My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4326: bet, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang was not as timid as Qin Yunshuang imagined...

Are you kidding me? He has held Jiutian Xuannv hostage, he has seen Nuwa Empress... and Goddess Fengchu was defeated by him. How could he be frightened by Qin Yunshuang's aura...

What he is best at is flirting with girls. It was only later that I got a family that I suppressed my flirtatious nature. When she was in the Eternal Star Territory, Luna was so seduced by him that she couldn't help but fall in love with him.

So at this time, Chen Yang just smiled and said: "Sister Shuang, don't be so serious. Women are always angry and will get wrinkles. Besides, no matter how strong a woman is, she still needs a man, and I will be the strong one in the future. A man, a man strong enough to protect you. You can wait and see..."

"You..." Qin Yunshuang didn't expect Chen Yang to react like this. At this moment, he was really helpless.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?" Qin Yunshuang said a little discouraged.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "You understand. How can a smart person like me not understand what you say? There is no guilt in liking someone..."

Qin Yunshuang said: "But your words make me uncomfortable, you know?"

"Okay, then I won't say anything anymore." Chen Yang knew enough was enough.

After Qin Yunshuang saw that he was serious, he said again: "We will set off tonight. This time we will return to China on a private cruise!"

Chen Yang was stunned and said, "Isn't it faster to fly?"

Qin Yunshuang rolled her eyes again and said: "This is all for you. You are a gangster, how can you fly?" Chen Yang was speechless and said: "Can't the temple handle this trivial matter?"

Qin Yunshuang said: "It's not that it can't be done, but that many relevant departments are not within our sphere of influence. It will take more energy to resolve this matter. It is better to arrange for you to go on our private yacht directly. It will take about a month. You can return to our country, and when the time comes, I will help you take care of everything, and then you can take a plane directly when you come back."

Chen Yang said: "Okay!"

After having breakfast with Chen Yang, Qin Yunshuang went to find Luo Tianyao.

In Luo Tianyao's office, Qin Yunshuang said: "Sister, I always feel that this guy Chen Yi is very weird."

Luo Tianyao smiled and said, "Why is it so weird?"

Qin Yunshuang told what happened this morning.

After hearing this, Luo Tianyao became more interested and said: "From the time he fought with those people in the cafeteria, I knew he was a brave and resourceful child. Later, his talent for learning martial arts also emerged... In the ring, I also see that he is very courageous. If he is a submissive person when you scold him, then he is not worthy of our training!"

Qin Yunshuang said: "I just find it hard to imagine what he was like before. How could he have changed so much now?"

Luo Tianyao said: "It was the environment that suppressed him before! Now that he has found his own career and regained his confidence, he will naturally be very different!"

Qin Yunshuang said: "Maybe!"

Luo Tianyao then smiled and said: "It seems that he really likes you, which is not surprising. Of course, a young man will be fascinated by a lady with a good figure like you."

Qin Yunshuang's face turned red and she said, "It seems like you have a better figure than me!"

Luo Tianyao said: "But it's you that people are interested in! This little guy has great potential. I advise you to take advantage of it."

"Bah!" Qin Yunshuang couldn't help but spit.

The two sisters were joking like this, and they were very happy.

After that, Luo Tianyao gave Qin Yunshuang another idea, saying: "You are now a good incentive for Chen Yi. If you tell him that he will reach Huajing within a year, then you will consider becoming his girlfriend." …”

"How can that be done!" Qin Yunshuang said, "I don't want it!"

"The key is, it's impossible for him to become Hua Jin in just one year!" Luo Tianyao said, "I want you to motivate him."

Qin Yunshuang was startled, and then said: "That's true!"

Obviously, they would never believe that someone could enter Huajin within a year.

That night, Chen Yang, Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang were driven by a driver to a ferry on the coast.

They first took a speedboat out to sea, and the speedboat took them to a larger ferry.

At that ferry, a cruise ship was already waiting there.

The cruise ship was extremely luxurious, and all procedures had been completed. After boarding the ship, the cruise ship left the ferry at night.

This kind of cruise ship is much smaller than ordinary cruise ships.

But this small is only relative.

Just one trip and the fuel and heavy oil cost start at one million US dollars.

This does not include other staff salaries and tolls!

The tolls for passing through some ports at sea are quite scary, ranging from hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars. Of course, this is also calculated based on the volume of cruise ships and cargo ships.

If Chen Yang and his party were to fly back, they would be able to fly very luxuriously for US$100,000.

But the cost of taking this cruise ship is terrifying.

And it also took a lot of time...

Sailing on the sea is usually boring.

There is a small square on the deck for activities on the cruise ship, as well as a banquet hall and more!

