My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 101: Even if the sky and the earth are torn apart

"Three exchanges?"

Hearing this, Lu Yi also thought about it, this is not bad, he has not seen Yunxi and Hanyu for a long time.

If it is an exchange meeting, although Hanyu does not know if it will appear, but in Wanhuazong, seeing Yunxi will definitely be no problem, and then you can learn more from Yunxi and get some resources.

It just so happened that he now has only a little bit of the spiritual marrow left in the century, and the rest has been given to Elder Ming, so he can add a wave.

Now the Snake Sect and the Blood Spirit Sect are too busy to take care of themselves, and have no time to deal with him anymore.

Even if he wanted to deal with him, the three exchange meetings would definitely not only be young people, and there would be strong people around, so Lu Yi would not worry about anything.

Lu Yi thought of this and asked, "When?"

"It doesn't seem to be sure yet, it will probably take a year or two."

Lu Yi nodded slightly and said, "I'll go too!"

Bai Yulong's eyes glowed as he looked at Lu Yi with a smile: "Junior Brother Lu~~~"

Lu Yi: "???"

He felt a chill in his heart, and goosebumps arose. He looked at Bai Yulong speechlessly: "Senior Brother Bai Yulong, say something if you have something to say."

Bai Yulong rubbed his hands together and laughed, "Junior Brother Lu, you will have to support me at that time. My biggest dream in my life is to find a cultivator of the Wanhua Sect to be a Taoist companion!"

Lu Yi was speechless: " asked Wanhuazong cultivator to be a Taoist companion, why do you want me to support you?"

Bai Yulong smiled happily: "Who made you so popular in Wanhuazong? With you around, Wanhuazong cultivators will look at me highly."

Lu Yi: "…"

After eating and drinking, Lu Yi naturally didn't let them eat in vain. He dragged the three of them to discuss, and after receiving some rewards, he let them leave.

After that, Lu Yi continued to practice.

After a few days, Lu Yi finally raised the Inextinguishable Sword Sutra to the level of lv9, and the training speed increased again.

After more than a year, because Lu Yi's Inextinguishable Sword Sutra was upgraded to level 9, his cultivation speed increased again, and his cultivation level was upgraded to the thirteenth floor of the Foundation Establishment, which was only one step away from breaking through the realm of Jindan.

And he also obtained five Dao Lingzhu again, and he planned to wait until he broke through to the golden core realm, and used it to condense his own avenue golden core.

After more than two months, Lu Yi was cultivating, and suddenly he felt something, opened his eyes, his body disappeared in place, and came to the air of Lingluofeng.

In the air, in addition to him, many other cultivators rose up one after another, looking at the direction of the back mountain in shock.

These monks are basically the elders and direct disciples of the Nascent Soul realm, and a few are genius brothers and sisters of the Jindan realm.

Liu Ningshuang appeared beside Lu Yi: "Junior Brother, did you feel it too?"

Lu Yi nodded slightly, looked at the direction of the back mountain in astonishment, and said, "There is a heaven-shattering sword intent coming from that direction, such a powerful aura."

It was the first time that Lu Yi felt such a powerful aura. Even the headmaster of the God Transformation Realm did not make Lu Yi feel this way.

At this time, Lingluo Peak Lord suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, with a hint of drowsiness in her eyes, and a hint of surprise in her hazy, looking at the direction of the back mountain: "Someone is about to break through to the Void Realm, look at this sword Meaning, it should be Old Ming."

Hearing this, Lu Yi was stunned for a moment, and then showed a look of surprise: "Ming Lao is going to break through to the Void Realm?"

More than three years ago, after Lu Yi donated a hundred years of spiritual marrow to Elder Ming, Elder Ming has been in seclusion, and the Library Pavilion has been replaced by Elder Izumo.

For such a long time, there has been no news from Elder Ming, and Lu Yi thought that something had happened.

Unexpectedly, today Old Ming is going to break through to the Void Realm!

Liu Ningshuang's cold little face was full of surprise, and she said, "Old Ming has reached his twilight years, and I didn't expect to break through to the realm of emptiness."

Peak Master Lingluo nodded slightly, puzzled: "It stands to reason that if there is no special opportunity, it would be difficult for Ming Lao to break through. He suddenly retreated more than three years ago, and I am afraid he has obtained the opportunity."

Then Peak Master Lingluo smiled: "However, it is good news for the White Cloud Sect that Elder Ming has broken through to the Void Realm."

Liu Ningshuang and Lu Yi both nodded slightly.

