My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4321: Eightfold Immortality, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

After Chen Yang pondered for a while, he had an idea. He simply used the Taiyin as an elixir and bit off a third of it. Taiyin enters the throat, feeling cool and cold. Chen Yang chewed the jade pendant as if it were a pill. His steel teeth are so powerful that even if a steel knife enters his mouth, it can be bitten into pieces, let alone this jade pendant?

He chewed the third of the jade pendant into pieces and swallowed it!

At present, Chen Yang's cultivation has reached the peak of the golden elixir, and he can freely control the movement of his body and intestines and stomach. So it won’t be scratched by the jade pendant…

After the jade pendant was chewed into pieces and swallowed, the cold spiritual energy bloomed immediately. This kind of spiritual energy is not comparable to that of medicinal materials. In an instant, Chen Yang felt an extremely abundant spiritual energy... This energy quickly spread through his limbs and bones, like a flash flood.

"Fortunately, I didn't swallow it all in one gulp. This body is still relatively weak now. If I take it all, I'm afraid my body won't be able to withstand this kind of spiritual energy, and it will explode in the end!" Chen Yang was still frightened.

At the same time, the cells in the body begin to greedily absorb spiritual energy!

Chen Yang's body has always been in a state of hunger. This is because Chen Yang understands how long the road ahead is.

At this time, the body cells quickly absorb spiritual energy and nutrients.

Chen Yang immediately held his breath and concentrated, and then broke through the shackles of the golden elixir peak in one fell swoop and entered the realm of divine transformation.

After reaching the state of divine transformation, the nutrition in the body is still endless.

Taiyin is a good spiritual energy magic weapon, but the nutrients needed below the level of supernatural power are actually very few.

If you use those precious medicinal materials to absorb it, no matter how much you take, it won't feel like too much. But Taiyin is different. In the world of monasticism, Taiyin is also regarded as a magic weapon. If this object falls into the mortal world, it is a divine object.

When a gatekeeper among immortals comes to the human world, doesn’t he have to walk sideways?

This is the truth!

Soon, Chen Yang's body had reached its limit in absorbing nutrients.

All body cells are filled with nutrients.

Excess nutrients begin to rush towards the brain...

His cultivation level has also directly reached the peak of the God Transformation Realm.

At the peak of the Divine Transformation Realm, the body's nutrition is completely sufficient, and the excess nutrition begins to rush towards the brain.

There is an invisible magical door in the brain.

Only by opening this door of magical power can we truly touch and use brain waves.

An ordinary master at the peak of the Divine Transformation Realm, although his body is well-nourished. But it is difficult to find powerful nutrients to help attack the door of magical power, which is very strong. Idle nutrition doesn’t work at all.

But at this time, Chen Yang's nutrition was very sufficient.

With a bang...

Under the operation of Chen Yang, those nutrients opened the door of magical powers in his mind.

Suddenly, endless nutrients surged into his brain like a river bursting its banks.

His brain cells immediately greedily absorbed these nutrients and spiritual energy.

In the blink of an eye, you reach the peak of the first level of the magical power realm...

Then continue to rush upward...

Originally, the cultivation of brain cells requires great care and meticulousness. If you make a wrong step, you will go crazy. The neurons, cells, etc. in the brain are all kinds of magical structures, vertically and horizontally complex, more terrifying than any precise calculation.

When ordinary people practice cultivation, they have to explore step by step and carefully.

For ordinary experts, these calculation questions are like high school students facing the college entrance examination, which is very difficult.

But for Chen Yang, he is a doctor, a scientist, and even a **** beyond the universe. So you don’t need to think too much about this kind of pediatric question. The calculation of large-scale genetic calculation is the most terrifying.

But he also calculated it.

With ease and familiarity, Chen Yang's cultivation level soon reached the ninth level of the magical power realm.

By this time, the nutrients and spiritual energy were finally exhausted.

"Not bad!" Chen Yang was filled with joy and said no more at the moment and continued to absorb. Put all the remaining Taiyin into your mouth, chew it into pieces, and then swallow it into your belly.

This time the nutrition was twice as much as before, and it was even more ferocious.

But the brain's ability to absorb mana is endless, so it won't be burst by nutrients.

Of course, there is another premise here, that is, Chen Yang needs to solve all the problems quickly. It is necessary to clear the roadblocks during the nutritional rush, otherwise you may go crazy.

Chen Yang quickly solved all the roadblocks in his practice, and his realm continued to rise.

The first level of Immortality Realm…

Second level of Immortality Realm…

By the time all the nutrients were consumed, Chen Yang's cultivation had reached the eighth level of the Immortality Realm.

A Taiyin jade pendant helped Chen Yang complete his primitive accumulation!

With Chen Yang's current cultivation level, in this vast world, he can barely walk sideways...

When he thought about it carefully, he realized that there were actually many opponents.

