My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 808: Brothers concentric, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Luo Feng had been observing the situation in the magma ocean. His eyes were very good. At this time, he saw the crisis encountered by Chen Yang completely in his eyes.

Luo Feng couldn't help but lose his color in amazement, he couldn't care about other things at this time. He had already prepared a climbing rope in his hands. This rope is an automatic device, but it was sent by Senator Goffier.

Luo Feng immediately ejected the climbing rope and threw the hook at Chen Yang like lightning.

This action is not unpleasant.

But it was still a step slower.

Chen Yang has been submerged by magma.

"The third brother!" Luo Feng was heartbroken.

But at this moment, a miracle happened, and Chen Yang suddenly stood up and stood up on the lava.

It turned out that it was at this critical moment that Chen Yang's Essence of the Earth had an unexpected effect. The essence of the evil spirit quickly froze the magma around Chen Yang.

Suddenly the magma surrounding Chen Yang ceased to be hot, but soft, just like the cooked hot rice cake. Chen Yang did not dare to delay, knowing that if the delay continued, the magma would become rock.

Chen Yang jumped up, and then the remaining magma became rock. The rock is only about one cubic meter.

Immediately afterwards, the rock fell downward.

Of course such a big stone will sink in the water.

And Luo Feng's climbing rope was not long enough, and Chen Yang couldn't grasp it either.

Even if he was caught, Chen Yang might get lava on his legs the moment he caught him back to the shore.

"Chen Feirong, hurry up!" Chen Yang quickly ordered Chen Feirong.

So at this moment, Chen Feirong immediately rushed out, camel stayed on Chen Yang, and quickly flew towards the shore.

Soon, Chen Yang landed smoothly on the shore.

The whole process lasted less than ten seconds.

These ten seconds are absolutely thrilling.

Luo Feng also saw it for a moment, and he didn't quite understand what happened. But Luo Feng was happy in his heart, as long as Chen Yang was okay, he was fine! Just now he was afraid that Chen Yang would die in this magma ocean.

"The third brother!" Luo Feng's eyes were moist, and he hugged Chen Yang tightly.

Chen Yang stayed for a while, then his heart was warm and he hugged Luo Feng.

After a long while, the two separated and Luo Feng asked, "Third brother, why did you fly up? What happened just now?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Didn't I tell my eldest brother before? I have not been condensed into a Tao fruit, but there is a fairy Chen Feirong that can become my mana. In the crisis just now, she came up with me. I can fly there!"

"The magma obviously envelops you, why would you?" Luo Feng still puzzled.

Chen Yang said, "This matter is a long story. I'll talk to Big Brother after I get up."

Luo Feng nodded and said strangely: "We have repeatedly deduced that this robot can withstand fifteen minutes. This is less than ten minutes. Why can the robot not be able to withstand it? Could it be that Senator Goffier is doing a ghost?"

Chen Yang said, "Brother, it's not that someone is doing a ghost. It's because you didn't count the essence of the fire evil into it when you were deducing. I was absorbing the essence of the fire just now, but I didn't expect this fire. The evil spirit is too powerful, destroying the internal structure of the robot."

Luo Feng suddenly realized, and then he was overjoyed, and said, "Speaking of which, you have successfully absorbed the essence of Fire Fiend?"

Chen Yang said: "The absorption is absorbed, but unfortunately, very few. If you can stay here for a while, then you can absorb more." He paused and said, "But this is very contradictory. , The robot simply cannot withstand the essence of the fire. I believe that no material can withstand the essence of the fire for a long time."

Luo Feng said: "It is impossible to rebuild such a robot, because some materials in this robot are difficult to find. For example, the special gel was also encountered because of our luck. And Xuan Tie It's also an excellent material, very few."

Chen Yang said: "Forget it, the essence of the fire evil is really too difficult. I think I don't have enough fate now, but luckily I already have some."

Luo Feng said: "Yes, you can't force anything, you have to pay attention to resignation." He then asked: "How do you absorb the essence of the evil spirit?"

Chen Yang explained the mystery of Xuanhuang Divine Valley Seeds. Luo Feng was overjoyed, and said, "You said if you release the Qi of Chaos on the shore? Then the essence of the fire can swim, maybe the essence of the fire can fly up by itself?"

Chen Yang's eyes lit up and said, "This is a try. If you can, then there is nothing to worry about."

Just do it, and then Chen Yang began to release chaos on the shore.

The chaotic air in the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley regenerates endlessly, so I don't worry about using it up.

However, this chaotic air is very weird, it can melt all things in the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley. But if you leave the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seed, everything will melt it.

Chen Yang released a lot of Chaos Qi, but the Chaos Qi dissipated directly in the fire cloud.

