My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 889: Qin Moyao, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Therefore, people should not be in appearance.

Chen Yang opened the passenger's door and got into the car. As soon as he got into the car, he smelled the strong fragrance of Shen Mo in the car.

"It's so fragrant!" Chen Yang sniffed deeply and said to Shen Mo Nong, "Did you spray perfume?"

Shen Mo Nong said, "Spray a little, is there a problem?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "No problem, it smells good. But I think you don't need these things in a realm like you."

Shen Mo Nong said: "What do you know, it is because you have reached this state that you have to spray perfume."

"Why?" Chen Yang was immediately confused.

Shen Mo Nong started the car, she flicked beautifully, and then turned around.

After that, Shen Mo Nong said: "Women are born with a body odor that belongs to women, and the one that likes to smell is called body fragrance. After my body is cultivated to the glazed jade body, this smell is more pure. If I don't spray some perfume, Then one's own details are easy to be seen at a glance."

Chen Yang suddenly realized, "That's right, the nature of your job is quite special."

Shen Mo Nong said, "How long are you going to stay with Yanjing this time?"

Chen Yang said, "Probably it won't be long."

Shen Mo Nong couldn't help but stunned, and said, "What's the matter with you?" She paused, and continued: "Say you don't need to perform tasks for God's Domain now, why are you still so busy all day long?"

"It's going to happen." Chen Yang said solemnly.

Shen Mo Nong was slightly dazed, and said, "What's the big deal?"

Chen Yang said, "This matter may not be a bad thing for you."

Shen Mo Nong said: "What the **** is going on, don't let it go."

Chen Yang said: "This is a long story. Let's find a quiet place and talk while eating."

Shen Mo Nong said: "Okay!"

Subsequently, Shen Mo Nong found a cafe.

"What are you doing in the cafe?" Chen Yang couldn't help complaining, and said, "I'm hungry, what kind of coffee do I drink at this time?"

Shen Mo Nong said: "This cafe is good for conversation, and it also has Chinese food, and the Chinese set menu is pretty good."

Chen Yang reluctantly entered this cafe.

After the two entered, naturally they asked for a private room.

Cafes, that also have private rooms.

Chen Yang first ate two desserts in one go, then another pizza, and finally a glutinous rice. After that, he was satisfied and drank an aperitif happily.

Shen Mo Nong was drinking coffee and she said, "You have gone to Africa. Are you so hungry?"

Chen Yang didn't want to talk about where the undead was eating, he was really not used to it! It's too light, too simple, and basically no meat.

He touched his belly last and said, "Satisfied."

Shen Mo Nong said: "Now you should talk about it, you shouldn't bluff me."

"I'm going, when did I bluff you?" Chen Yang then suddenly took out a brocade box and said, "I'll show you something good."

Shen Mo Nong took it in doubt, and after she opened the brocade box, she saw the Wanshou Promise Pill. "This pill..." Shen Mo Nong sniffed for a long time, and said, "What quality?"

Obviously, from this detail, we can see the gap between Shen Mo Nong and Lan Ziyi. Lan Ziyi can recognize at a glance, this is a **** pill. And Shen Mo Nong didn't even know him!

Chen Yang was originally showing off, but now he did not achieve the result of showing off, which made him very speechless. "Damn, this is a **** pill, you know? With the accumulation of this kind of pill, it can cultivate itself into a soul and become a fairy. There are not many **** pills in the world.

"Shen Pill?" Shen Mo Nong's body trembled, she looked incredible and unbelievable. Then she looked at it carefully.

"It feels nothing special!" Shen Mo Nong said finally.

Chen Yang said, "Hey, you are too insightful."

"But, are you going to give it to me?" Shen Mo Nong suddenly smiled and asked.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Yeah, it's for you. You can take it."

Shen Mo Nong pushed the brocade box in front of Chen Yang, and she said, "Come on, I don't want it."

"Why not?" Chen Yang deliberately said, "I brought this specifically for you."

Shen Mo Nong said: "Your current cultivation level improvement is more important than mine. Leave it to yourself. The Heavenly Pills you gave me before are enough for my life."

Chen Yang said, "You really don't want it?"

Shen Mo Nong said, "No."

Chen Yang sighed and said, "Well then!"

"You guy, you meant to tease me, right?" Shen Mo Nong suddenly woke up.

Chen Yang laughed.

Subsequently, Chen Yang took back the Wanshou Promise Pill.

"This pill, where did you come from?" Shen Mo Nong asked.

Chen Yang said: "It's a bit fun to say, this was given to Lan Ziyi by Senior Lin Haoxuan. The result was that Lan Ziyi was transferred to me again, and I was not embarrassed to ask for it. After that, Lan Ziyi gave the medicine to my senior sister, my senior sister. Passed it to me again."

Shen Mo Nong couldn't help but was dumbfounded, and said, "Qin Lin's master is really generous in his actions. In order to get beautiful women, even these giant treasures are willing to send out."

