My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 809: Luo Feng's Taboo, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

At this moment, the three people are still looking forward to it beautifully, they still don't understand what fate will be waiting for them in the future.

The three of them are quite different from the Four Emperors. Among the four emperors, the **** emperor is the way of heaven and ignores human grievances. The Great Emperor of China and the Great Emperor Shura had a deep hatred. The Devil Emperor is also quite at odds with the other two. But Chen Yang these three are brothers of life and death.

If they have always been good brothers, then naturally everyone will be happy. But if there is a problem between them, it is also a very painful thing for them.

Fate is an invisible line. How many people can go beyond the line of fate?

If Luo Feng's reincarnation compass had not been lost, Chen Yang would not feel guilty, and would not go to find Jue Xianjian first. If the Yinyue Lama does not follow, if Chen Yang does not have a whim, send out the dragon-binding gloves. If it weren't for the Human Emperor to give Chen Yang the essence of the evil spirit, then Chen Yang would die in the magma because the robot did not anticipate the power of the essence of the evil spirit.

Everything is so coincidental, everything is so perfect.

Life is like this, one line after another layer upon layer, no more, no less.

It should be yours, it will come to you everywhere. It shouldn't be yours, no matter how to fight for it, you will pass by in the end.

After that, Chen Yang talked about this trip at sea again.

He said first: "Brother, aren't you wondering how I turned into a rock in the end?"

Qin Lin and Xuanyuan Yadan were slightly startled when they heard the words, and then both looked at Chen Yang strangely. Luo Feng smiled and said, "I am indeed very strange. Are you trying to solve the mystery now?"

Chen Yang said: "That's the essence of the evil spirit!" He finished speaking, thinking about it. The magical third eye immediately appeared on his forehead.

"Damn, Erlang God!" Qin Lin couldn't help being amused when he saw this, and then said, "Third brother, you have to wear a snarling dog. This is standard."

Xuanyuan Yadan gave Qin Lin a white look, and said, "Furthermore, the third brother will annoy you."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Second sister-in-law, don't worry, I won't bother the second brother." He then drove out the essence of the evil spirit.

The Essence of the Earth Shame welled out immediately.

"Change!" Chen Yang pointed at the cloud formed by the essence of the earth evil, and immediately, the essence of the earth evil formed a mouthful of the earth evil sword.

Chen Yang squeezed his hand again and moved down a bit.

The evil sword immediately plunged into the ground. The ground was like soft tofu, directly inserted by the evil sword. And ice began to form around the ground.

The temperature in the whole room is dropping.

Chen Yang immediately stopped this action, and then drove the Earth Sword away from the ground.

"Wishful, as I wish!" Chen Yang shouted pretendingly. Then, the evil sword turned into a stick, and this stick could continue to grow, and soon reached the roof.

"Small!" Chen Yang shouted again, and the ground rod immediately became a ground needle!

This is the performance of condensing the essence of the earth evil to the extreme. If the essence of the earth evil is exploded at this time, the lethality is amazing.

"If you can put it in your ears again, I will admire you." Although Qin Lin was extremely surprised, he immediately made fun of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Then it can't. If it gets into my ears, my whole brain will be frozen to pieces immediately."

Afterwards, Chen Yang received the essence of the evil spirit into the ring Sumi.

"The essence of the earth evil is not weaker than the essence of the fire evil. It is quite difficult to obtain it." Luo Feng asked curiously: "How did you get the third brother?"

Chen Yang said: "It's like this..."

Chen Yang talked about the four daughters of Jingning and the Lama Yinyue. Luo Feng was stunned after hearing Jingning's four daughters, and Chen Yang also said that these women wanted to avenge their teachers.

This master hatred is also related to him.

But Luo Feng is a restrained person, so he still didn't say much.

Chen Yang talked about the sudden attack by Lama Yinyue and the entanglement of the mermaid tribe.

Luo Feng and Qin Lin Xuanyuan Yadan were a little moved when they heard the mermaid clan. They didn't expect such a race in the ocean.

Chen Yang will take the battle with the Lama Yinyue and so on, everything is said. In the end, he fetched the Absolute Immortal Sword from the Yin-Yang Zidian Double Snake, and later met the Yinyue Lama, and was given the essence of the earth evil by the Emperor.

Xuanyuan Yadan first smiled and said, "My third brother, your story is so wonderful every time. If I were a director, I would make your story into a big movie." She paused and said: "However, what happened to your third brother this time also gave me a lot of inspiration. As the saying goes, God doesn't help, people help themselves. You treat people with sincerity, that's why you have such a rich return."

Qin Lin followed with a smirk, anyway, he was a complete wife slave. What his wife said, he would never object.

And Luo Feng smiled and said: "The essence of the evil spirit is extremely precious, and the Emperor is willing to send it out, I'm afraid it's not just because the third brother gave the dragon-binding gloves. He still wants to form a good relationship, and maybe even later. It is useful to get the third brother, after all, our third brother is also the king of destiny."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Even if he doesn't give me the Essence of the Earth, after all I have met him. If he has a place where I can help, I will naturally not refuse."

