My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4333: Tianshimen, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Qin Yunshuang drove the car smoothly off the highway and entered the Corridor City. Then we drove towards the Roundabout Hotel...

About half an hour later, they arrived at the Roundabout Hotel.

The time at this time is half past six in the evening...

The remaining clouds on the horizon are like roses, with a hint of blood in their beauty.

After entering the Roundabout Hotel, the four masters sent by Mr. Nangong had already arrived first.

They waited in a presidential suite.

The presidential suite was very large, covering an area of ​​200 square meters, and it was also a duplex.

After entering the presidential suite, they officially met with the four masters sent by Mr. Nangong.

These four masters are all middle-aged men, and the leader is at the eighth level of the supernatural power realm, named Zhang Muchen. When Chen Yang saw Muchen's cultivation level, he was surprised in his heart. Because he clearly remembered that when he dealt with people from Guoan, there were no such powerful people there. At most, one Yuan Xingyun is enough... In addition, even in the divine realm, the cultivation of those masters at this moment should only be at the seventh or eighth level of the supernatural realm.

Back then, when I first entered the realm of gods, looking at those masters, I felt like they were like gods!

Later, I met a Saint Master at the fifth level of Immortality Realm in Thailand. The Saint Master was simply a ceiling-level figure.

Chen Yang thought to himself: "What is the origin of this Muchen photo? He actually reached the eighth level of magical power in this era. But why didn't I meet this person later?"

The other three men following Zhang Muchen were already at the level of God Transformation. The worst ones are in the early stages of the Divine Transformation Realm...

This is an absolutely terrifying lineup!

Especially in this day and age…

Chen Yang felt that if he met someone like them back then, he could kill him at will.

Later, after he returned to China, it was already around 2016... The Shi Yonghu he met at that time was only at the Golden Core level, but he could already control himself easily. When Shi Yonghu locked his soul thousands of miles away and chased him at high speed, how ferocious it was...

But Shi Yonghu's cultivation is just like a grasshopper in front of these people!

Is this caused by different levels?

Or is it that the cultivation and so on of this universe are always different from those of the main universe?

Chen Yang has no way to confirm these doubts at the moment.

But based on his memory and some people and things he encountered now, he felt that everything was exactly the same as the main universe.

Luo Tianyao was very happy and relieved after seeing Zhang Muchen and others. Because although Luo Tianyao could not judge Zhang Muchen's cultivation level, he could feel that Zhang Muchen's cultivation level was far above hers.

Zhang Muchen was very polite. After greeting Luo Tianyao and others, he introduced the three junior brothers around him to Luo Tianyao.

It turns out that the four of them came from the same school.

They are Zhang Mufeng, Zhang Muhuo, and Zhang Mutian. This name was given to them after they entered the Celestial Master's Gate.

Zhang Muchen told Luo Tianyao that they were disciples of the Tianshi Sect in Longhu Mountain. They have never been interested in worldly affairs... but their master, Zhang Shentao, has a very good relationship with Mr. Nangong. The Tianshi Sect is also willing to assist the higher ups in suppressing some Xiaoxiao... The Tianshi Sect will not come forward when nothing happens. But if we really encounter a problem, Tianshimen will still take action. This time it’s Mr. Nangong’s urgent contact...

There were also helicopters in the Tianshimen, so they were sent directly.

Mr. Nangong cherished and valued Luo Tianyao very much, so he did not hesitate to alarm the Tianshimen.

When he heard this, Chen Yang suddenly realized.

This picture of Muchen turned out to be from Tianshimen, which is not an agency of the National Security Bureau. No wonder I didn’t meet them later…

Although there are not many masters under them, strange people and strangers seem to be willing to form this relationship with them.

Chen Yang also knew that Senior Ling, the Great Emperor of China, had always been in contact with him. If someone really dares to come to Xia Country and turn his back, Senior Ling will not stand idly by.

After greetings, Zhang Muchen and others checked in downstairs.

Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang lived upstairs, and Chen Yang also lived downstairs with Zhang Muchen and others.

At this time, their group did not plan to go to Dashun City immediately, but wanted to wait for Chen Yihan and his group to have a good meeting.

Zhang Muchen and the other four did not sleep, but sat cross-legged on the sofa meditating.

Chen Yang hid in his room and slept. He didn't want to deal with people like Zhang Muchen. The more interactions you have, the more things you may expose. He felt that Zhang Muchen and others might have something similar to the Spirit Gathering Pill, but he was too embarrassed to ask for it. The Spirit Gathering Pill is an extremely precious thing for these new monks. It is impossible for others to give it...

Chen Yang feels that there will definitely be a chance to get the Spirit Gathering Pill in the future!

The reason why the Spirit Gathering Pill is needed is because the Spirit Gathering Pill is the most basic introductory elixir. But this elixir is particularly suitable for treating Ruth's illness...

The elixir was so good that Ruth couldn't adapt to it.

