naturally be willing to become Dao Companions with Junior Sister."

Liu Ningshuang was silent, her expression was cold, and she chuckled like a joke: "Then junior brother should not give me the ice spirit pearl, nor should I tell junior sister about it, maybe junior sister promised at that time."

Lu Yi said with a serious face: "Then how can it be done? This ice spirit pearl is of great use to Senior Sister, I will naturally give it to Senior Sister, this is not something I can't tell Senior Sister, I don't want to deceive Senior Sister, of course, I also don't want to deceive Senior Sister. "

To be honest, Lu Yi actually asked Bai Yulong and several other senior brothers who were good at hooking up with senior sisters before, and they all told Lu Yi that women prefer to be valued and favored, and sometimes they have to hide something appropriately.

But Lu Yi had a hard time doing this.

Perhaps because of Lu Yi himself, he does not think that deception and concealment can bring sincere feelings.

In his last life, Lu Yi had seen a lot of couples divorced because of deceit and concealment.

Relatively speaking, Lu Yi prefers to be frank and sincere.

Even if the final result is not satisfactory, I have done what I should and can do, enough to face the reality calmly.

if I get it I am lucky, but if not, it is fate.

Liu Ningshuang was silent for a while, then smiled lightly: "But in this way, junior brother missed the opportunity of junior sister to promise each other. Don't junior brother regret it?"

Lu Yi blinked and said with a smile, "If it is said that the senior sister is willing to promise each other, the junior brother will feel a lot better."

"You..." Liu Ningshuang's pretty face froze, and then she glanced at Lu Yi. There seemed to be a stream of light flashing in her cold eyes. She chuckled and said, "Could it be that Junior Brother still intends to be a Taoist companion with me?"

Lu Yi nodded seriously: "Of course."

He has no reason to deny it, it is what it is.

Even if she was as cold as Liu Ningshuang, her expression was stiff at the moment, and a slight redness appeared on her pretty face.

She couldn't help but glanced at Lu Yi angrily, then thought of something, and asked with a light smile, "If you had to choose between me and my junior sister, who would you choose, junior brother?"

Lu Yi grinned and said earnestly, "Children make choices, of course I want them all!"

"Senior sister didn't realize that junior brother, your heart is not small." Liu Ningshuang's pretty face was cold, and she turned to leave: "Cultivation well, the matter of men and women will delay cultivation."

Lu Yi immediately retorted: "That's not necessarily, there is a double cultivation method."

Liu Ningshuang's delicate body was slightly stiff, and she said angrily, "Junior Brother!"

Lu Yi hurriedly did not speak, Liu Ningshuang snorted and took a step, then she thought of something and said, "Do you like that sachet?"

Lu Yi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Liu Ningshuang was talking about the sachet from Donggong Mingyue. He nodded with a smile: "Of course, after all, it was given by junior sister. If senior sister gave me a gift, I would also like it."

Liu Ningshuang didn't speak anymore, turned into a streamer, and disappeared.

Lu Yi saw that the moonlight was cold and the night was calm, so he scratched his head helplessly. He didn't know what the favorability of senior sister and junior sister would be to him after today?

He glanced at the task, neither of which was completed.

It was not what I expected.

Having said that, is there a bug in this task, and it can't be completed.

Lu Yi complained in his heart, very helpless.

Fortunately, this quest reward is still a little precious to him, but it is not so precious that it is impossible to do without it.

Lu Yi is very calm, everything goes with the flow.

He returned to the cave again and began to practice.

Early the next morning, Liu Ningshuang came to Lu Yidong Mansion again, didn't speak, just threw him a white sachet and left directly.

The sachet has a hint of coolness, and the word "easy" is also embroidered on it, which contains a hint of Liu Ningshuang's body fragrance.

Lu Yi looked at the two sachets and fell into contemplation.

Two at a time, or one a day?

After a while of distress, Lu Yi chose to take two at a time. Anyway, this sachet is not big, so it's okay to carry it.

The days after that became much calmer.

Liu Ningshuang and Donggong Mingyue didn't seem to care about Lu Yi's words at all, just because they had the Spirit Orb in their hands, they spent a lot of time in retreat. Fortunately, Lu Yi now has enough resources for cultivation and does not need to learn from each other every day.

He also began to retreat.

Four years later, Lu Yi broke through the limit of the third layer of heaven, and broke through to the thirteenth layer of Jindan.

After five years of cultivation after the breakthrough, Lu Yi reached the limit of Jindan realm.

The colorful clouds in his body are surging, and the glazed golden elixir in the center is like a sun. It is located in the center of the Caixia and in the center of the dantian. It is constantly exuding mysterious and incomparable Dao light. The physical body made Lu Yi's physical body more accessible.

He felt the bottleneck. This time, there was no bottleneck restricted by the Heavenly Dao, only the road to the Nascent Soul realm.

As long as this bottleneck is broken, he will be a Yuan Ying cultivator.

In the Nascent Soul realm, in some small sects, it is even a figure of the ancestor level. At this level, it is already considered a strong one.

Lu Yi was looking forward to it, but he was not in a hurry at all. He silently issued a mission to himself: "I want to break through to the realm of Nascent Soul!"