Luo Feng said: "That's what I said, but people's hearts are separated by the belly. He will still be safe after doing this."

Chen Yang stopped struggling with this issue. He thought for a while, then changed the subject and said, "Big brother, there is actually another difficult thing to do with you."

Luo Feng was not surprised, he seemed to have guessed what Chen Yang was going to say. He glanced at Chen Yang with a smile and said, "Oh, what are you going to say?"

Chen Yang said, "Big Brother..."

Chen Yang found it difficult to speak again when the words came to his lips.

"If it's hard to say, it's better not to say it." Luo Feng said with a smile.

Chen Yang looked at Luo Feng's expression mildly, and he couldn't figure out what the older brother was thinking for a while.

Afterwards, Chen Yang gritted his teeth and said: "The four Jingning women and I have experienced a tribulation together. In my heart, I regard them as friends. However, they are bent on finding your eldest brother for revenge. I once thought that seeing them die without saving it would count as a hundred. But in the end I still couldn't bear it, so I tried to save them."

Having said that, Chen Yang paused and said: "I finally convinced Jingning and the others that they are willing to resolve this hatred with you, brother."

"How to resolve it?" Luo Feng asked with a faint smile. He didn't seem surprised at all, or he didn't care at all.

Chen Yang immediately became a little difficult, he said: "I said it, brother, you can't be angry."

"Don't worry, I won't be angry with you." Luo Feng said lightly.

Chen Yang said: "They need me and your elder brother, and Elder Mokong kowtows to admit his mistake at their master's grave."

After saying this, Chen Yang became very nervous. He is actually a person who is not afraid of the sky, but he has the fear that belongs to him in front of Luo Feng.

He respects and fears the big brother Luo Feng.

And at this time, let alone Chen Yang dare not speak. Even Qin Lin and Xuanyuan Yadan gave a sigh of relief, and they looked at Luo Feng nervously.

Luo Feng didn't say a word, he just looked at Chen Yang with a smile, and just looked at Chen Yang like this.

Chen Yang's heart is frizzy, and he dare not show up.

After a long while, Chen Yang gave a wry smile and said, "Big brother, don't keep looking at me like this."

Luo Feng still looked at Chen Yang in this way.

Qin Lin didn't dare to speak, but Xuanyuan Yadan raised her glass immediately and said, "Brother, I toast you!"

Xuanyuan Yadan tried to break this deadlock.

But Luo Feng ignored Xuanyuan Yadan, he still looked at Chen Yang like this. Chen Yang was speechless, and he lowered his head, like a kid doing something wrong.

Luo Feng then stood up, he didn't speak, turned and left the room.

"Big Brother..." Chen Yang couldn't help but shouted, but Luo Feng didn't stop.

After Luo Feng walked out, Xuanyuan Yadan immediately said, "Third brother, you should never say this to Big Brother again."

Chen Yang glanced at Xuanyuan Yadan, he looked very shocked.

Xuanyuan Yadan said: "Big brother's heart is higher than the sky, so it is harder to make him kneel and admit his mistakes than to kill him. Third brother, you are confused!" She paused, and said, "You said this today. Brother hasn't had an attack. If I change someone else, I'm afraid I will die long ago."

Chen Yang took a depressed sip of his wine and said, "I would rather he be angry with me."

Afterwards, Chen Yang stood up and said, "I'll go to find the eldest brother."

Xuanyuan Yadan and Qin Lin couldn't stop Chen Yang either.

Chen Yang came to the front of Luo Feng's room. He knew that Luo Feng was inside, so he knocked on the door and shouted, "Big Brother, Big Brother!"

Inside the room, Luo Feng was silent for a while, and said: "It's getting late, you can go to rest."

Chen Yang pushed the door open at once, then he closed the door and came to Luo Feng's body. "Big brother, I know, I have committed your taboo. But, brothers, don't hide anything between them. I would rather you beat me and scold me. But you ignore me like this, I I can't bear it. If you feel uncomfortable anymore, just pierce my hole with a sword, and I will never frown."

Luo Feng smiled, and he said: "My third brother, you, you, in front of others, you are also a person with a city government. How can you be so uncontrollable in front of me like a child."

Chen Yang saw Luo Feng smile. He was relieved. He sat down on the ground and said, "Big brother, I'm not talking hypocritically to you. I have never been afraid of anyone in my life, but I am afraid of you. I'm afraid you will be angry and ignore me."

Luo Feng's heart warmed. He then calmed down and said, "Third brother, if Jingning and the four daughters want to come to me for revenge, let them come. But if you want me to kneel down and admit my mistake, that's impossible. , Don’t tell me these things anymore, dignified man, kneel down with a woman to admit your mistakes? You simply kill your eldest brother and me with a single sword. Also, grabbing a sword is grabbing a sword. This is the law of survival among cultivators. What's wrong? This is the strong one."

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