My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4334: Taoist magic, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Lin He laughed to the sky, then looked at Zhang Muchen and said, "Do you deserve to know the name of my master?"

Zhang Muchen had been in a prosperous life, and he had always been respectful to others when they met him. Never had he been so despised. At that moment, anger burst out from his eyes and he said, "You are so arrogant!"

Lin He said: "Haha, you have low knowledge and think that I am arrogant. If you really know who my master is, I'm afraid you will be scared out of your wits!"

Zhang Muchen's junior brother Zhang Mufeng couldn't bear it any longer and said: "Senior brother, what are we talking nonsense to these people? Kill them!" The Tianshi Sect has always been modest, but at this moment, Zhang Mufeng really couldn't stand the other party's behavior. He was arrogant, so he had murderous intent in his heart.

"It's not fun enough to start a fight here!" At this moment, Chen Yihan spoke, and after scanning Zhang Muchen's group, he said: "The Tianshi Sect is really nothing in my eyes. But today, since you have intervened, , I’m sure I can’t dissuade you with a few words. Since you dare to meddle in this business, you must be thinking that you are good at it. Let’s leave this hotel together now, find a wilderness place, and have a good fight. . If you win, our lives will be left to your disposal. If you lose, I won’t embarrass you, I will ask these two little girls to stay with me for a month. "

Luo Tianyao's eyes filled with anger. She had always been proud, but now she was being used as a bet by this brat. This was a huge insult to her. Her original intention was to return to China to avoid Quentin, but she did not expect that she would meet a little evil star like Chen Yihan after returning to China.

Qin Yunshuang became even more angry and said: "What the hell, if we lose, we will die at worst. You are such a dirty thing, do you want me to sleep with you? Just go ahead and dream!"

"Haha!" After Chen Yihan was scolded by Qin Yunshuang, instead of being angry, he laughed and said: "Little girl, you are really energetic, I like it! You know, no one has ever dared to talk to me like this. Today. I think you are a little beauty, so I will not kill you. Otherwise, you would be a dead person now."

Qin Yunshuang was furious and was about to speak...

Luo Tianyao scolded: "Shuang'er, stop talking!" Qin Yunshuang had no choice but to shut up!

Luo Tianyao took another deep breath, and then said to Chen Yihan: "I don't know who you are, let alone what kind of person your father is. But I want to tell you that people from the Tianshi Sect are under the influence of Xia Jing We were entrusted by Mr. Nangong and came to help us. Mr. Nangong is a very powerful person in Xia Jing. You want to use force against the Tianshi Sect. Do you know what this means? Is your father really even with Xia Jing? Don’t anyone in Beijing care?”

Chen Yihan smiled slightly and said: "Xia Jing is a place protected by the energy of the ancestral dragon, and it is at the height of the sun. No one who practices Taoism will be an enemy of Xia Jing. However, I also believe that Mr. Nangong will not come here for you. Blame it on me. Otherwise, I won't kill you. If you stay with me for a month, you won't lose a piece of flesh."

"You are shameless!" Luo Tianyao's face turned pale with anger. This was the first time she had seen such a young child, and he was so cowardly. This is incredible and terrifying!

Chen Yihan then stood up and said: "Let's stop talking nonsense and see the real deal. Whether to do it here or go to the wilderness, you choose."

Zhang Muchen took a deep breath and said, "Okay, let's go to the wilderness and do it!"

Chen Yihan said: "Then let's go!"

He seemed very indifferent.

Everyone can only follow...

But at this moment, Chen Yihan suddenly moved his eyes, pointed to the room in front of him, and said: "There is another person in there, Lin He, go and pull him out. I don't want to cause more trouble!"

"No need to pull, I'll come out on my own!" Seeing that there was no way to hide, Chen Yang had no choice but to walk out.

He stared at Chen Yihan and recalled in his mind the previous scene where he used a whip to beat Chen Yihan to pieces.

"Grandma, you're a fool. Although this little brat is not Chen Yihan from the main universe, nor is he my brother. But he and my brother have the same virtue. Do you want me to give him a good beating today to make him enlightened?" Chen Yang I thought to myself.

When Chen Yihan saw Chen Yang, surprise flashed in his eyes.

It's not like he recognized Chen Yang...

Chen Yang now has the face of Chen Yi... In addition, Chen Yihan didn't know that this brother Chen Yang existed in the world. What surprised him was that the guy in front of him seemed...impossible to see through at a glance.

Chen Yihan is at the sixth level of Immortality Realm. When he walks in this world, there are few masters whose cultivation can escape his eyes.

But this young man in front of me actually...

He felt that this young man either had no cultivation at all, or his cultivation was above his own.

He couldn't believe that this young man's cultivation level was higher than his own.

Chen Yang came to Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang.

