My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 121: 12th floor of Jindan

The latest website: Fengshan is to abandon all the resources of the sect outside, tighten the defense, and continue the fundamental behavior of the sect with the help of the great formation of protecting the sect.

For the top sects in Qingzhou, they would never make such a move unless they had to.

After all, the territory of the Great Sect is more than ten million miles? Within such a huge territory, a large amount of resources cannot be moved and recycled, which is equivalent to discarding them all, and the loss is too great.

But now, the five sects of the Blood Spirit Sect have made such a move, no doubt to the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

Once the five sects of the Blood Spirit Religion announced the closure of the mountain, there will only be eight top sects left in Qingzhou, and the situation in Qingzhou will be completely changed in the future!

A monk looked back and was shocked to find that the origin of all this was because of a young monk.

Lu Yi, the immortal seed of Baiyun Sect.

At first, it was entirely due to the grievances between the Blood Spirit Sect and the White Cloud Sect that led to the Blood Spirit Sect and the Serpent Sect teaming up to send people to besiege Lu Yi at the Donglin historic site. In the end, the five top sects in Qingzhou were swallowed up.

And everyone was shocked to find that the last ending was also because of Lu Yi. If Lu Yi had not condensed into the field of kendo and showed his absolute talent, I am afraid that there are still a few sects in Qingzhou that would be swaying.

For a time, Lu Yi's name spread almost all over Qingzhou, and even other states heard about it. After all, Lu Yi's performance in the Kendo Conference was too amazing, and the first battle of Tianlong Shengzi was defeated by Lu Yi. , which makes people pay more attention for a while.

At this moment, Lu Yi did not hear the sound of the world, and he returned to the quiet and quiet state of cultivation.

Every day, it is either to discuss with Liu Ningshuang, Donggong Mingyue and Ling Luofeng's brothers and sisters, or to practice magic techniques, formation methods, spiritual food cooking, etc. through tasks, or to practice.

Now Lu Yi has a lot of spiritual marrow in his hands, and even some thousand-year-old spiritual marrow and ten thousand-year-old spiritual marrow. The cultivation speed is quite fast.

Two years later, Lu Yi's cultivation broke through to the peak of Jindan.

He released the task of breaking the limit of the Heavenly Dao of the Golden Core Realm and breaking through to the eleventh floor of the Golden Core.

The reward did not disappoint Lu Yi, and it was also related to Daoji, named Daoyu.

It must be the same treasure as the Dao Lingzhu, but considering that it is now in the Jindan realm, I am afraid that the Daoyu is more precious than the Dao Lingzhu.

Lu Yi naturally accepted the task happily and continued to practice.

These days, every time Lu Yi went to run errands for Master, he would hear some information from Fang Shi from time to time.

After the five sects closed the mountain, the other sects were undoubtedly the biggest winners, and began to divide the territory left by the five sects.

Among them, the White Cloud Sect gained more resources because of the existence of Elder Ming, the illusory sword cultivator, and Lu Yi's unparalleled talent.

The territory of the five sects, the Baiyun Sect was divided into one, and the territory of the Blood Spirit Religion was all included in the scope of the Baiyun sect. The two sects themselves are connected, and now they are completely integrated.

For the loose cultivators and mortals of the Blood Spirit Religion, this is undoubtedly a good thing.

Not to mention that Lu Yi may become immortal in the future, making Baiyun Sect a holy place of immortal sect, so that the spiritual energy in other areas can also increase this possibility.

It's just that the life of the loose cultivators and mortals under the original Blood Spirit Religion is very difficult, and they may be pulled to mine at any time, and even the Blood Spirit Religion cultivators themselves absorb the blood essence to practice, and they may be refined into blood essence.

Loose cultivators with a high level of cultivation are fine. If you are careful, you can go to other places to develop. However, how can loose cultivators and mortals with weak cultivation levels reach the vast territory? No matter how dark it was, they could only endure it.

In contrast, under the rule of Baiyun Sect, there is no doubt that it is better than the Blood Spirit Religion.

The Baiyun Sect received a territory alone, and the remaining four territories were allocated to the other seven sects.

Among them, the Wanhua Sect and the Bitter Winter Valley were originally the sects that were closely related to the Baiyun Sect. The two sects were also divided into more than half of the sect territory. The same is true for the Wenjian Mountain Villa. The three sects The allocated territories are similar, and together they are close to the three sect territories.

And Tiexinmen and Hongyunzong joined the sect at the end, which was the icing on the cake. The two sects shared less than one sect's territory.

