My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 100: Kenshin Awakening [Thanks丨Yueling丨The leader of the boss reward]

Since the quest object is related to the rich reward, if you help the elder Ming to improve his strength, will the quest reward for the preaching of the elder Ming become more rich?

In this case, listening to Elder Ming's sermons by himself will surely improve his sword intent quickly.

And... Lu Yi has seen that Elder Ming is getting older every year than before. Maybe his lifespan is only ten years left, at most a few decades.

This is a very short period of time for a spiritual cultivator.

If there is no accident, Elder Ming will definitely die of old age.

Lu Yi didn't want this. Elder Ming had the grace of preaching to him. He was like an elder to a younger generation, and he was very caring. Lu Yi naturally wanted to help Elder Ming break through so that he could live longer.

In the past, Lu Yi might not have been able to help, but not now.

His current reward has the essence of a hundred years.

Spiritual marrow can be said to be a treasure of cultivation, even a spiritual cultivator can be used to improve his cultivation and enhance his talents.

If there are enough spiritual marrow of a hundred years, Elder Ming should be able to break through the cultivation base and reach the realm of emptiness.

After all, the realm of emptiness requires the meaning of penetrating the sky and the earth, comprehending the artistic conception. This is the most difficult threshold, which Elder Ming has already reached. What really traps Elder Ming is the bottleneck of cultivation, which is relatively easy to break.

Lu Yi thought to himself that he now has a hundred years of spiritual essence, and there are thousands of drops. Find a chance to bring some to Elder Ming and let him see the effect.

It's almost time to go to discuss kendo with Elder Ming tomorrow, and bring it to him.

Lu Yi made a decision in his heart.

The three returned to Lingluo Peak, and each returned to their own cave.

Lu Yi took out this reward and looked at it.

The Golden Fire Glazed Glass Bracelet is a red and gold bracelet that looks very gorgeous and extraordinary.

This is an auxiliary type of treasure, which can improve the training speed of metallic spirits and fire spirits, and at the same time, it can also improve the cultivator's ability to perceive metallic and fire properties. For a Taoist monk, the value is even more than a top-grade treasure.

It's a pity that Lu Yi cultivated a lot of artistic conceptions, but he did not have the artistic conception of gold and fire.

Even so, Lu Yi still sighed a little, that Zhuge Shou is really a rich boy, this treasure is too precious.

Lu Yi shook his head, put away the golden fire glazed bracelet, and used it again later.

After that, Lu Yi continued to practice.

Early the next morning, Lu Yi left Lingluofeng and went to the library.

In the library, Lu Yi saw Elder Ming lying leisurely on the rocking chair, and showed a smile: "Elder Ming, I am here."

Elder Ming's long gray hair was all gray now, and there were some wrinkles on his face, even his breath showed a sense of twilight.

From every aspect, it was revealed that this legendary sword cultivator in the God Transformation realm had officially entered his twilight years, and he no longer had the spirit of carrying the sword back then.

When Elder Ming saw Lu Yi, his eyes lit up and he showed a kind smile: "Little Lu, you are still so punctual, come here and drink a bowl of wine first."

Lu Yi smiled, took out the jasper wine and poured a bowl for Elder Ming, the wine was fragrant, the monks nearby couldn't help but look over, swallowed, full of envy, but did not dare to come.

Lu Yiyi's aura controlled the bowl to float towards Elder Ming, and the wine in the bowl did not fluctuate at all.

Elder Ming took it and chuckled: "Your kid's control of spiritual energy is really admirable."

Lu Yi smiled helplessly: "Ming Lao is too good. I gave you a lot of Jasper wine, why haven't I seen you drink it on weekdays?"

Elder Ming drank a bowl of wine and said with a big laugh, "When I'm old, I always feel a little lonely drinking alone. Good wine should be drunk with suitable people."

Lu Yi also smiled: "Toast to you!"

Elder Ming poured a bowl of wine himself, drank it with Lu Yi, and then sighed: "I heard that you defeated Tianjiao from Qinzhou with a sword yesterday?"

Lu Yi nodded: "Have these little things been passed on to your old ears?"

Elder Ming laughed and said, "The immortal seed of the White Cloud Sect is no small matter in the sect."

Lu Yi reluctantly took a sip of wine: "Being famous is also a kind of trouble."