It is equipped with a dedicated crew team to handle navigation and more.

After Chen Yang got on the ship, he was arranged in a nice suite. Anyway, there are quite a few rooms... Take your pick.

Chen Yang couldn't help but admire the Sun Temple's wealth...

It was already early morning when we set out to sea.

Chen Yang ran to the top deck alone to admire the moonlight.

At that time, the bright moon was in the sky, and the waves were sparkling on the sea.

Such scenery is intoxicating.

The first day on board was full of freshness.

Not long after Chen Yang lay down on the comfortable lounge chair, a beautiful waiter came over and asked Chen Yang if he wanted something to drink or eat.

He ordered a glass of whiskey and then some fruit.

The waiter said yes and then went to prepare. At this time, Qin Yunshuang came over and said to the waiter: "Bring me a glass of red wine with ice."

The waiter said in a sweet voice: "Okay!"

After that, Qin Yunshuang came and lay down next to Chen Yang.

She was wearing a black T-shirt and jeans at the moment.

Her long hair is fluttering, slightly wavy, and her red lips are bright... The whole person looks very beautiful, fashionable, and heroic.

Chen Yang smelled the feminine fragrance on her body and felt ripples in his heart.

This girl is indeed very seductive!

He sat up and said with a smile: "Sister Shuang, do you also come to enjoy the night view? I plan to rest here tonight and wait for the sunrise. Do you want to lie down together?"

Qin Yunshuang's face was slightly red and she said, "Who wants to be with you?" Chen Yang laughed and said, "It's not like we're on the same bed."

Qin Yunshuang glared at him fiercely and said, "Don't talk nonsense all day long. You don't have any integrity."

Chen Yang said: "If I am serious and serious when facing you all day long, it means that you are not charming enough. Men can only be extremely serious and serious when they are not interested in women."

Qin Yunshuang said: "Okay, don't talk nonsense with me." After a pause, he said: "But you said something right this morning."

Chen Yang was stunned and said, "What are you talking about?"

Qin Yunshuang said: "You said, no matter how powerful a woman is, she still needs a man." After finishing speaking, she felt her ears burning.

Chen Yang said: "That's right!"

Qin Yunshuang said: "It's a pity that you are too weak."

Chen Yang said: "I'm just starting out, aren't I? Give me some more time, and it's inevitable that I will surpass you."

Qin Yunshuang said: "If you can reach the level of energy transformation within a year, then I can consider you."

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "Really?" But he was amused in his heart, knowing that this girl wanted to use her beauty to motivate herself. He can't see through this little thought. To talk about considering it is just because I feel that it is impossible for me to reach Huajin within a year. This is normal. It is impossible for normal people to reach Huajing within a year.

Besides, she said to think about it. When the time comes, even if she has reached Huajing, she can still say that after much consideration, it still won't work!

Qin Yunshuang was secretly happy when she saw Chen Yang taking the bait, and said: "Of course! But if you can't do it, what will you say?"

Chen Yang said: "If I can't reach Huajing within a year, then I won't bother you anymore."

Qin Yunshuang said: "And you have to kneel down and become my disciple!"

Chen Yang said: "No problem!"

Qin Yunshuang said: "By the way, do you know what Huajin is?"

Chen Yang said nonchalantly: "Then what don't you know? When the kung fu reaches the realm of transformation, not a single fly can fall, and not a single feather can be added. Bones are like white frost, and blood is like mercury slurry! I have done a lot of homework. …”

Seeing that Chen Yang understood everything, Qin Yunshuang felt relieved and said, "That's a deal!"

Chen Yang said: "Wait!"

Qin Yunshuang said: "What, you regretted it?"

Chen Yang said: "I have to collect some interest first, or a deposit."

"What nonsense interest and deposit?" Qin Yunshuang couldn't help but be stunned.

Chen Yang said: "I always feel that this bet is not worth it. What you said is to consider it. What if I reach Huajing later, and then you tell me seriously, Chen Yi, after careful consideration, I still can't accept you. ?”

"I..." Qin Yunshuang's little thoughts were seen through by Chen Yang, and she was speechless.

Chen Yang said: "Of course, even if I reach Huajin, I am still far away from you. But if you let me kiss you now, I will agree to your bet."

Qin Yunshuang's face suddenly turned red, she thought about it carefully and said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang came to her and said, "Close your eyes!"

Qin Yunshuang was struggling and hesitating in her heart...

But finally he closed his eyes.

At that moment, Chen Yang kissed her lips!

A kiss, of course not a kiss on the forehead.

Chen Yang is not that kind of innocent boy...

Qin Yunshuang's delicate body suddenly trembled...

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