My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 732: Midnight fight, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

"Everything will radiate vigorous vitality after thunder irrigation. Although there is no grass around the volcano, everything must be flourishing under the volcano. And the seeds of the Xuanhuang Divine Valley at the bottom of the volcano have withstood the powerful fire evil and survived. That's a different existence. Although there is a fire evil at the bottom of the volcano, it is nourished by a powerful fire spirit and masculine. And the bottom of the volcano is close to the crust, and there is pure yin nourishment. This yin and yang alternate and moisturize each other, which is an in harmony It's the way of heaven. This is probably why this seed can survive." Wen Tianzhun said.

"What's the magic of Xuanhuang Divine Valley Seeds?" Shen Mo Nong couldn't help asking.

Wen Tianzhun glanced at Shen Mo Nong, and said: "Xuanhuang Divine Valley Seed may not be so powerful, but it can contain all the existence of magical powers. It is all-inclusive, can merge all the power into the seed, and then return to all things. One, the most powerful force bursts out. If you hold the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds and keep irrigating power in the future, this kind of seed will eventually become an incredible existence."

Shen Mo Nong suddenly realized.

Chen Yang said: "I remember that the **** emperor also has a seed called the seed of magic power. It is the same as the seed of the mysterious yellow **** valley. Where did the **** emperor's magic power seed come from?"

Wen Tianzhun said: "That is a seed nourished by the **** emperor with his own essence and blood, and it grows with the growth of the **** emperor. The **** emperor is a rare figure in a million years. His knowledge determines the capacity of the seed. He has cultivated for so many years, and that kind of child has now reached an incredible level."

Chen Yang said, "How do the seeds of the Xuanhuang Divine Valley compare with the seeds of supernatural power?"

Wen Tianzhun said: "The seeds of supernatural powers contain supernatural powers, the supernatural powers and powers of various divine emperors. The seeds of the Profound Emperor Divine Valley can contain the power of magic weapons, the power of evil spirits, and all kinds of power."

Chen Yang said: "Then I understand. For example, these two seeds are both video players. And the supernatural power seeds can only play the RMVB format. And the Xuanhuang Shengu seeds can play videos in various formats, right?"

Wen Tianzhun said, "Yes, that's it."

Chen Yang said: "Then, since this Xuanhuang Divine Valley seed has always existed, why has no one ever picked it up?"

"Three days ago, the stalks of the melon were ripe, and before the stalks of the melon were ripe, once the Xuanhuang Divine Valley was picked, it would immediately wither." Wen Tianzhun said.

"Then now, isn't this Xuanhuang Divine Valley seed already taken away?" Chen Yang was taken aback.

Wen Tianzhun said: "The seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley are deep at the bottom of the volcano, which is more than 8,000 meters deep. Near the bottom, the fierce fiend condenses, and even the Void Primordial Spirit cannot enter. Even with such supernatural powers as the Emperor. I can't get in, let alone Chen Yihan and others."

"You mean, the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds have not been taken out?" Chen Yang said.

Wen Tianzhun said: "According to the truth, it should not have been taken out."

"Can't you see the future?" Shen Mo Nong asked.

"I can't see it for a long time. The future of this period is full of variables." Wen Tianzhun said.

Chen Yang said: "If no one can take it out, then how can you say that the Profound Yellow Divine Valley might fly away by itself? Didn't you say that once the Mysterious Divine Valley flies away, it will be difficult for outsiders to find it again?"

Wen Tianzhun said: "If Xuanhuang Divine Valley is flying out of the volcano and someone is guarding it with force, wouldn't it be possible to catch it?"

Chen Yang thought so too.

Wen Tianzhun said: "Now there should be a lot of masters on the crater of Mount Fuji. It is the right thing to rush over as soon as possible. Even if the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds fall into the hands of other people, there is no need to be afraid. Because the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds are now There is no irrigation power in it. We can grab it!"

Chen Yang said: "Then you were so crazy before. If I didn't come, you seemed to be finished?"

"If you keep not acting, you will be behind too much." Wen Tianzhun said: "Those masters must have made a lot of preparations. This is a matter of life and death for me, how can I not worry?"

"I'm still a little strange, what do you want to do with Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds?" Chen Yang asked.

Wen Tianzhun said: "My body can't absorb and condense mana, but if I have the Black Yellow Divine Valley seeds, I can use the Black Yellow Divine Valley seeds to gather power."

"I only promised to lend you the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds, but I didn't promise to give it to you." Chen Yang said immediately.

Wen Tianzhun said: "I know. If I want to deceive you, I will say, I need to refine my body with Xuanhuang Divine Valley Seeds. But I didn't say that. I still said that. Let's find a way , Come up with a perfect solution. Anyway, the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley are the world's rare treasures, and they can definitely play an unexpected role, you know?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "What you said makes sense."

About four hours later, Chen Yang and his party arrived at the Dongdu International Airport in the island country.

At the airport, there is already a special car driver waiting. When the three of them got in the car, the driver drove towards Mount Fuji.

The distance from the airport to Mount Fuji is more than 100 kilometers, and it takes less than an hour and a half to get there without traffic jams.