The other Nascent Soul elders and Jindan cultivators were also very surprised when they heard this, and nodded in agreement.

There is a huge gap between the sects with the emptiness realm and the sects without the emptiness realm.

At this moment, a sword sound resounded through the heaven and the earth, the terrifying sword intent was not released from the original, turned into a scabbard sword, and the sharp energy shot up into the sky, as if to cut the heaven and earth in half, and everyone was overwhelmed. The body is cold, as if a sharp blade is coming.

The monks who didn't notice it at first also woke up and rushed out of their cave.

"What's the situation?! Which great cultivator has come to our White Cloud Sect?"

"Could it be that some genius is coming to challenge Junior Brother Lu?! I really don't care about our Baiyun Sect!"


Ling Luofeng's disciples clamored to fight back, and they all jumped into the air.

Donggong Mingyue also rushed out, her cultivation base has been raised to the sixth floor of the foundation building, and the progress is very fast. After she came to the sky, she saw Lu Yi and the three of them immediately, and rushed over: "Master, Senior Brother, Senior Sister !what happened?"

Lingluo Peak's lazy voice resounded through Lingluo Peak: "It's all quiet, it's Elder Ming who wants to break through the realm of emptiness and is noisy, what's the etiquette?"

Hearing this, everyone was silent for a moment, and then the discussion sounded, and everyone was in an uproar.

"What?! Elder Ming, he is going to break through to the Void Realm?!"

"I heard that Elder Ming has been in seclusion for several years. During this time, even the Book Collection Pavilion is guarded by Elder Izumo. It turns out that Elder Ming is breaking through in seclusion?!"

"Great! Elder Ming is a powerful sword cultivator who has mastered the sword intent. Once he breaks through to the Void Realm, he will be a strong person even in the Void Realm, right? Our White Cloud Sect is about to take off!"


One by one the disciples were full of surprises.

Donggong Mingyue's expression was also sluggish, and then exclaimed: "Elder Ming is going to break through to the Void Realm?"

Lu Yi nodded slightly and said with a chuckle, "Mm."

"That's great, our Baiyun Sect will soon be a sect with monk Dongxu!" Donggong Mingyue was very happy.


While speaking, a sword light shot up into the sky, turned into a streamer, and flew out of the sect.

As the sword light flew, the sky suddenly became gloomy, and the dark clouds began to condense at an extremely fast speed, and there was a faint roar of thunder.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this, and then someone exclaimed: "It's a thunder calamity! Elder Ming is going to cross the thunder calamity!"

"Go and see!"

Many monks flew in the direction of Lei Jie.

Peak Master Lingluo also said, "Let's go together and watch the powerful cultivator go through the Thunder Tribulation. Maybe you will gain some insights."

While speaking, she glanced at Lu Yi. After all, Lu Yi was a freak who could be baptized by Tianlei and have an epiphany at the same time.

Liu Ningshuang and Donggong Mingyue on the side also glanced at Lu Yi involuntarily.

Lu Yi noticed the gazes of the three, and his face was innocent: "What's wrong?"

The three were silent.

Lu Yi thought of something at this time, and said to himself: "I want to watch Elder Ming transcend the calamity."


Watching Elder Ming's tribulation

Rewards: Sword Intent has been increased by half, and the mood of Thunder has been increased by half.

Accepted or not: yes/no

When Lu Yi saw the reward, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was very pleasantly surprised.

Up to now, it has taken a long time to improve the semi-complete Sword Intent and the Intent of Thunder.

This reward is really rich.

Lu Yi quickly accepted the task.

Jianguang came to a wasteland outside the Baiyun Mountains, and the others did not dare to get too close, lest they be involved in the thunder calamity.

Dongxu Thunder Tribulation, that is not a joke, even if the cultivator of God Transformation enters, it is basically gone.

Wu Qingfeng and other cultivators were also there.

Wu Qingfeng shouted: "Elders, let's protect the Dharma together!"

Numerous elders of Huashen and Nascent Soul nodded one after another, surrounding the dark clouds, surrounding the elders of Ming inside.

The dark clouds spread rapidly, from the original hundreds of meters, directly spread to several miles, ten miles, and finally spread to eighty miles before stopping.

Wu Qingfeng looked at the thunder robbery that spanned eighty miles, and couldn't help taking a deep breath: "Eighty miles of thunder cloud, this thunder calamity is too strong."