The last Black Jade Peak and Molin Valley joined because they were almost over, and they made little contribution, but only got some corners.

Although this made Heiyufeng and Molingu very dissatisfied, they were helpless.

Of course, they didn't join the war at the beginning, and they joined at the end. There was almost no loss. The reason why they were allocated was because they stood in line and the dust settled.

Otherwise, I am afraid that even the last corner will not be left for them.

The pattern of the entire Qingzhou has been completely changed in the past two years.

Not only that, Lu Yi's sword fairy talent spread out, and the entire Qingzhou, even the cultivation geniuses of small and medium-sized sect families in other territories, would run to the White Cloud Sect.

They all went to Lu Yi's name.

After all, if Lu Yi really became a Sword Immortal in the future, Baiyun Sect would be the Immortal Sect, and being a disciple of the Immortal Sect was naturally very promising.

That's why, every time Lu Yi went to Fang Market, he felt that there were a lot more people.

All the disciples greeted Lu Yi with a smile and were very respectful.

After another year, Lu Yi reached the pinnacle of Golden Core. With his foundation, he easily broke the restrictions of Heaven and entered the eleventh floor of Golden Core.

After the breakthrough, Lu Yi also obtained that piece of Dao Jade.

It was a palm-sized piece of beautiful jade flashing with colorful streamers. It was flashing with mysterious Taoist patterns inside. It was clearly placed in Lu Yi's hand, but it seemed to merge with the heavens and the earth and could disappear at any time. It was obviously a very precious treasure of the Tao.

Like the Dao Lingzhu, this avenue jade contains innate dao patterns, but the dao patterns contained in the avenue jade are obviously more mysterious and more numerous.

Lu Yi carefully put away this treasure of the avenue. This is a precious treasure that he needs to break through the realm of Nascent Soul.

After that, Lu Yi began to practice again.

Three years later, Donggong Mingyue broke through to the golden core realm, which shocked Baiyunzong for a while. Although Donggong Mingyue's breakthrough age was older than that of Liu Ningshuang, he was still a peerless genius, and he would also be a monstrous character who could traverse the Eastern Region in the future.

The three disciples of Peak Master Lingluo were more enchanting than the other, which made the eyes of other Peak Masters green with envy, but there was nothing they could do.

After a few more months, Lu Yi finally completed the accumulation, breaking the limit of one layer of heaven again, reaching the 12th layer of Jindan.

At this level, even Lu Yi, it will take a long time to break through.

Although this is still frighteningly fast compared to ordinary monks.

In these days, something big happened, and the news reached Baiyunzong.

Qingqiu Hua, the descendant of the Demon Emperor in the Demon Land of the Northern Territory, after obtaining the inheritance of the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor, his cultivation broke through again and again, reaching the state of integration at an unimaginable speed, shaking the entire Demon Land, and even other large domains were alarmed.

After all, this cultivation base is improving too fast, even if it is a reincarnation of an immortal, there is no such speed.

Some people speculate that Qingqiu Hua has not only obtained the inheritance of the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor, but also her whole body cultivation base, which can be directly broken through only by fusion.

Some people also say that the blood of the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor was obtained by Qingqiu Hua, and the blood of Qingqiu Hua was sublimated again, even reaching the level of a nine-tailed fairy fox.

No matter what the reason, Qingqiu Hua made too much noise, which attracted the attention of the entire Tianming, and many old people in the Holy Land of Xianzong turned their attention.

Even the forces hostile to the Qingqiu Fox Clan carried out many assassinations. The most terrifying one was when the Tribulation Transcendence cultivators were dispatched and hit the ancestral land of Qingqiu. The final result was that the Tribulation Transcendence cultivators left and everything was peaceful.

No one knew what happened that day, but after a while, Qingqiu Hua took the fairy weapon left by the Qingqiu clan, and with one blow, he knocked a Qinglong clan monster who was also in the realm of integration, and even had the hope of becoming an immortal, into flying ashes. .

This made the entire demon land turbulent. The Qinglong clan was no weaker than the Qingqiu clan. Qingqiu Hua was so decisive and fierce that he even used the immortal weapons suppressed by the ancestral land. It is conceivable that he got the Qingqiu clan elders supported.

There is so much information in it.

Many cultivators have been discussing that the tribulation cultivator who entered the ancestral land of Qingqiu was the old generation of the Qinglong clan.

