My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 733: Black robe ancestor, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The situation of the old lama is not very good.

Chen Yang quickly saw that the magic weapon in the old lama's hand was a bell, and that bell was very simple. But as the bell shook, it merged with the old lama's own mana, and produced these golden lights to resist the infinite sword light.

The bell rang out and there was no sound.

The old lama struggled to resist.

Although the bell was wonderful, it couldn't stand the continuous attack of three Chinese masters. Moreover, the old lama's mana is gradually drying up.

At this time, Shen Mo Nong asked Chen Yang: "What are you going to do? We don't know why these people are fighting, or it's better not to interfere."

Chen Yang said, “That’s not what I said. Although I don’t know whether this lama is a good or bad person. But we are late now and don’t know anything about this place, and the lama is in trouble, so let’s take care of the old lama. There is a lot of information on the set. This is an entry point."

Shen Mo Nong said: "Then I don't know if your entry point is correct?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Although the saying goes that it is more wrong to do more, less wrong to do less, and not to do good. But I have always liked to do the opposite. Let him take care of him and say nothing. What will happen afterwards, let's see you again."

"Also!" Shen Mo Nong could not say Chen Yang anyway, and finally compromised.

Chen Yang didn't worry about making a move, and said, "Sending charcoal in the snow is the most expensive. Let's take a look again and wait until the old lama really can't stand it."

Shen Mo Nong nodded, she knew that Chen Yang was now a complete old river and lake. He has his own set of everything.

Wen Tianzhun no longer expressed any opinions at this time, and the guy fell asleep directly.

Chen Yang didn't worry about Wen Tianzhun, he left Wen Tianzhun aside. At this time, even if Wen Tianzhun died, Chen Yang would not be sad.

If you die, it's not that my brother won't help you.

You don’t have this good fortune yourself!

At this time, the field finally changed.

The old lama's mana gradually waned, and the golden magic circle emitted by the bell was shattered.

Then Infinite Jianguang greeted the old lama.

Seeing that the old lama was about to die on the spot, Chen Yang was taken aback. This change was a little caught off guard. He is too late to make a move now.

At this moment, the old lama suddenly yelled, his eyes flashing endlessly.

The yellow lama clothes on him suddenly came off.

The yellow lama clothes were unexpectedly rolling, and instantly strangled all the sword light inside.


In just a moment, the yellow lama clothes were completely strangled to pieces by those sword lights.

It was also at this time that Chen Yang finally made a move. He shouted and said, "Stop!" Then, his figure flashed, and a thunder light burst out instantly.

As soon as the Lixue Weiyang sword came out, the thunder light rushed around the old lama in an instant, crushing all the sword intent of the sword light.

Then, Chen Yang was already standing in front of the old lama.

Chen Yang glared at the three Chinese masters and shouted: "You three are bullying, so shameless. This senior is old and frail, alone. You three besiege and pass out, so you are not afraid of embarrassment?"

After these words, Chen Yang really wanted to laugh.

The image of myself is so special that he looks like the fledgling young hero in martial arts novels.

But there is no way, pretend to be a bit like B.

The three Chinese experts gave Chen Yang a weird look. The head of the three is a man in his 30s. This man is wearing a white coat and looks like he is practicing Tai Chi. His appearance is also gentle and refined.

"Who is your excellency?" the elegant man asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "You don't care who I am, I'm just a stubborn person."

The elegant man said coldly: "Looking at your move just now, you know that you are supernatural. You shouldn't be a reckless and ignorant person. What's the plan for such a sudden insertion?"

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment.

He also reacted later.

This group of people can be regarded as the interface of the cultivation world.

In this interface, most people will not interfere with other people's private fights.

Chen Yang's behavior is very reckless.

If Chen Yang is a stunned boy, then everyone understands well, the young man doesn't understand the rules!

But Chen Yang's cultivation is so amazing, so it is normal for the elegant young man to think that Chen Yang has a plan.

Chen Yang also became a little impatient, and said, "Damn, I'm in a good mood today, can I just want to take care of my business?"

The elegant man nodded and said, "Your Excellency God passes through people, and the three of us are not your opponents. If you want to be nosy, we just have to retreat." He paused, and said, "But your Excellency, you probably don't know yet. Who is this person you are protecting?"

Chen Yang said, "I really don't know, what's wrong?"

The elegant man smiled coldly and said: "This lama is a tantric practitioner, who has been walking west of China. He has committed countless evils. He has always raped and killed virgins, absorbed the air of pure yin, and achieved the principle of yin and yang producing all things. If you don’t believe it, you can ask yourself, can he deny it?"

Chen Yang was also taken aback. He looked at the old lama behind him.

The old lama had a thin body and looked at him with a kind eyebrow, like a master monk. Is it really so evil?