"Hahaha! You kid, no one else can ask for it." Elder Ming shook his head, then sighed: "Your kendo talent is higher than I imagined, and in just a few years, it has already caught up with mine for thousands of years. I got it, really…”

Elder Ming sighed faintly: "In kendo, there are not many people I admire in my life, only two, one is the swordsman who holds a wooden sword and slashes immortals with one sword, and the other uses the sword of heaven to suppress demons. The old headmaster of Jianzong. Now, you are the third."

He sighed: "I, Nan Luoming, think that my kendo talent is extraordinary, but compared to your kid, I'm no different from a mortal."

Lu Yi felt a little embarrassed in his heart, he laughed dryly: "Ming Lao, you are too modest, you have realized 60% of the sword intent in the realm of transformation, and it is already a rare swordsman evil in the world. Chaohualong, the situation changes with your age."

"Dongxu Realm... easier said than done?" Elder Ming chuckled: "If I could break through so easily, I wouldn't be trapped here for three thousand years."

Lu Yi was silent for a moment, and then chuckled: "Ming Lao, the boy obtained some training treasures at the Donglin Ancient Ruins a few days ago, and I still can't use it, you may be able to use it."

Hearing this, Elder Ming was stunned for a moment, glanced at Lu Yi, and said with a chuckle: "You kid is really interested, but how rare are the treasures that can help the cultivator break through? Don't worry about that, kid. already."

Lu Yi smiled and said, "A hundred years of spiritual marrow, can the spiritual cultivator break through?"

Hearing this, Elder Ming's body was shocked, his eyes widened, he looked at Lu Yi in disbelief, and said in shock, "What did you say?!"

He glanced at the surrounding disciples, took a deep breath, calmed down, and said, "Boy Lu, what did you say?! You actually obtained the Centennial Spiritual Essence?!"

Seeing Elder Ming's excited look, Lu Yi calmed down. It seems that the effect of the 100-year-old spirit marrow is better than he imagined?

Lu Yi has always used spiritual milk for cultivation. Even if it is a hundred years of spiritual essence, he thinks it is not bad, but he does not think it will be particularly rare. Now it seems that the cultivation resources he usually use are already quite precious. have this idea.

For ordinary cultivators, even spiritual cultivators, the Centennial Spiritual Essence is an extremely precious treasure.

Lu Yi smiled slightly and said, "Well, I got it by chance."

Elder Ming took a deep breath, hesitated for a moment, then looked at Lu Yi, and said, "How much do you have? If you have less, it will be of little use."

Lu Yi thought for a while, gritted his teeth, and said, "About a thousand drops."

For him, the 100-year-old spiritual marrow is a heavenly and earthly treasure, as long as he is willing, he can brush it out through tasks at any time. Thousands of drops of the 100-year spiritual marrow, although precious, if it can make Elder Ming break through, he is naturally willing to take it out. of.

Hearing this, Elder Ming's aura clearly fluctuated, and he looked at Lu Yi in disbelief: "Thousands of drops... There are actually thousands of drops?!"

His eyes flickered frequently, his expression was excited, and he hesitated. He transmitted his voice and said: "…Little boy Lu, do you know the preciousness of the Centennial Spiritual Essence? Thousands of drops of the Centennial Spiritual Essence are enough to turn an ordinary cultivator into an acquired spirit body. The genius of cultivation! The spiritual energy contained in it is enough for a mortal to cultivate to the peak of Nascent Soul, or even to the realm of God Transformation! Are you really willing to use it for this old man like me?"

Lu Yi smiled casually and said, "Ming Lao, you have the grace of preaching to me. If you didn't explain the swordsmanship without reservation, how could my sword intent be improved so smoothly? Since you love me so much, what can I do? I don’t feel it in my heart? There are only a thousand drops of the Centennial Spiritual Essence. With my talent, even without the Centennial Spiritual Essence, it is enough to break all bottlenecks and move forward bravely. If I don’t want to use it for you, I won’t say it. If it is true You are really useful, you can take it."

Hearing this, Elder Ming was silent for a moment, then he took a deep breath, and a serious look appeared on the old face.

He opened his mouth slowly, and his voice spread throughout the library: "The library is closed, everyone leaves!"

With a wave of his hand, the supreme power surged, detaining the monks who were picking out the magic spells in the library, and threw them out the door, even if there were two elders in the Nascent Soul realm. His face was pulled out in confusion.