Otherwise, even if Qingqiu's talent for painting is unparalleled, the elders of the Qingqiu clan would not allow her to behave like this.

This is already a declaration of war.

The demon land became very lively, which made the cultivators in the other big domains all watch the show happily, hoping that their dog brains would come out.

When Lu Yi heard the news, he felt a little regretful.

Qingqiu painted this fox spirit really fierce, so it didn't die...

Lu Yi only hoped that Qingqiu Hua had forgotten the unpleasantness at the beginning, and didn't come to trouble him, otherwise he would be a little flustered.

On this day, in the sky not far from the sect of Baiyun Sect, within a radius of dozens of miles, the sky was covered with snow, and the golden sword light flashed.


A roar sounded, the flying snow was blown away under the violent aftermath, and the dark clouds in the sky dissipated.

Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang stood opposite each other. There were golden sword lights flowing around Lu Yi's body, Liu Ningshuang's snowy hair fluttered, and there were residual spiritual energy fluctuations around them. The distortion in the sky was still slowly subsiding.

Liu Ningshuang spit out a sigh of cold air, and the aura around her body became much weaker. Looking at Lu Yi, who was like a peerless sword fairy in front of her, she smiled helplessly: "Junior brother has improved too fast, I am no longer your opponent at all. "

Lu Yi smiled slightly: "Senior sister's cultivation speed is not slow. It's already the sixth floor of Nascent Soul. I have an advantage over you, senior sister, in terms of artistic conception."

Liu Ningshuang frowned slightly and sighed softly: "It is difficult to comprehend the artistic conception. Even me, I have not made much progress recently, and there is still some time before the artistic conception of Jiucheng Ice."

Lu Yi nodded slightly, he thought for a while, and said, "Senior sister, this may be useful to you."

With that said, Lu Yi took out the Ice Spirit Orb.

Liu Ningshuang was stunned when she looked at the ice spirit beads that exuded a hint of coldness, with surprise on her cold pretty face: "This is the ice spirit beads?"

Lu Yi smiled and nodded: "Well, I got it by chance some time ago, and I gave it to you, Senior Sister."

Liu Ningshuang's expression suddenly became a little complicated, she looked at Lu Yi and said, "Junior brother, this ice spirit pearl is too precious, even the Hanli sword can't compare to this ice spirit pearl, it's best for you to use it yourself. of."

No, it really doesn't work for me...

Lu Yi complained in his heart.

Although this Ice Spirit Orb can indeed make him feel the artistic conception of ice, but he can obviously improve with the task of learning, so why use this treasure of heaven and earth?

It's better to use it for your own senior sister, the strength of your own senior sister will increase, and the rewards for the task of learning from each other will be more generous.

Now that he has been able to defeat his senior sister in the competition, naturally, he often learns and issues tasks.


Defeat Liu Ningshuang

Reward: Enhancement of the mood of ice, 20 drops of Millennium Essence


Whether to receive rewards: yes/no

This reward is not unreasonable. There are 20 drops of the Millennium Spiritual Essence. This is just a learning experience. As long as he and senior sister learn more every day, he will not have to worry about the current cultivation resources.

Not to mention the improvement of the artistic conception of ice.

Over the years, Lu Yi has often discussed with his own senior sister, and the artistic conception of ice has even exceeded 90%, which is stronger than his own senior sister.

It's just that he basically doesn't need it now.

If Senior Sister is stronger, her sparring rewards will only be more generous.

Lu Yi smiled and said, "I practice swordsmanship, and this ice spirit orb is of little use to me. Senior sister, you are a congenital ice spirit body. If you have this ice spirit orb, it won't take long to condense your own. The realm of ice."

Liu Ningshuang hesitated for a moment, she was silent for a while, her expression was very complicated, and she said: "As a senior sister, I just accompany you to practice, explain the aisle spells for you, and even didn't help you, you have given me Hanli. Sword, how can I ask for this?"

Lu Yi said with a smile, "For Junior Brother, Senior Sister's bottle of top-grade Qi Condensing Pill is more precious than this Cold Glass Sword and Ice Spirit Pearl."

Liu Ningshuang was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Do you still remember that bottle of top-grade Qi condensing pill?"

Lu Yi smiled slightly, looked at Liu Ningshuang and said, "Of course I remember it, and my junior brother will always remember it in my heart."

Liu Ningshuang's icy eyes fluctuated a little, she looked away slightly, and smiled lightly: "How can the medicinal pill be compared to these heavenly and earthly treasures, high-grade treasures? Junior brother, you are too exaggerated."