Qin Yunshuang immediately spoke and said: "This is my little brother, Chen Yang. He has just entered Anjin and is not a threat at all. There is no need to involve him in our battle today, right?"

Chen Yihan was slightly startled and said: "An Jin?" The doubts in his heart were suddenly cleared, and he felt that this was how it should be.

"Don't worry, I don't want to kill anyone today!" Chen Yihan looked at Qin Yunshuang, smiled, and said, "Let him go with him. After I defeat you people, I will let them all leave. But you must abide by the bet. , if you don’t comply, then don’t blame me for killing.”

After Chen Yihan finished speaking, he went ahead. Lin He and others said to Chen Yang and his party: "Please!"

Everyone had no choice but to follow.

The group of people quickly left the Roundabout Hotel.

Chen Yihan and his group got into their car and led the way.

Luo Tianyao and others also got into the car.

The fourth brother Zhang Muchen did not have a car, and Luo Tianyao's car could not accommodate so many people, so Zhang Muchen and others had no choice but to let Luo Tianyao and the others go first.

Zhang Muchen and the others will follow behind with their feet.

They have no problem keeping up with the car.

Qin Yunshuang drives...

After the car started, Luo Tianyao's face was extremely solemn.

Qin Yunshuang couldn't help but said: "Sister, will we be rivals?"

Luo Tianyao felt very bad in her heart. She saw that Zhang Muchen and others lacked confidence. Then he said in a deep voice: "It's hard to say, it's very likely that we will lose!"

Qin Yunshuang's heart tightened and she said, "Then we...escape?"

Luo Tianyao smiled bitterly and said, "You can't escape by running away."

"What if we lose?" Qin Yunshuang was almost crying. She continued: "It's all my fault, I shouldn't have brought you back."

Luo Tianyao sighed and said, "Shuang'er, don't be like this. This is our fate. It's a blessing, not a disaster. We can't avoid it."

Seeing how worried and painful they were, Chen Yang wanted to express some words of comfort, but he also knew that in their minds, he was just a secret cultivation base... his own comfort was useless.

Chen Yang didn't want to show his true strength in front of others, so he could only endure it for now.

An hour later, the car drove to a wild place, surrounded by lakes and woods, without a trace of light, and absolutely silent!

Chen Yihan and his party had already got out of the car and were waiting.

However, Zhang Muchen and his group ran in front of Luo Tianyao and the others, and came to Chen Yihan and others first.

Luo Tianyao and the others arrived shortly after.

After getting off the car, Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang came to Zhang Muchen and others.

Zhang Muchen stood out from the crowd, clasped his fists at Chen Yihan and his group, and said, "I am Zhang Muchen, the first one to appear. Who will step forward to ask for advice?"

Chen Yihan smiled faintly and said to Lin He next to him: "This guy is the only one with good cultivation among this group of people. If you go to spar with him, it can be regarded as training. Remember, you are not allowed to kill him. Today, I don't want to See blood!”

Lin He nodded and said with great respect: "Yes, young master!"

Then, he stood up and came to Zhang Muchen.

Chen Yihan spoke again at this time and said: "Before the fight, we should clearly explain the rules and the bet."

Everyone looked at Chen Yihan.

Chen Yihan said: "The bet is, if we lose, our wealth and life will be handed over to you! If we win, the two girls will unconditionally stay with me for a month. Is there any problem?" At this point, his eyes Yihan said: "If there is any problem, then I will kill all of you, leaving only two girls alive, and you will be my slave girl forever, humph!"

Luo Tianyao's heart trembled, she suppressed her fear and said in a deep voice: "I can agree to your bet, but it's up to me to decide how to fight!"

Chen Yihan chuckled and said, "Just tell me, if it's reasonable enough, I can agree to it!"

Luo Tianyao said: "We will play three games, with three people from each side. Win two out of three games..."

Chen Yihan laughed and said, "Okay, no problem!"

Luo Tianyao added: "Everyone can only appear once."

Chen Yihan said: "That's okay!"

Luo Tianyao said: "Also, are you going to end up?"

Chen Yihan smiled slightly and said: "Me? Of course!"

Luo Tianyao said: "Okay, I challenge you, do you accept it?"

"Very smart!" Chen Yihan said: "Let's play Tian Ji horse racing with me! The inferior horse versus the superior horse... That's okay, that's fun!"

"Then, please give me some advice!" Luo Tianyao cupped his fists at Chen Yihan.

Zhang Muchen also noticed Luo Tianyao's deep meaning and felt that there was hope, so he stepped aside immediately.

Chen Yihan let Lin He retreat first, smiled slightly, and said: "Little beauty, if I use my true cultivation to fight you, it would be too much of a bully. Forget it, today I won't use Taoist magic, I will use my physical body I have the cultivation level to fight with you."

Of course Luo Tianyao knew what Taoist magic was... He was moved in his heart and said, "If you use Taoist magic, will you lose?"

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