My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4327: Eat wisely, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Qin Yunshuang was adopted by the Sun Temple after she was born. As soon as she could remember it, she went to school and practiced with Luo Tianyao. Although she is twenty-six years old now, she has experienced many big scenes. She also has great cultivation skills...but she has never been in love. She has never been attracted to a man... Considering her status, it is indeed not easy to find a suitable life partner!

So at this moment, to be precise, her first kiss was taken away by Chen Yang.

She originally thought that Chen Yang just kissed her forehead, but she didn't expect that this **** actually took advantage of his heart and kissed her directly on the lips!

At that moment, the strange touch made her heart go wild and she felt indescribably embarrassed.

Chen Yang kissed her hard and then quickly backed away.

At this time, Qin Yunshuang's cheeks were as red as the sunset!

She opened her eyes and looked at Chen Yang with shame and anger.

Chen Yang laughed and ran down the deck quickly. It's not that he is shy, but that he knows that Qin Yunshuang is shy at this time, and he needs to run away and let her experience this shy and strange feeling alone.

He is a veteran in love. In his eyes, Qin Yunshuang is just an emotional white rabbit who doesn't understand anything!

When the cruise ship goes to sea, it also undergoes various identity checks. Qin Yunshuang also prepared a fake identity for Chen Yang, which was enough to look fake. Coupled with their relationship, there is no problem in going to sea.

When arriving at the port of Xia Kingdom, they will also have to go through customs inspection.

But that's not a problem, the relationship has been sorted out.

On the deck, Qin Yunshuang couldn't help but feel ashamed when she remembered that her first kiss was taken away by Chen Yang. I find it even more unbelievable. I am already twenty-six years old, why am I still being led by this little kid? The more she thought about it, the angrier she became... She always felt that every time she got along with Chen Yang, she would be deflated.

That night, she was thinking wildly in her mind, and Chen Yang's appearance appeared from time to time.

"Oh my God!" Qin Yunshuang finally patted his forehead and said to himself: "Qin Yunshuang, Qin Yunshuang, do you really have feelings for this little brat? This is too ridiculous, he is still a child! "

After Chen Yang returned to his room, he began to sit cross-legged and meditate.

He has nothing to practice now.

Because there is no need to comprehend anything, just nutrition, enough elixirs and nutrition. As long as there are enough elixirs, Chen Yang can directly cultivate to the ninth level of the Creation Realm.

When you reach the ninth level, you need to recuperate your body, and then you can continue to attack the half-step saint, quasi-sage!

It will be more difficult to get to the quasi-sage, because it was not easy to get there back then.

So it won't be that easy now.

This thing is just like the college entrance examination, even if you got the top prize in the college entrance examination. But if you take the exam again many years later, you have to be careful.

For example, the old driver drove the car very smoothly, but if he were asked to take the driver's license test again, he might not be able to pass it.

We had breakfast on the top deck in the morning. It was six o'clock in the morning, the clouds were red in the sky, the sun had already appeared, and the morning rays were shining on the sea.

The sea breeze blows over...

Pair it with red wine, steak, sandwiches, fruit salad and more!

Suddenly it makes people feel that the greatest enjoyment in life is nothing more than this.

Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang were sitting opposite Chen Yang. The smiles and smiles of these two beauties made people forget to leave.

"Now I finally understand the true meaning of an idiom!" Chen Yang said with a smile after drinking a glass of red wine.

Luo Tianyao was very tolerant of Chen Yang. He smiled slightly and said, "What idiom? Tell me!"

Qin Yunshuang glared at Chen Yang and said, "In front of the eldest lady, you must pay attention to everything you say and do."

Chen Yang ignored Qin Yunshuang and said, "I finally know what beautiful scenery means. Seeing Miss you and Sister Shuang, coupled with the surrounding scenery, I feel like I am living in a fairyland!"

Qin Yunshuang felt that Chen Yang was getting more and more courageous, and wanted to warn Chen Yang, but she also felt that this kid was not afraid of her.

Luo Tianyao was in a good mood today and said with a smile: "Wonderland? Do you know what fairyland is?"

Chen Yang said: "In the final analysis, fairyland is people's yearning for a beautiful place. In my eyes, this place in front of me is fairyland! On the contrary, if there really is a fairyland in the world, but if people feel pain in it, then fairyland It’s not fairyland, it’s hell!”

Luo Tianyao was stunned for a moment. He was just asking casually, but he didn't expect that the young man in front of him said such meaningful words.

She thought about her current situation... She thought to herself: "Although I control my family and huge wealth, I have to be controlled by the Holy See and suffer every day. So, the Temple of the Sun is also **** to me!"

Qin Yunshuang also felt that Chen Yang's words were very philosophical and couldn't help but said: "Chen Yi, as far as I know, you don't seem to have read any books. How do you understand these principles?"