"In Junior Brother's heart, it is naturally comparable. And... In Junior Brother's view, if Senior Sister can be happy, this Ice Spirit Orb can be considered useful." Lu Yi said seriously.

Liu Ningshuang was silent for a while, and an imperceptible blush appeared on her cold little face.

After being silent for a while, Liu Ningshuang nodded slightly, looking at Lu Yi, her smile was different from before, a bit gorgeous: "If that's the case, then Senior Sister will accept it."

Lu Yi smiled and said seriously, "I hope senior sister can quickly raise the artistic conception of ice to the realm level."

Lu Yi handed the Bing Lingzhu to Liu Ningshuang.

Liu Ningshuang smiled slightly: "I want to drink some wine."

Lu Yi smiled and said, "Then go to my cave?"


As soon as the two came to Lu Yi's cave, they saw Donggong Mingyue just coming over.

After seeing Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang, her eyes lit up and she ran over with a smile: "Senior sister, brother, you are here!"

Liu Ningshuang saw Donggong Mingyue, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly, then nodded slightly, and said calmly: "Junior sister."

Donggong Mingyue glanced at Liu Ningshuang with some doubts: "Senior sister, why do you seem a little unhappy?"

Liu Ningshuang shook her head and said with a light smile, "Junior sister, you think too much."

Lu Yi smiled and said, "Junior sister, what are you doing here?"

"As soon as my practice is over, I'm here to chat with my senior brother." Donggong Mingyue said with a smile.

Lu Yi smiled and said, "We are going to have a drink. Junior and sister together?"

Donggong Mingyue's eyes lit up: "Okay, okay!"

Liu Ningshuang glanced at the happy Donggong Mingyue, and her expression became calmer.

Lu Yi took the two into the cave and took out spirit wine and spirit food.

These days, Lu Yi has already climbed to the level of the realm of God Transformation on the trial tower, and naturally he has won a lot of rewards.

Lu Yi obtained two kinds of spirit wine recipes, one is the Nascent Soul Realm Chiyan Wine, which can improve the speed of perception of the mood of fire, which is extremely precious and powerful.

With this wine, Lu Yi even realized the mood of fire, and even raised it to the level of 30%.

Obviously, he has no object to compare with the mood of fire.

There is also a kind of Mingxin Brew, which is a precious spirit wine in the realm of spiritual transformation, which can clarify the mind and tranquility, and even eliminate inner demons.

It is also a very precious spirit wine.

You must know that on the road to immortality, inner demons must be experienced by many cultivators. After all, few people can truly do whatever they want, do not violate their original intentions, and their hearts are like still water.

Even, after reaching the realm of transformation, there is still a spiritual calamity to break through.

If the xinxing is not enough, even the inner demon can't be overcome.

It is conceivable how precious this Mingxin Brew is.

It's a pity that Lu Yi's current cultivation realm is a little low, and he is a little powerless to brew Mingxin Brew. The probability of failure to brew Mingxin Brew is very high. Now that he is only level 2, Lu Yi has never taken out Mingxin Brew.

He has been practicing Chiyan Wine all this time, and now he has reached the lv6 level.

It's a pity that Liu Ningshuang probably didn't like Chiyan wine because she was a congenital ice spirit body, so she still drank jasper wine, and Donggong Mingyue correspondingly, she could drink both, and she would drink a little.

In addition to spirit wine, there are also spirit food recipes, and the amount is a bit more than spirit wine recipes.

There are those who improve their cultivation, those who improve the realm of body refinement, and those who restore their spiritual energy, all of which are basically ordinary formulas.

Compared to the appearance of Jinsi Ling, who can improve his understanding, it is naturally a big gap.

Lu Yi and the three chatted while At this moment, Lu Yi thought of something, took out the Lei Lingzhu, and said with a smile: "By the way, Junior Sister, Senior Brother obtained a Lei Lingzhu by chance, just in time. gave it to you."

The cultivation base of his junior sister is too slow to improve. Although it has been promoted to the realm of Jindan, it is still a little bit less meaningful.

When can it be promoted to the realm of Nascent Soul?

Hearing Lu Yi's words, the cave was a little quiet, Donggong Mingyue's eyes widened, and she looked at the Lei Lingzhu in shock.

The wine glass in Liu Ningshuang's hand stopped, she glanced at the Lei Lingzhu in Lu Yi's hand, her expression was very calm.


Change first and then change~

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