All the disciples and elders were full of question marks and looked at Elder Ming blankly.

"Ming Lao, you are..." An Nascent Soul elder, full of question marks, asked cautiously.

Old Ming glanced at him and said, "The old man has a little understanding, and he needs to retreat for a while. After that, he will explain to the headmaster in person. You should leave first."

The two Nascent Soul elders looked at each other, and then one of them bowed and said, "So that's the case, congratulations to Elder Ming who has learned something."

Then the two Nascent Soul elders urged the other disciples to leave.

Soon, the library was empty, leaving only Lu Yi and Elder Ming.

Elder Ming looked at Lu Yi and asked with a serious expression: "Little Lu, think about it again, are you really willing to give that hundred-year-old spirit marrow to this old man?"

Lu Yi smiled, took out the jade bottle containing the Centennial Spirit Marrow, and handed it to Elder Ming.

Spiritual marrow is different from spiritual milk. Spiritual milk is a white liquid, but spiritual marrow has transformed into a solid. It is a white paste-like substance.

When Elder Ming saw Lu Yi take out the spirit essence, he was silent for a moment, then smiled: "I am an old guy who is not as good as you."

He took the spirit essence, looked at Lu Yi, and there was a trace of unrivaled energy escaping from his body, as if the heart of the sword was awakened, he smiled and said, "With these hundred years of spirit essence, Lao Tzu will definitely achieve Dong Xu! You boy! Just waiting for the good news!"

Lu Yi felt the slightest trace of invincible sword intent, and smiled: "That kid is here, congratulations on your old age."

"Go, I'm going to retreat." Elder Ming couldn't wait.

Lu Yi nodded and left the library.

As soon as he left the library, Lu Yi saw several figures flying quickly from a distance and landed on the square. It was Wu Qingfeng and Elder Izumo. Their breaths were as deep as abyss, and all of them were divine transformations. monk.

Several people were stunned when they saw Lu Yi. Wu Qingfeng stepped forward and asked with a frown, "Little Lu, do you know why Elder Ming closed the library?"

The Book Collection Pavilion is the foundation of the sect and the most important thing. If something goes wrong, it will really hurt the White Cloud Sect.

As soon as Elder Ming planned to close the Book Collection Pavilion, the headmaster and other cultivators came directly.

Lu Yi was not surprised by this at all, he smiled and said, "Teacher, you can ask Elder Ming yourself."

Hearing this, Wu Qingfeng glanced at Lu Yi with some doubts: "I always think your kid seems to know something?"

But he didn't think much about it, and took Elder Izumo and a few people into the library.

Lu Yi shook his head and turned to leave.

Although he gritted his teeth and took out so many hundred years of spiritual marrow, it must be false to say that he is not distressed.

Fortunately, there are still many thousand years of spiritual milk he obtained before, which should be enough for him to cultivate to the realm of Jindan. After that, he finds a few geniuses to learn from each other, such as Senior Brother Xie Tianming and Senior Brother Nangong Moyu, to obtain cultivation resources should be is no problem.

Not long after Lu Yi left the library, he felt a strong aura coming from the library. When Lu Yi turned his head, he saw a few cultivators rising into the sky, with fluctuating auras, and he could feel the excitement in their hearts.

It should be the headmaster that they got the news that Elder Ming intends to retreat and break through to transform into a god?

If Elder Ming really breaks through to the Void Realm, then it will be a good thing for the entire White Cloud Sect. For the Sect with the Void Realm, the entire power of the Sect will be upgraded to a higher level.

At the very least, the Blood Spirit Sect and the Heavenly Snake Sect would definitely not dare to grin at the White Cloud Sect.

Lu Yi returned to the cave and continued to practice.

Time passed peacefully, and after breaking through to the eleventh floor of the Foundation Establishment, the speed of cultivation slowed down a lot.

After more than a year, Lu Yi broke through to the 12th floor of the foundation building.

On the contrary, it is Donggong Mingyue, because it is the thirteenth floor of Qi practice, and the foundation is extremely solid. It has just broken through to the base-building realm, and it took more than a year to break through three small realms to reach the fourth-floor foundation. The speed of cultivation is extremely fast. Made her complacent.

Lu Yi released the next quest, and found that the quest reward didn't change much, just a few more drops of ten thousand years of spiritual milk.