Mount Fuji is the highest peak in the island country and is hailed as the "Holy Mountain" by the people of the island country. Mount Fuji is located in the south-central part of Honshu, 3776 meters above sea level. The peaks are soaring into the clouds and the peaks are white with snow. The mountain is cone-shaped, like a fan hanging upside down. From 2,300 meters above sea level to the top of the mountain, it is covered by lava and volcanic sand. Therefore, in this area, there is neither jungle nor spring water, and hiking trails are not obvious, only winding trails in the gravel. From below 2000 meters above sea level to the foot of the mountain, there are vast lakes, waterfalls, jungles, and the scenery is extremely beautiful. Since it was recorded in 781 AD, Mount Fuji has erupted 18 times. The last time it was in 1707, it became a dormant volcano. Due to the eruption of the volcanic crater, numerous caves were formed at the foot of the mountain. Some caves are still jetting, while others are frosty. The walls in the most beautiful Fuyue Wind Cave are covered with stalactite-like icicles, which do not melt all the year round. They are commonly known as "Wannian Snow" and are regarded as rare spectacles. There are two large and small craters on the top of the mountain. The large crater is about 800 meters in diameter and 200 meters deep. When the weather is fine, you can see the sunrise, sea of ​​clouds, shadow Fuji and other natural scenery from the top of the mountain. The sacred temples on the summit-Kusushi Shrine and Sengen Shrine are also popular places for tourists. In the Mount Fuji area, cherry blossoms are in full bloom during the Spring Festival, the mountains are breezy in summer, the mountains are full of red leaves in autumn and the snow is covered in winter. There are more than 2,000 kinds of plants around the mountain, which is a natural botanical garden. Every July and August, tourists from all over the world compete to climb here.

At this time, it was the time of cold spring.

Although there is no snow in the eastern capital, the air is full of chill.

Since the entire island country is a coastal area, it is prone to fog, but the air smells very comfortable.

At seven o'clock in the evening, it was completely dark.

Everyone also reached the foot of Mount Fuji.

Although Wen Tianzhun is a prophet, his body is not strong, and he has been a bit tired after this series of running around.

But Wen Tianjun insisted on going to the crater of Mount Fuji's main peak immediately.

"The height of the crater is close to four kilometers, I'm afraid you can't climb up because of your physical fitness." Chen Yang said to Wen Tianzhun.

"Even if I can't climb up, you have to carry me on your back." Wen Tianzhun said.

Shen Monong said: "If you go, we will have to take care of you. It's better to take a break in Oshino Hakkai's leisure resort and take a bubble hot spring. And Chen Yang and I went up and acted by chance!"

Wen Tianzhun said: "No, if something goes wrong, at least you can afford it?"

Chen Yang stopped saying more, saying, "Mo Nong, let him go. Anyway, I also brought him an oxygen cylinder. If he is really unfortunate and belch, then don't blame us for not helping him."

Shen Mo Nong said, "Okay!"

Under Mount Fuji, there are lush greenery and extremely beautiful scenery.

Even at night, you can see countless lights on the mountainside. There are Oshino Hakkai, leisure resorts, and hot springs on the mountainside. There are food, drink and accommodation in it. However, it is the peak tourist season and there is probably no place.

And down the mountain, there are also small counties and towns where you can eat and live.

The merchants here do not worry about not having business.

However, Chen Yang and his party did not stop anywhere and went straight to the crater of the main peak.

Along the way, through countless beautiful places and forests, you can see countless peaks. Moreover, there are many fellow travellers in the mountains enjoying it.

Although the scenery is good, because it is a big night, it is difficult to appreciate the beauty.

Later, the group of three people finally reached the sky over two thousand meters above sea level. The sky above, looking at it, is full of flames.

The volcano, the flaming red soil, looking at it, there really is no grass.

There was a bright moon shining in the sky.

Chen Yang kept carrying Wen Tianzhun on his back, Wen Tianzhun was already like a dead dog. He was wearing an oxygen cylinder, breathing oxygen at this time, but he couldn't die for a while.

Anti-text is to keep up with life and death.

At this moment, Chen Yang's ears cocked, but he heard the sound of fighting in the distance.

"Don't worry, we will continue climbing." Wen Tianzhun said weakly.

"You don't care about it!" Chen Yang said in an angry voice. Afterwards, he said to Shen Mo Nong: "Let's go over and take a look. Right now those who are here are masters, maybe we can take advantage of it and find you a magic weapon by the way."

When Shen Mo Nong heard the magic weapon, his eyes lit up and she said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang was originally a nosy person, and then he carried the Wen Tianzhu on his back, and quickly ran towards the fighting direction with Shen Mo Nong.

Soon, Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong reached a mountain.

There was an empty mountain in front of it. Although the terrain was rugged, it was not bad.

The four figures in the field are fighting fiercely.

Chen Yang looked intently, but now he saw clearly. It turned out that three Chinese were besieging a lama in that field. The lama looked sixty years old, with some wrinkles on his face.

The lama was thin and wore a yellow lama uniform. The golden light all over his body flickered, and he kept resisting the sword light attacks of the other three Chinese.

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