Break through to the realm of Nascent Soul

Rewards: Mid-grade Spirit Artifact Xuanxing Clock, Mahayana Kung Fu Method "Qing Lian He Dao Jue", Dao Enlightenment Tea 3kg, designated spell level +2

Accepted or not: yes/no

Seeing the reward, Lu Yi nodded with satisfaction.

That's right, he has already started to reward mid-grade spiritual weapons. With this mid-grade spiritual weapon, his combat power will definitely be stronger.

Not to mention, Enlightenment Tea gave 3 pounds of tea directly, which is wonderful.

Lu Yimei accepted the task, and then began to prepare for a breakthrough.

After breaking the Heavenly Dao restriction three times before, Lu Yi obtained eight Dao Dao Jade, plus there are a lot of thousand-year-old and ten-thousand-year spiritual essence in his hand, it can be said that everything is ready.

Lu Yi's spiritual energy circulated all over his body, the colorful rays of light rolled, and the spiritual energy passed through the inextinguishable sword species, turned into inextinguishable sword energy, and charged towards the bottleneck with a terrifying sharpness.


The roar resounded in Lu Yi's body.

Lu Yi's rushing off officially started.

One month, Lu Yi had been impacted for a full month, and the bottleneck made a small crisp sound.

This is a symptom of a broken bottleneck.

Lu Yi was very pleasantly surprised, took out the Daoyu jade, and started the final sprint.

Daoyu was absorbed by Lu Yi, turned into Dao Qi, and merged into Lu Yi's body.

The incomparably rich Dao Qi was like a torrent, spreading through Lu Yi's limbs and bones, which contained incomparably mysterious innate Dao patterns.

Just like when Lu Yi absorbed the Dao Lingzhu, the aura of the Dao spread, and the sporadic innate Dao patterns slowly merged into Lu Yi's flesh and blood, causing Lu Yi's body to transform again, becoming stronger and more intimate with the Dao. direction began a new evolution.

The rich Dao Qi and the sword intent in Lu Yi's body merged, and finally turned into a turbulent tide of spiritual energy, rushing towards the bottleneck of the tiny broken.

boom! Card!

It was just a collision, the bottleneck collapsed, and Lu Yi began to transform from Jindan to Nascent Soul.

The colorful fog in his body seemed to be shrouded in a blizzard, rolling endlessly, with terrifying power roaring and filial piety, one after another innate dao pattern, true dragon dao pattern, and immortal sword pattern flashing and disappearing in it.

And the glazed golden elixir in the center began to bloom with glazed glaze.

This precious light spread, and Lu Yi's flesh, bones, internal organs, and every part of his body were illuminated by the precious light, like a flawless precious jade, clear and clear, pure and unsullied, and even a trace of fragrance escaped.

A loud voice also sounded, and visions began to appear around Lu Yi's body.

Straws of mysterious yellow energy emerged, and there was a real dragon roaring and filial piety in the mysterious yellow energy, a long sword clanging, a thunderstorm flowing, and a red fire burning...

Various visions continued to emerge and almost enveloped the entire cultivation cave.

The golden core in Lu Yi's body began to vibrate, and cracks appeared on it.

As the crack appeared, a trace of severe pain appeared in Lu Yi's body.

This is the most critical step in breaking through to the realm of Nascent Soul. The golden elixir is broken, and Nascent Soul is condensed from the golden elixir.

This is the process of breaking and then standing. After breaking, there is a new life.


There were cracks on the flawless glazed golden core, and the cracks were densely packed, all over the golden core, and the internal lines flashed out, dazzling like the sun.


A roar sounded, the glazed golden pill burst, and a group of colorful streamers continued to rotate inside, attracting all the glazed fragments in it.

In the end, the colorful streamer absorbed all the glass fragments, and the light became more dazzling.

One after another, the deafening sound of Dao sound exploded in Lu Yi's mind, and Lu Yi suddenly seemed to have heard the truth of the Dao, and various thoughts emerged, and he had a new understanding of his various techniques.

Even, a summary was made and updated changes were deduced.

This is a very mysterious realm. At this moment of Infant Transformation, Lu Yi seems to be connected to the Dao, like the incarnation of Dao.

Soon, the colorful streamer in Caixia slowly dissipated, and a Nascent Soul with colorful streamer inside emerged.

This Nascent Soul looked exactly like Lu Yi, sitting cross-legged in the tumbling colorful clouds, with a calm and peaceful expression, exuding the radiance of the Great Dao.

Allowing Caixia to tumble and surging, Nascent Soul stood still and was as calm as ever.

As the Nascent Soul condensed, more and more mysterious Dao sounds emerged, and the Dao pattern in the Caixia flashed, causing it to shrink continuously, turning into clouds and mists, surrounding the Nascent Soul, and the tumbling gradually subsided.

At this moment, Lu Yi's Nascent Soul was completely condensed, and he broke through to the realm of Nascent Soul.

Lu Yi slowly opened his eyes, and the surrounding vision disappeared. He took one step, disappeared in place, and came to the sky.

The dark clouds began to roll, and among them, the thunder flashed out, and the terrifying aura of destruction almost enveloped the entire White Cloud Sect, awakening all the monks.

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