The reward for breaking through to the 12th floor of the Foundation Building is 3 Dao Lingzhu, and the reward is also very rich, and Lu Yi is happy to receive it. Then continue to practice.

During this period, Lu Yi would also have dinner parties with Senior Sister Liu Ningshuang and Junior Sister Donggong Mingyue from time to time to enhance their relationship.

On this day, the three of Jiang Fan came back from outside training and came to Lu Yiheng to eat and drink.

Outside the cave, the four were eating barbecue and drinking wine, talking about the situation outside.

Bai Yulong grinned and said, "Junior Brother Lu, it's been exciting outside recently! The three outside sects joined forces to completely suppress the Blood Spirit Sect and the Heavenly Snake Sect. Now our three sect disciples are chasing them all the way, without much effort. Gaining something is simply picking up money!"

Tie Man took a bite of the barbecued meat, and said somewhat vaguely: "Xiao Bai is right, the three of us have made a lot of money recently, but it's a pity that Junior Brother Lu, you can't go out."

"Hey, it's not just about earning resources. You don't know, some time ago, we acted together with the disciples of the Wanhua Sect. I have to say that the female cultivators of the Wanhua Sect are really... tsk tsk" Bai Yulong smiled wryly.

Jiang Fan next to him ruthlessly exposed him: "Unfortunately, you can only watch it. Every time people communicate with you, they are asking about Junior Brother Lu."

Bai Yulong's smile froze for a moment, and then he said unconvincingly, "What do you know? With communication, you can gradually have feelings, but you don't understand that feelings grow over time?"

Tie Man said: "If you want to say this, Junior Brother Lu is the most enviable. Even if he is not around, every time the disciples of Wanhua Sect who are acting with us know that we have a good relationship with Junior Brother Lu, they will ask us about him. "

Bai Yulong's face was full of resentment, and he said without love, "Junior Brother Lu really doesn't give people a way to survive."

Lu Yi looked innocent: "What does this have to do with me?"

Tie Man said again: "A few days ago, our three sects joined forces to knock down a spirit stone mine of the Blood Spirit Religion, and the harvest was not small."

Bai Yulong exclaimed: "I heard that there seems to be some spiritual milk in the depths of this spiritual stone mine. This time the three sects made a lot of money."

Jiang Fan next to him took a sip of jasper wine, shook his head and chuckled: "Junior Brother Lu also gave us some hundred-year-old spiritual milk before. Ordinary sect monks, how can we have such good conditions."

Bai Yulong and Tie Man nodded again and again, toasting Lu Yi.

Lu Yi listened to the three people talking about all kinds of news, but he knew a lot about the outside world.

Right now, the Blood Spirit Religion and the Heavenly Snake Sect are at the bottom. The two sects have lost quite a few disciples, and even the Nascent Soul Elder has lost more than ten. It can be said that in this battle, both sects will be hurt.

However, this is only the case. As long as the sect is still there, they will always slow down. At most, the mountain will be closed for a period of time.

There is a large sect guarded by the sect, and under normal circumstances, it is difficult for sects to fall.

Lu Yi also did not give up the formation practice during this period of time. He also thought that he would find an opportunity to break the sect formation of the Blood Spirit Sect and the Heavenly Snake Sect in the future, so that they would not be able to turn over.

In addition, what makes Lu Yi more puzzled is that Since he defeated Zhuge Shou, he has been waiting for Tianjiao to challenge him, and it has been so long, and there is no other Tianjiao. To challenge, this made Lu Yi very disappointed.

Then he asked Xia Jiang Fan and the three of them, and found that there was very little news about Lu Yi defeating Zhuge Shou.

Even in Qingzhou, let alone other states.

Lu Yi immediately understood that Zhuge Shou was defeated and returned. Minglinggu would definitely not publicize such a shameful thing. Although there will be discussions among the disciples in Baiyunzong, it will not spread so quickly. Go to other states.

After Lu Yi figured it out, he suddenly realized that it would take some time for other geniuses to challenge him.

"By the way, these days, the three sects are united, and the relationship is more intimate than before. The three sects seem to be planning to hold an exchange meeting, just at the Wanhua Sect. Junior Brother Lu, will you go?" Jiang Fan thought of something and looked at Lu Yi. asked.

Bai Yulong also thought of this, and said with anticipation: "Junior Brother Lu, you have to think clearly, then you are going to the Ten Thousand Flowers Sect! If you go there, you will just kill!"

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