The old lama looked downcast, but he didn't look at Chen Yang.

"Please look up," Chen Yang said to the old lama.

The old Lama raised his head, his eyes were slightly cloudy, but he still looked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang asked: "Is what Xiongtai said just now is false?"

After a moment of silence, the old lama said: "The poor monk was born in Tantric Buddhism and practiced Tantric Buddhism. All virgins were sent voluntarily by local believers."

The elegant man sneered, and said, "Then what will you do if you kill the virgin again?"

The old lama said: "Clean Tantra, how can you understand it after waiting."

This sentence is somewhat inexplicable. But Chen Yang understood in an instant. That is, I played it and I can't play it for others, so I want to kill it.

Chen Yang's anger just now was pretended, but at this moment, his heart burst out with real anger.

"What believers are willing to talk about, isn't that a way for you to fool believers?" Chen Yang said angrily: "I don't care if you were born in Tantric Buddhism since childhood, but your method is evil. If you see you today, you will die You. I will destroy your entire Tantra in the future!"

Chen Yang was so angry that he was just like this.

There are indeed many evils in the world, and Chen Yang will not suffer because of others doing evil. But now that he knows, he can't feel at ease.

There was joy in the elegant man's eyes.

The other two men also breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.

"Your Excellency is so mad, you actually want to destroy my tantric school?" A cold voice came.

The old lama flashed joy in his eyes, and said, "Brother?"

Chen Yang looked up and saw three people coming from the dark side of the hill to the west.

Two of the three are lamas, and the leading one is in a black robe. Looks like a generation of demons!

And the person who spoke was also the man in the black robe.

The elegant man was suddenly shocked, and said: "The black robe ancestor has also come?" Chen Yang asked the elegant man, "Is it amazing?"

The elegant man said: "Xiongtai does not know that the ancestor of the black robe is one of the three first disciples of the Tantric Patriarch."

Chen Yang said, "I have some impressions. There is another nameless ancestor who is the head teacher of Tantric Buddhism, right?"

The elegant man said: "That's right. However, the unknown ancestor was beaten to death by the Chinese Emperor when he was besieging the Chinese Emperor."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I know this, because at that time, I was by the Chinese emperor Chen Ling's predecessor."

The elegant man said: "Now the black robe ancestor is the new head teacher of Tantric Buddhism!"

During the conversation, the black robe ancestor had already brought two lamas to come forward.

The old lama immediately came to the black robe ancestor.

Chen Yang did not stop the old lama either.

At this moment, Shen Mo Nong and Wen Tianzhun have not come out, Shen Mo Nong decided to watch the changes first.

The black robe ancestor also looked at Chen Yang coldly.

The old lama said coldly to the ancestor of the black robe: "Brother, these three are practitioners on Diancang Mountain. When they saw me, they said something to do for the heavens. But I saw that they clearly wanted Murder for treasure."

The black robe ancestor couldn't help but wonder, and said, "Aren't they four? Isn't this young man in the same group with them?"

"This young man saved my life!" said the old lama.

The ancestor of the black robe understood everything. He said to Chen Yang: "Young man, because you saved my younger brother. I don't care about what you said just now. You go."

Chen Yang smiled coldly and said: "What I said just now, you care about it, it doesn't matter. But I have to fulfill what I said!"

The black robe ancestor suddenly turned angrily and said, "Do you think you have this ability?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "If you have this ability, don't you know if you try? At first I watched Senior Chen Ling kill the unknown ancestor with the palm of his hand. I have been longing for it, if I could kill you today. Black robe ancestor, isn't that a happy thing? Hahaha!"

The black robe ancestor's eyes suddenly flashed a fierce killing intent, and said: "So when my senior brother died, you were on the scene? Very good, then today I must kill you."

Chen Yang immediately showed the Lixue Weiyang sword!

The Lixue Weiyang sword stood volley in front of him, and suddenly, the thunder light flickered!

The black robe ancestor's eyes flashed, and he suddenly became happy, and said: "It is actually the sword of Lixueweiyang. Haha, this is really nowhere to look for breaking through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it!"

"I'm fucking." Chen Yang cursed, and said: "You smile a woolen thread, making it as if Lao Tzu gave you a sword? Are you capable of this?"

The black robe ancestor no longer ignored Chen Yang, but the three elegant men said: "Although you have surrounded and suppressed my younger brother today, if you leave obediently now, today's cause and effect will be exposed. If it is still If you dare to chat here endlessly, then you will be the enemy of our tantric sect if you click on Cangshan. In the future, my tantric will destroy you and click on the Cangshan full gate!"

The ancestor of the black robe can't care about everything now, he is already determined to win the Lixueweiyang sword in Chen Yang's hand.

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