Chen Yang said: "I have never gone to school, but my godfather taught me how to read, and I also read a lot of books."

Qin Yunshuang said: "Then you are really a genius!"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "I am naturally talented, but my pearls have always been covered in dust! Now that the eldest lady has discovered me with sharp eyes, I will definitely repay the eldest lady and you, Sister Shuang, with actions in the future."

Luo Tianyao came back to his senses, smiled sweetly, and said: "Xiao Yi, you are indeed a very good young man, but you can't be too proud."

Chen Yang said: "Well, I will remember your teachings, Miss!"

Qin Yunshuang said: "Then let me ask you again, which is more important, talent or morality?"

Chen Yang said: "I once saw such a passage in a book. If you have virtue but no talent, you are considered a good person. If you have talent and virtue, you are a good person. As for talent but no virtue, it is poison!" After a pause, Said: "But I don't quite agree with these words. Human nature is inherently selfish. Just like arsenic is poison, but adding an appropriate amount of arsenic to some traditional Chinese medicine can cure diseases. The key is to see how to use it...Every Every person has meaning and function."

"Does being a born fool have any effect?" Qin Yunshuang felt that Chen Yang's words made sense, but couldn't help but ask.

Chen Yang said: "We look at a fool and think he is stupid. But in his eyes, maybe we are stupid. Zhuangzhou dreams of butterflies, or butterflies dreaming of Zhuang Zhou, who can tell? In this world, what we see in front of us is Everything is real. But maybe, it's all illusory. A mentally ill person said that everything he saw was fake, and normal people thought he was crazy and seriously ill. Maybe what he said was right, but It’s just that we didn’t see through the mystery!”

Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang's beautiful eyes suddenly flashed with incredible expressions. It was hard to believe that the young man in front of them could actually say such a profound sentence.

They felt that they needed to re-examine the boy in front of them.

Chen Yang no longer has so many scruples. Besides, he doesn't want to pretend to be stupid all the time. He also wants to show some skills appropriately.

Show off your skills step by step, so that they will slowly accept their own strength.

Anyway, there is nothing suspicious about his identity.

Even if I tell them now that I am from five hundred years in the future, I am afraid that they will think that I have lost my mind and gone crazy.

After a while, Luo Tianyao smiled and said: "But you still haven't said, which is more important, talent or virtue."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "They are all very important, but in the end, the most important thing is to be alive."

Qin Yunshuang said: "In the end, which one is more important is studying more, or which degree is more important?"

Chen Yang found it funny and said, "I haven't even gone to school. Sister Shuang, why are you asking me why my academic qualifications are important?"

Qin Yunshuang smiled and said, "It's precisely because you haven't formally attended school that I'm asking you."

Chen Yang said: "Regardless of studying or academic qualifications, the important thing is to have learned the skills in your head."

Qin Yunshuang said: "So you think academic qualifications are not important?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I'm just talking nonsense, don't ask me such profound questions."

Luo Tianyao said: "Xiao Yi, I have chatted with many people, but I think your perspective on the problem is different from ordinary people. It's boring to stay here anyway, so we might as well listen to your wise words!"

Chen Yang said: "The key point is that I don't have anything to say, only nonsense."

Luo Tianyao said: "Then just talk nonsense. It's fun to listen to you talk nonsense."

Qin Yunshuang said: "That's right!" But the more she came into contact with this young man, the more thoughtful and connotative he became.

Chen Yang was speechless and could only bite the bullet and said: "Academic qualifications are very important and are a stepping stone for many outstanding people. But they are also a talisman for some people..."

"Life reminder?" Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang were shocked. Although the two of them are practitioners, they actually have good academic qualifications and have been studying for many years. The universities they attended are all famous universities in Liguo. In other words, they have very high academic qualifications, so they are quite proud of their academic qualifications.

Chen Yang said: "I also realized it through observation. There are many elder brothers and sisters in the warehouse and kitchen who are worried about their children!" After a pause, he added: "There is a saying among the people, it is called wisdom, eat wisdom, and lack of wisdom. It’s hard work. Children are material for studying, so of course they have to be well-educated and strive to go to a good university and have a good future. But children are not that material. They have to be forced and squeezed to get that academic qualification. In this way, Isn't academic qualifications his life-saving talisman? There is never only one path in this world."

He remembered that he often saw some children who finally collapsed and chose to jump off the building due to too much pressure from study... That was a human tragedy...

Qin Yunshuang said: "What you said makes sense, but you are still young and have not become a parent. When you become a parent, maybe your thoughts will be different."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "In a few years, Sister Shuang, how about you give me a big fat boy?"

"Bah!" Qin Yunshuang suddenly blushed and spat at Chen Yang.

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