Chen Yang said: "It's not easy to make him soak. The key is that he gave this to Lan Ziyi. Blue Ziyi didn't even look at it. If he came to give it to you, I guess you would at least look at it."

"Go away, when I am!" Shen Mo laughed and cursed.

The two were joking, and then Shen Mo Nong said, "Just talk about business."

Chen Yang immediately explained the Tianzhou Project that Lan Ziyi said.

Shen Mo Nong was shocked after hearing this.

Chen Yang said: "The advantage is that the battlefield of the battle of killing and robbery will be moved to Tianzhou, and the place of Huaxia will be quiet. The disadvantage is that once Tianzhou wins, then the entire world will face destruction. It sounds out of reach. But if we don’t make preparations, and the day in the future really arrives, it will be a dead end, no regrets."

Shen Mo Nong said: "I must report this matter to the top."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Report."

After lunch, Shen Mo Nong took Chen Yang to the Mancheng community where she lived.

Chen Yang has lived here several times, so this time he came here, and he is quite familiar with it.

After that, Shen Mo Nong went to report to the leader.

And Chen Yang began to call Luo Feng.

The call is also easy to get through.

"Big Brother!" Chen Yang shouted cheerfully.

Luo Feng smiled and said, "What's the matter, I missed your eldest brother after only a few days of separation?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I'm afraid that the days between our brothers will be longer."

Luo Feng was slightly surprised, and said, "Oh, what do you say?"

Chen Yang said sternly: "I got different news from Lanziyi." Then, he said the Tianzhou operation.

Luo Feng immediately attracted great attention after hearing this. He said, "Where are you now?"

Chen Yang said: "I'm in Yanjing."

Luo Feng said, "I will rush over the day after tomorrow."

Chen Yang said: "Okay!"

Luo Feng said again: "You also immediately notify the second brother."

Chen Yang said, "Don't worry, brother, I will."

Afterwards, Luo Feng hung up the phone.

Chen Yang called Qin Lin again, and Qin Lin said he would arrive the day after tomorrow.

These two brothers are reuniting with their beautiful wife Ruhua, so although the matter is urgent, they can't help but have to play for two more days. Besides, what Chen Yang said was urgent, but it was not so urgent that it had to be reached immediately.

Chen Yang believes that the God movement will not come so quickly.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Shen Mo Nong called Chen Yang.

"The old leader wants to see you, please prepare." Shen Mo Nong said.

Chen Yang stayed for a while, then he said, "Okay!"

Shen Mo Nong said, "I'll be back to pick you up soon."

"Is that the old leader?" Chen Yang couldn't help asking.

Shen Mo Nong said: "There are old leaders you are familiar with, and some you are not familiar with."

"I'm familiar?" Chen Yang was startled slightly, and then said: "It's Mr. Qin Hongwei."

"Yes!" Shen Mo Nong said.

Unconsciously, Chen Yang thought of Qin Moyao.

Think about it, I haven't seen Qin Moyao for more than a year. I don't know how she is now!

Many pictures flashed in Chen Yang's mind, the saucy police flower, the love-hate dilemma Qin Moyao.

After half an hour, Shen Mo Nong drove back.

Chen Yang got in the car.

After another half an hour, Shen Mo Nong took Chen Yang to the alley where he had been before.

The alleys are all courtyards with nine curves and eight bends, overlapping each other.

Inside it implies the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams formation, and there are experts secretly guarding it.

It's just because the people living here are some of the big guys above, most of these big guys are retired. But even if they retired, they are still concerned about the fate of the Chinese nation.

Like the big event Shen Mo Nong talked about today, they would definitely have to deal with it.

When the car entered the alley, it was checked by a guard. After Shen Mo concentrated his identification, he was still searched. After this, Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong were allowed to enter.

And cars are not allowed in.

There are bright street lights in the alley.

Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong came to the house where Old Man Qin lived. The house was brightly lit, and Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong entered.

And just in the yard, Chen Yang saw an acquaintance.

This acquaintance is not someone else, but Qin Moyao who has been missing for a long time.

Qin Moyao is wearing a plain white dress, and she is smelling an orchid.

Such Qin Moyao seemed to freeze in Chen Yang's mind for an instant, she was so beautiful and moving. And compared to before, there is more calmness.

"Mo Yao!" Shen Mo greeted with a smile.

Qin Moyao looked up and saw Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong.

"Mo Nong, you are here!" Qin Moyao smiled sweetly.

"And also brought an old acquaintance here." Shen Monong walked forward with a smile and said, "Chen Yang doesn't need me to introduce you to it."

Qin Moyao said: "No need!" She smiled and stretched out her hand to Chen Yang and said, "Hello!"

Polite, clean, and simple, Qin Moyao's eyes don't have a trace of impurities when looking at Chen Yang.

It seems that the previous ripples, everything has disappeared.

Chen Yang didn't say much, he stretched out his hand, took Qin Moyao's hand, and said, "Long time no see!"

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