My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 888: Yenching, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang listened attentively.

Lan Ziyi said: "No matter how concealed the people of the Demon Race, even the most advanced Demon Race Royal Family, once they get angry, their eyes will turn blood red."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay, I get it."

Lan Ziyi then said: "Chen Yang, although you didn't tell me. But when I saw you, I understood what happened to you. Chen Feirong sacrificed for you, and you have officially reached the Seventh Heaven of Taixu. Cultivation base. I have to say that the progress of your cultivation base is not too slow. And Chen Feirong is an opportunity. In fact, it can be said that her appearance is destined to sacrifice for you."

Chen Yang was shocked and said, "Why do you say that?"

Lan Ziyi said, "You always need an opportunity to cultivate the fruit of your debut. The line of fate is one link after another. Yun Leier helps you achieve the body of the blood demon, so that you can quickly get through the early body training. Stage. And now the difficulties, Chen Feirong has come to pave the way for you. Although Heaven is invisible, but in this huge game, it is still quietly increasing the bargaining chips for you. Otherwise. If so, with you juniors, can you cultivate so quickly that you can compete with those big monsters?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but looked over his head. In fact, he wanted to see the terrifying way of heaven in the endless sky. But he looked up and only saw the ceiling of Bingxin Palace.

"All beings are ants, heaven is the oven, and the oven refines the ants. This is irresistible." Lan Ziyi said: "Those great magical powers of the heavens are all descended from the void, and many people started descending early. The Yuanshen operates in Tianzhou. But they are also afraid of Heaven. This time, they also took this rare opportunity to play against Heaven. This is a huge bet!"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I understand, I have accepted my fate anyway."

Lan Ziyi said: "The amazing thing is that you can't be negative if you want to. Because you have to defeat Chen Tianya, and you have to save Ling'er. Moreover, you must be strong. I am on your side. My camp is very clear. , You are not strong, how can I count on you in the future?"

Chen Yang said: "I will work hard to be strong."

Lan Ziyi smiled slightly and said, "If you don't say this, you will do what you are supposed to do if I say or not. But we don't know how long it will take to meet each other this time. In my life, There are basically no friends, you count one."

Chen Yang said, "That's really an honor for me."

Lan Ziyi suddenly said: "I do have many magic weapons here, but I have not taken the initiative to give you. Do you know why?"

Chen Yang said: "Are you afraid that I rely too much on magic weapons?"

Lan Ziyi said: "This is indeed one reason, and there is another reason, that is, friends should not mix too many of these things in. Otherwise, it is too impure."

Chen Yang's heart was immediately moved. He concealed his emotions and said with a smile: "Your reason is so bad, but I like to hear it the most."

Lan Ziyi smiled slightly and said, "However, we had three conditions. You can also make one with me."

Chen Yang said, "I won't say the last condition easily. Wait, haha."

Lan Ziyi smiled, not reluctantly.

Afterwards, Chen Yang stopped talking with Lan Ziyi.

After Chen Yang left Bingxin Palace, he ran into Lin Haoxuan head-on.

"Senior Lin!" Chen Yang smiled slightly.

Lin Haoxuan suddenly pulled Chen Yang over, and he asked cautiously, "Does the blue girl want to leave the undead?"

Chen Yang was startled slightly, then said with a serious face: "That's right."

A look of disappointment flashed across Lin Haoxuan's face.

Chen Yang also said: "Senior Lin, you should know that it is impossible for Lan Ziyi to talk about emotional issues. Her cultivation level is beyond our reach. We and her are not on the same level. People, you like her, that’s right. But you should have known it a long time ago that this road is very difficult and difficult. The difficulty is not easier than that of your cultivation to the tenth heaven. If you find it difficult to persist, giving up now is the most correct . On the contrary, if you feel you can persist, then don’t care about your immediate gains and losses."

Lin Haoxuan was shocked, and then he said: "Yes, you are right." He grabbed Chen Yang's arm slightly excitedly and said, "Chen Yang, thank you for your reminder."

Chen Yang said: "It's nothing, it's just that love makes people blind. You are in the game, I am outside, I can see it more clearly."

Lin Haoxuan's eyes became firmer than ever.

Chen Yang didn't need to say anything. Just then, Lin Bing also came out of the Ice Phoenix Palace, she was with Ye Ming.

But Ye Ming went back.

Ye Ming greeted Chen Yang, and then left. Lin Haoxuan also followed Ye Ming.

Lin Bing said to Chen Yang, "Come with me."

"Where to go?" Chen Yang asked subconsciously.

Lin Bing said, "What nonsense, don't you know if you follow me?"

Chen Yang nodded.

Later, Lin Bing took Chen Yang to a secluded place.

Chen Yang was in a daze what did Lin Bing bring him here, at this time Lin Bing had already taken out a brocade box. Chen Yang couldn't be more familiar with that brocade box, it was Wanshou Promise Pill. It was the brocade box that Lin Haoxuan gave to Lan Ziyi.