I'm afraid even Chen Yihan can't beat him. Chen Yihan has been helped by Chen Tianya since he was a child...

He can't even beat the Xuanyuan Clan's Great Heavenly Master...

Anyway, with this level of cultivation, it's okay to bully ordinary people. But when you encounter those with great supernatural powers, you can only wait for death!

In his last life, Chen Yang was confused throughout the magical realm and immortality realm. Because he inherited Yun Leier's blood demon bloodline at that time, all his magic power was turned into the power of Qi and blood.

Therefore, the fist is powerful, but there is no magic power!

Later, after finally condensing the Dao Fruit, he reached the seventh level of Taixu Heaven.

Now, he could finally fully appreciate the feeling of the eighth level of immortality.

There are nine levels of immortality in total. After passing the ninth level, you can reach the realm of Taixu Chongtian.

Chen Yang began to feel attentively.

In the brain domain, approximately 10,000 brain cells have been developed. These brain cells emit the power of the magnetic field, to be precise, it is mana.

These mana can be explored from outside, can form souls, and can retrieve objects from across the air.

But overall, it's still...too **** weak.

Chen Yang thinks the eighth level of immortality is bullshit...

Thinking about his past, his brain cells had been developed to countless billions, and every brain cell was extremely powerful! One brain cell is a hundred times more powerful than the ten thousand at the moment.

Totally different!

The eighth level of immortality is not just about the development of brain cells.

At the same time, it also causes the cells in the body to undergo fission and become stronger.

The fusion of magic power and physical body makes it much easier to deal with those physical masters.

After Chen Yang took a deep breath, he began to gather the pitiful magic power in his mind.

With a thought in his mind, this mana instantly filled his whole body. Then through the power of the hand, a burst of magic power immediately came out from the air, forming an exquisite large hand seal. The big handprint pinched the vase in the distance, and when it moved again, the vase shattered.

With this pitiful amount of mana, it is natural that it cannot travel through the void, let alone fly!

If you want to fly, you can't do it until you reach the ninth level of Taixu. Moreover, it is necessary to gather the spirit of the void and let the spirit carry it to fly.

Of course, if you are powerful enough, you can also fly with the help of some auxiliary things when you are in the eighth level of Taixu.

But flying is very difficult for people below the ninth level of Taixu.

Chen Yang's subsequent flying has reached the extreme. The magic power is surging all over the body. If you want to go anywhere, you can do it with just a thought.

But now, flying is out of reach for Chen Yang.

With his little magic power, it is impossible to go to those places in Tianzhou through the teleportation array.

Because...the teleportation array cannot be opened!

Activating the teleportation array actually consumes a huge amount of mana.

Those mana powers were not worth mentioning to Chen Yang later. But for Chen Yang now, it is a huge gap and chasm.

"Not enough..." Chen Yang said secretly: "When I helped Lan Ziyi go to the Yin Side World, Feirong and I cooperated, and our magic power could reach the realm of Taixu Seventh Heaven. But at that time, we were still miserable in the Yin Side World... So now With this level of cultivation, I can’t go anywhere! Well, where else can I find good things? Bai Yinshuang in the golden years? No, no, Bai Yinshuang is not dead yet... When I went there, she She has only been dead for three years. But why should I wait for her to die? Wouldn't it be better if I happened to save her? She has dragon jade and phoenix jade in her hands... But Cheng Jianhua hasn't shown his ferociousness yet, and she doesn't believe me when I run. Do you want to rob it directly? It’s not a good idea! Well, **** it, don’t worry about Bai Yinshuang for now. I have to go to Jerusalem as soon as possible to find the Third Temple, and then get the Sinai Code and the Ark of the Covenant. The original stone in the Ark of the Covenant is huge. What a good thing!”

Chen Yang suddenly felt at ease.

At this time, I don’t want to play with Qin Yunshuang and the others anymore...

"Forget it, haste makes waste, don't be too hasty. I have to lay the foundation of everything. After my magic power is strong enough to compete with Senior Ling and the others, I will attack Hongmeng Taoist Master and deprive him of his luck. Only in this way can I More secure…”

Chen Yang made up his mind.

At the same time, I also felt that it was fun to be with Qin Yunshuang.

After taking a deep breath, Chen Yang thought of Ruth.

Immediately, he came out of the basement and found the landline phone in the villa.

He remembered Ruth's phone number and called her.

At this time, it was already bright, and the morning light shone in.

It's a nice sunny day again today.

The call came through quickly.

It was Ruth who answered the phone...

"Ruth, it's me!" Chen Yang said in a deep voice.

On the other side of the phone, Ruth's breathing was a little quick.

Chen Yang heard this breathing sound and immediately knew that something must have happened to Ruth.

Ruth pretended to be calm and said, "Where are you?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "I found a random place and a random phone number to call you. I know I have brought you a lot of trouble, but you don't have to be afraid, I will come to save you. You Give the phone to the person next to you.”

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