The elder Xuan next to him was not guarding the trial tower, a smirk appeared on his old face, and he said, "Old Ming has a deep understanding of the sword intent, and I am afraid that he has improved during this period of retreat. Strength, the catastrophe that it attracts is naturally unusual."

"Elder Xuan, do you think there is hope for Elder Ming to survive the Thunder Tribulation?"

"Look at it, I'm not sure." Elder Xuan sighed, his eyes fixed on the figure standing like a sharp sword in the center of Lei Jie.

Lu Yi also looked at the figure like a sharp sword, felt the sword intent released by Elder Ming, and was a little surprised: "Elder Ming's sword intent has improved a lot."

"Well, the improvement is indeed not small." Even Peak Master Ling Luo nodded: "It's about to start."

Lu Yi's whole body suddenly exploded, and his whole body was stiff. He only felt that the sky was collapsing and pressing down.


A thunderstorm sounded, and only the dark clouds and the figure under the dark clouds were left in Lu Yi's eyes. The sky thunder fell in the dark clouds, and it was a purple sky thunder, like a sharp sword falling from the sky, towards the small figure below.

The terrifying coercion of the Heavenly Dao made many Foundation Establishment cultivators tremble, and even Yu Jian couldn't do it.

On the side, Donggong Mingyue supported Lu Yi's arm, and hugged Lu Yi whole body, his face turned pale.

Even Donggong Mingyue, who has broken through the restrictions of the Heavenly Dao three times, is somewhat unbearable to bear such Heavenly Dao coercion.

Lu Yi's entire consciousness was occupied by Tianlei and the elder Ming below, and he couldn't feel the soft touch of Donggong Mingyue.

He saw Elder Ming's sharp sword unsheathed under Tianlei, and the sound of Qingyue's sword even drowned out the sound of Tianlei.

A sword light as cold as moonlight swept across the sky, heading straight for Tianlei.

Silently, the Tianlei with the terrifying coercion of the Heavenly Dao was torn apart from the middle and fell to both sides, avoiding Elder Ming.

With one sword, the thunder was cut open.

This scene was shocking, imprinted in the hearts of all the monks present, especially the swordsmen, clenching the long swords in their hands, the long swords rang, and their moods were floating.

Lu Yi's mind seemed to be slashed by the sword like a bright moon, and the whole person was stunned in place.

In his dantian, the colorful vortex of spiritual energy began to run fast, and a sound of Dao sounded in his mind. The sword was played back in his mind, but he thought of himself under the pressure of heaven again and again, breaking the restrictions of heaven.

In the face of Senran's oppression and oppression, it is a kind of tenacity and a kind of unyielding.

That is the boldness of knowing that it cannot be done, and it is also the determination to die without regrets.

This is also the vigor that a swordsman needs.

I have no regrets when I draw my sword. Even if the world is torn apart before my eyes, I will break it with my own sword.

Lu Yi seemed to have realized something, the sound of Dao appeared in his mind, and the mysterious Dao pattern on the inextinguishable sword was faintly flashing, as if they were echoing each other.

There are sword intents circulating all over his body, bright and extinct, seemingly weak, but with an unimaginable tenacity and immortality.

On the side, Peak Master Lingluo and Liu Ningshuang were both stagnant. They turned to look at Lu Yi with the same expression, both of them were a little numb.

Peak Master Lingluo rubbed his hair, looked at Lu Yi with a speechless expression, and said to himself, "Isn't it?! Is it true or false?! The old lady just said casually, this kid won't really understand it, right? What's going on with this sword intent?!"

Liu Ningshuang next to her had a look of shock on her cold and pretty face. Looking at Lu Yi, she said in disbelief, "Junior Brother... What an unimaginable genius."

Donggong Mingyue, who was holding Lu Yi because of her soft body, was a little uncomfortable with Lu Yi's penetrating sword intent, but her body became weak, and she was almost crying: "Senior me, I'm soft!"

Liu Ningshuang returned to her senses, her spiritual energy circulated, she supported Donggong Mingyue, and pulled Donggong Mingyue away from Lu Yi, and the three of them looked at Lu Yi's increasingly powerful aura with complicated expressions.

The monks on the side were naturally aware of it, and they all turned their heads and looked over.

After seeing Lu Yi, the expressions of many monks changed from their original doubts to a little dazed, and then their expressions became stiff and unbelievable, and the changes were very complicated.

"Isn't it... Don't tell me what I think?" There were all Ling Luofeng's disciples nearby, Xie Tianming murmured with a numb expression.

"It's Junior Brother Lu... It's probably the same as what you think." Nangong Moyu's expression was equally numb, with a lifeless look.