He and Luo Feng waited for a long time, but there was no Fire Essence flying up.

Chen Yang and Luo Feng knew that this plan would not work at all.

The Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds contained Xuanhuangye, but Xuanhuangye did not belong to the Qi of Chaos. Moreover, Chen Yang didn't want to use Xuanhuangye to test. He still had a thought in his heart, that is, when he had a suitable body, he could use Xuanhuangye to help Chen Feirong get a body.

Although Chen Yang enjoyed the mana Chen Feirong brought to him, he would not be so selfish that he did not consider Chen Feirong at all. He didn't want to restrict Chen Feirong forever.

Chen Yang knew very well in his heart that he must condense Dao Fruit and Mana as soon as possible. Always relying on Chen Feirong like this, although it can greatly increase his skill for the time being, it can compete against a master like Yinyue Lama. You can stand side by side with your eldest brother, but the convenience of Chen Feirong will greatly limit his increase in mana.

This is absolutely impossible.

Although Dao Guo was difficult to condense, both the eldest brother and the second brother condensed in a short time.

This shows that this is not impossible. But when will my own opportunity come?

Later, Chen Yang and Luo Feng climbed the rope to the crater.

Qin Lin and Xuanyuan Yadan had been waiting. They saw Chen Yang and Luo Feng okay, so they were relieved.

After that, the secretary of Congressman Goffier left by plane.

The two micro-planes were also automatically controlled and left with them. Chen Yang and others went down to Mount Fuji and rested in the small town.

During these busy days, everyone is also hungry. However, there are some dishes and delicacies about island countries, which are not safe to their tastes.

So they drove to Shinjuku again.

Finally, I found a Chinese restaurant in Shinjuku and had a full meal.

After eating, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Everyone stayed in a hotel, and Chen Yang hadn't had time to experience the spirit of the fiery evil spirit. He has too many things to deal with now, so he called everyone into his room, of course he didn't call Elder Mo Kong this time.

The group of people like Chen Yang lived in the best room. Chen Yang lived in the presidential suite. He found red wine and poured it on everyone.

Afterwards, Chen Yang said solemnly: "Although I don't need to be polite with my eldest brother, my second brother. But I still want to say thank you today. Thank you elder brother, thank you second brother, second sister-in-law."

Afterwards, Chen Yang drank it all.

Luo Feng, Qin Lin and Xuanyuan Yadan all smiled and drank with their necks up.

Then, Chen Yang said again: "Eldest brother, second brother, I still have something to ask you for help."

Before Luo Feng had spoken, Qin Lin said, "Just tell me if you have anything. Brother and I can help you, so we will never refuse."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "This is how it is, do you all know my friend Shen Mo Nong? She belongs to the Sixth Division of National Security and is also responsible for national security. Now she has some troubles." Speaking of which, He paused and said: "It should be said that it is not her trouble alone, but the country's trouble. She encountered a cult organization in the west. This cult organization is called the Giant Spirit Sect. The Giant Spirit Sect is a belief in the Giant Spirit. The true god, its leader communicated with the giant spirit god, and obtained the true power of the giant spirit god, which is extremely powerful. I want to help her, and also help the country to eliminate this cult. After all, the cult is causing chaos, and the bad thing is our country, and the people who suffer. "

Qin Lin said: "There is actually such a thing. I have never drank blood before, so I can't say that I will go to meet these cult guys for a while."

Xuanyuan Yadan smiled slightly, but did not say much.

Luo Feng smiled and said, "You are an upright person and a patriotic person. Although I am not patriotic, since you want to do this, the eldest brother will naturally help you, no problem."

Chen Yang couldn't help but he was overjoyed, and said: "Brothers are of the same heart, and the profit is cut off. With two brothers helping me, what can be the problem with this giant spirit religion."

Luo Feng, Qin Lin, Xuanyuan Yadan looked at each other with Chen Yang, and then all smiled.

Xuanyuan Yadan continued: "There were four emperors breaking through the sky in those days, whether they were the **** emperor or the devil emperor, or the Shura emperor and the Chinese emperor. Although they all have different goals, they all stayed under that great luck They have made a strong stroke that belongs to them, and this era belongs to you. Maybe in the future, people will not talk about the four emperors, but the three of you."

Qin Lin laughed and said, "Then I have to have a name."

Luo Feng said: "The name is not a problem. When we reach that height, the name will naturally be there. It is also given to us by someone else. Obviously, the name of the **** emperor was not taken by the **** emperor himself."

Chen Yang said: "Yes!"

Qin Lin said: "That said, I really look forward to it! If one day, I can be like the Four Emperors, what regrets in this life?"

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