Weak people can't stand big supplements!

Zhang Muchen and others did not chat much with Chen Yang. In their eyes, Chen Yang was just a little kid. How did they know that Chen Yang and Zhang Daoling, the ancestor of their Tianshi Sect, had fought side by side?

The first half of the night was peaceful…

But in the middle of the night, something unexpected happened...

Although Chen Yang was in the room, he didn't really fall asleep. He also knew that Chen Yihan would definitely come tonight...

Although I already knew that my brother was a scumbag before, but now I see and experience it with my own eyes, it still hurts my heart. Although the Chen Yihan in front of him is not his younger brother, he can still imagine that in the main universe, his younger brother has this virtue.

He couldn't help but think that maybe this was the cause and effect.

It was precisely because of his past indulgence and evil deeds that Yihan finally got such bad results.

But he is still alive.

While Chen Yang was thinking wildly, there was a knock on the door.

The knock on the door was not the door to the room, but the door to the presidential suite.

Chen Yang felt something in his heart and knew that Chen Yihan and his party were coming.

"Damn, it's really different! He knocked on the door openly and openly in the middle of the night." Chen Yang secretly cursed.

Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang also noticed something was wrong. They didn't fall asleep in the room, they just sat cross-legged and meditated.

At this time, they also quickly went downstairs.

Chen Yang also jumped up from the bed and followed him out.

Qin Yunshuang saw Chen Yang coming out and immediately yelled: "Go in! Hide in the room. No matter what happens outside, don't come out."

Chen Yang was obedient and quickly retreated into the room.

It wasn't that he was afraid of anything, but that he was too lazy to argue with Qin Yunshuang at this time. At the same time, even in the room, he could see everything outside clearly.

All the lights in the living room were turned on, and it was suddenly as bright as day.

Zhang Muchen went to open the door.

Outside the door, Chen Yihan was dressed in white as snow, looking like a noble prince.

Standing behind Chen Yihan was Lin He, who was at the ninth level of supernatural power.

The other man who followed Lin He was at the peak of the Divine Transformation Realm and was called Chang Sheng.

Of those two women, the one at the peak of the Golden Core Realm was named Xue Ying, and the other was at the early stage of the Transformation God Realm, named Liu Xin.

In this scene, it seems that there are really as many gods as dogs, with magical powers everywhere.

In fact, it's not surprising.

Because Chen Yihan has always been very strong, and his father, Chen Tianya, is the Demon Emperor, the bodyguards he finds for his son must be extraordinary. Even if your cultivation level is poor, it will not be bad after the Demon Emperor's guidance.

The people from the Tianshi Sect came because Chen Yihan was very strong, so they were lured out.

Zhang Muchen knew that it was Chen Yihan and his gang who were looking for trouble, and they were here to solve the trouble this time.

Without saying much, he ushered them in and closed the door.

Ever since Zhang Muchen met Chen Yihan and others, he had been sizing up their strength. What made him feel uneasy was that he could not see Chen Yihan's strength at all.

There was a vague feeling of ominousness in his heart.

Chen Yihan came to the living room, as if he had returned to his own home, and sat comfortably on the sofa.

Luo Tianyao looked at Chen Yihan and felt that this boy was so young... but the evil aura in him was something she had never seen before. She took a deep breath and said to Chen Yihan: "We don't seem to know each other, why do you keep following us? Now in the middle of the night, you come here in a grand manner. What are your intentions?"

Chen Yihan looked at Luo Tianyao, laughed, and said: "You asked a very direct question, so I will answer you directly. I have seen many beauties, but those as beautiful as you are extremely rare. It is your misfortune. , it can also be regarded as your blessing. Stay with me for a month, and when I get tired of it, I will let you go. When I let you go, I will give you some pills to help you break through the shackles of the peak of spiritual transformation and reach supernatural powers in one fell swoop. Realm. This can be said to be a great opportunity for you...I advise you to seize it."

"You..." Luo Tianyao couldn't help but became furious when she heard that Chen Yihan was so direct and shameless, and said: "You little brat, how old are you? Are you an adult? Your thoughts are so dirty."

"Presumptuous!" Lin He, who was standing behind Chen Yihan, glared sharply and said to Luo Tianyao: "Bitch, I advise you to keep your mouth clean, and you better be more sensible. Otherwise, everyone's faces will be stained It doesn’t look good. Do you think these cats and dogs you invited can protect you?”

"Your Excellency is really arrogant!" Zhang Muchen stood in front of Chen Yihan and his party and said coldly: "Do you really think that our Tianshi Sect does not exist?"

Lin He looked at Zhang Muchen, looked Zhang Muchen up and down, and then sneered and said: "So you are from the Tianshi Sect, no wonder you seem to have a bad attitude. But what is the Tianshi Sect? In front of my master, you are nothing!" "

"Who is your master?" Zhang Muchen asked immediately with a look in his eyes.

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