"Junior Brother Lu Yi is really fake?! Just watching other people's tribulations, and then I realized something?! Don't play like this, let me realize it once! I think my talent is not bad."

"Everyone is an ordinary person, so don't have such dreams, okay?"


Lu Yi comprehended the sword light in the dark, kept deducing and perfecting it, and then seemed to have reached some kind of bottleneck.

He naturally used the one epiphany he still had left.

Since Lu Yi has experienced Tianlei's perception and real dragon's blood's perception, he can always save a number of epiphanies for backup in case of emergency.

Now is the time to use it.

During the epiphany, Lu Yi's thinking suddenly became clear, and his understanding of swords, Tao, and heaven and earth seemed to be different.

He deduced it perfectly again, and the sword intent became stronger and stronger all over his body.

Afterwards, a golden sword light shot up into the sky, like a pillar standing between heaven and earth, and the sword intent surged, alarming all the White Cloud Sect cultivators.

Even Wu Qingfeng and others who were protecting the law in the distance couldn't help but look over.

After seeing Lu Yi's increasingly strong sword intent, Wu Qingfeng and other cultivators were sluggish.

"What's the situation? What's wrong over there? That little guy Lu Yi? What happened to him?"

"...Looking at this situation, it seems to be, has an epiphany again?" Elder Xuan was a little unsure.

Several other God Transformation Supreme Elders: "????"

Everyone was a little dumbfounded.

"...Last time, this kid had an epiphany, it seems like a few years ago? He had an epiphany when he was practising Qi Thunder Tribulation, and he realized a very powerful body training method?"

"It's only been a few years? This kid doesn't even have a golden core yet, so he's already had an epiphany twice?! Is there any reason for heaven??"

"What's even more unreasonable is that this kid's epiphany this time was only because he saw Old Man Ming open the sky with a sword. So what's the epiphany?"

Numerous cultivators have their own primordial spirits, and Wu Qingfeng asked, "Have you realized it yet?"

"I realize ske81!&"

"Old Qiling... Your mood is broken."

"I...I didn't about you?"

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha…"

At this moment, a long laughter sounded: "Hahahahaha! Rejoice! Rejoice! With a junior like Lu Xiaozi, the swordsmanship must be eternal and never dark! Today, the old man of mine also made a juvenile madness, knocking the sword. Ask Heavenly Tribulation, can you pick me up with a sword?!"

There was also a silver-white sword light like the moon rising into the sky around him, as if it echoed Lu Yi's sword light, one after another, constantly getting stronger.


Wu Qingfeng and other cultivators were all stagnant, and their expressions changed.

"This old thing's sword intent is stronger again!"

"Old man Ming has a flawless sword heart, but unfortunately he is dragged down by his own talent. His own cultivation talent is mediocre. If it is someone else, it would be difficult to even break through to foundation building, but with his swordsmanship, he has just been promoted to the realm of God Transformation. , from now on, there will be no more entry, Jianxin is covered with dust, and now it is broken and standing, Jianxinchen is completely alive, coupled with the stimulation of Lu Yi's boy... I am afraid that the swordsmanship will be elevated to an unimaginable level!"

"This old boy... in the end, he came to the rescue! It's really unwilling!" Elder Qi Ling scolded.

"Hahaha, it's a pity we don't have this luck." Elder Xuan shook his head and chuckled.

With the improvement of Elder Ming's sword intent, he shouted, the long sword with inexplicable mystery, slashed out a sword, and cut Leiyun straight.

The sword light was like the moon, as if the world was dyed with a layer of silver, and it was unusually cold.


Thundercloud seemed to be provoked, and the sky thunders surged violently, forming a thick mountain of sky thunder, facing the sword light.

Jianguang and Tianlei collided, silently, Jianguang kept tearing apart Tianlei, with unyielding meaning, with supreme sharpness, slashed through the thunder pillar and tore apart the thundercloud.

For a time, the thundercloud was cut in half, revealing a clear sky.

Everyone looked at the slowly dissipating thunderclouds, unable to speak for a long time.

After thousands of years of silence, Elder Ming once held his sword, broke through to the realm of emptiness, and even cut through thunderclouds with one sword. This shock is unimaginable.

The silver sword light gradually dissipated, and at this moment, with a clanging sound, a sword intent with a strange Taoist meaning spread out. When everyone turned around, they saw the golden sword intent that became stronger and stronger.

Everyone's expressions suddenly became more complicated.

Here's something even more outrageous and shocking.

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