"This is for you." Lin Bing said.

Chen Yang was taken aback and said, "Senior Sister, how can this work."

Lin Bing grabbed Chen Yang's hand and forced it into Chen Yang's hand. She said, "Why can't this work?"

Chen Yang said, "That won't work. Sister Sister, you are also a cultivator. This thing is also very useful to you. How can you give it to me."

Chen Yang said that he was going to put the brocade box back to Lin Bing. Lin Bing rolled his eyes and said, "Chen Yang, I am practicing here and I am very stable. But you are different. You have to face too many things. This is the only thing I can do for you. If you refuse, I can It's really annoying."

"But..." Chen Yang said.

Lin Bing's eyes reddened slightly, and said, "Junior Brother, you are already my only family. I don't want anything to happen to you, do you understand?"

Chen Yang understood Lin Bing's mood. He saw that the incident was over, and said, "Well, senior sister, I will accept it."

In the depths of Chen Yang's heart, he really longed for this longevity Pill. However, his rejection of Lin Bing was also sincere, because this thing was dispensable for Lan Ziyi. But to Lin Bing, that was also an excellent thing.

When Chen Yang accepted the Wanshou Promise Pill, Lin Bing breathed a sigh of relief.

"When are you leaving?" Lin Bing asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said, "We will leave after two days."

Lin Bing nodded.

So in the next two days, Chen Yang spent most of his time with Lin Bing and Lan Ziyi.

Lan Ziyi also liked chatting with Chen Yang, but after that, they didn't talk about the complicated and heavy issues of Heaven.

Two days later, Chen Yang offered to leave.

Lan Ziyi said: "Where are you going, I will send you off."

This is what Chen Yang thought about. He said, "Go to Yanjing."

Lan Ziyi nodded.

Chen Yang didn't think about going to Binhai, not because he didn't want Su Qing and the others. But now it’s a matter of great importance. He needs to contact his eldest brother and second brother as soon as possible, and then discuss countermeasures.

Afterwards, Lan Ziyi summoned a golden phoenix.

The two took a phoenix and went to the sky.

Along the way, the wind soars. Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi had nothing to say to each other.

Chen Yang actually had a lot of thoughts in his heart. Lin Haoxuan liked blue and purple clothes, and he remained silent beside him.

People like Lin Haoxuan are obsessed with blue and purple clothes, so does Chen Yang really dislike people like blue and purple clothes?

If you say you don't like it, it is false. It's just that Chen Yang didn't dare to show it. Chen Yangtian was not afraid, and there was no woman who was afraid to chase. But in the face of blue and purple clothes, once he has that kind of like thought, he will feel extremely inferior.

He was even more afraid that Lan Ziyi would be aware of this sentiment, and he was afraid that it would destroy the special atmosphere between him and Lan Ziyi.

In just one day, Chen Yang did not reach the level of blue and purple clothes. He would never let Lan Ziyi know the deep love in his heart.

From the undead to Yanjing, across the space interface, across the mountains and rivers.

In less than two hours, Lan Ziyi took Chen Yang to the sky above Yanjing.

Lan Ziyi found a secluded roof and put Chen Yang down.

"I'm leaving, goodbye!" Lan Ziyi waved and turned and galloped away.

She really is a chic wind, come and go.

Chen Yang has been standing there for a long time.

At this time, in Yanjing, it was eleven o'clock in the morning.

It's almost June, so the temperature in Yanjing is also very high. But today's sky is very blue.

This is a rare good weather, you know, it is not easy to want good air in Yanjing.

Chen Yang took out his mobile phone. The advantage of his mobile phone is that the battery is durable and durable. In addition, when he goes to places like the shadow world, his mobile phones are basically on standby. In addition, Chen Yang also put a lot of power banks in Jiexumi, so he can still make phone calls now.

When Chen Yang arrived in Yanjing, he was the first to call Shen Mo Nong.

The phone went through soon.

"I'm in Yanjing, where are you?" Chen Yang asked Shen Mo Nong.

Shen Mo Nong was overjoyed when he heard the words and said, "I came back very quickly this time. I am also in Yanjing. Where are you, I will pick you up."

Chen Yang said his address.

Afterwards, Chen Yang went downstairs.

This is a commercial CBD center, and there is a lot of traffic on the street.

The pedestrians and girls on the road are dressed in cool, fashionable and modern sense.

This world looks extremely normal, and ordinary people don't know how many abnormalities are behind the normal.

Chen Yang sighed slightly. He felt that in this society, perhaps being an ignorant person would make him live faster.

After waiting for almost half an hour, Shen Mo Nong drove a Land Rover Range Rover and brazenly stopped in front of Chen Yang.

Shen Mo Nong was wearing jeans, a round-neck T-shirt, and a pair of big red-framed sunglasses with a straight and white nose.

Her long hair was shawl, and her hair slapped slightly. At first glance, Shen Mo Nong is a fashionable urban elite female white-collar fan...

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