My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4320: white bishop, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

After making a promise to Ruth, Chen Yang said goodbye to Ruth.

At this time, he felt very relaxed. With Taiyin in hand, the realm of transformation into gods, supernatural powers, and even the realm of immortality are no longer a problem.

You know, this magical power realm and immortality realm seem to be very simple. But for early practitioners, it is extremely difficult. If you want to reach the magical realm, you need pills. The elixirs are all in the hands of those with great magical powers!

After leaving the door of Ruth's house, Chen Yang put on a mask. After going downstairs, he came to Bart's car.

He was about to open the car door when suddenly, there was a sense of danger coming from the mourning platform.

At the same time, he discovered that Bart was no longer in the car.

"Oops!" Chen Yang screamed secretly.

Turning around suddenly, he saw Bart and two men in white robes standing ten meters away.

The two men in white robes were tall and had blue eyes. Their breath is long and their faces are cold, they are obviously masters!

Moreover, he is a master whose cultivation is not weaker than his own.

Bart also looked cold at this time and said to Chen Yang: "Sir, you provoked people you shouldn't have provoked. You even forgot my identity... When I left, I left a password. My children collected After receiving the code, I called the Holy See. Our authorities have close ties with the Holy See, and Loren City is definitely not a place where you can be so unbridled and wild."

Chen Yang smiled faintly and said: "I did underestimate you, Bart!" After a pause, he said: "But Bart, I took the initiative to find you today, so you are not doing anything wrong. So, you snitched I will forgive you once. Next time, remember not to do it again."

Bart was stunned and almost thought Chen Yang was crazy.

At this time, the two men in white robes spoke. One of the white-robed men said: "I am Justu, the white-robed Archbishop of the Holy See, and this is my senior brother, Zarisi!"

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said: "I have long heard about the power of the Holy See, and I also know that the Archbishop in White is a great person."

Justu said: "At this time, your Excellency no longer needs to hide your face. Since our Holy Holy See has intervened, there is no possibility of you escaping. Take off your mask, and then let us go. If you tell everything honestly, maybe , we will be lenient to you."

Chen Yang laughed and said: "Although the Holy Holy See is powerful, I haven't taken it seriously yet. You two, come together!"

Justu and Archbishop Zarisi were stunned for a moment. They did not expect that the other party would be so crazy. They are also old people in the world, and they know that since the other party is arrogant, they must have something to rely on.

Justu said in a deep voice: "You are unwise."

Zarisi looked Chen Yang up and down, because he felt that the guy in front of him didn't seem to have much cultivation. But why did the other party give him an inexplicable feeling?

"No need to talk nonsense, I'm in a hurry." Chen Yang said: "You two, come on quickly!"

Justu and Zarisi knew that there was no need to say more.

The two looked at each other and then walked towards Chen Yang.

At this time, Chen Yang also walked towards them.

The two sides were not very fast at first and suddenly broke out.

At this moment, Chen Yang exploded with the power of his bleeding core. The divine power of the blood core is a method that Chen Yang practiced before he entered Taoism. It can open the blood orifice and hide the blood in the blood core. In a crisis, the power can be doubled in an instant. But once the explosion is over, you will be very tired.

But now, in order to deal with these two archbishops in white, Chen Yang has no choice.

Chen Yang's figure was as fast as a Super Gundam, fierce and explosive, like a speeding fighter jet flying over the ground.

Nayustu felt a figure flash in front of him, and instantly felt as if the mountain was crushing him and the world was falling apart.

This kind of power made him panic.

At that moment, I just wanted to retreat.

He retreated quickly, and at the same time lowered his feet and took a horse stance. The hands suddenly moved...

Chen Yang rushed over like a mad cow.


In just one move, Justu was knocked out by Chen Yang.

At that moment, Justu flew out and fell heavily to the ground. His whole body felt like his internal organs and limbs were all falling apart. At this moment, he had lost his fighting power.

It's incredible that the dignified Archbishop Ao in white can't catch Chen Yang's move.

In Nazarisi's eyes, the other party was originally ordinary, but suddenly he burst out with terrifying vitality. It was like withered leaves covered everything. After blowing away the withered leaves, there was an infinite green forest inside.

After Chen Yang knocked Justu away, he had just used up all his strength. It is when new strength has not yet been born and old strength has just been exhausted.

Zarixi was not a vegetarian either. He immediately seized the opportunity and turned his hands into eagle claws to grab the back of Chen Yang's neck. Chen Yangren rushed forward and rolled on the spot to avoid his fatal blow.

Chen Yang's playing style has always been natural.

Zarixi failed and saw Chen Yang rolling on the ground. He immediately strode forward, not giving Chen Yang a chance to stand up.

His feet were like plows, kicking out continuously, and his toes were even more like blades.

His speed was extremely fast, giving Chen Yang no chance to fight back.

Chen Yang couldn't use his sweeping skills, and Zarisi was not comparable to Jason.

After repelling Justu with one move, Chen Yang was at a disadvantage.

Seeing that Chen Yang was about to be cornered by Zarisi, at the critical moment, Chen Yang rolled under the car.

Bart's car was originally nearby.

Zarisi was dumbfounded.

After Chen Yang rolled under the car, he quickly got out from the other side and jumped up.

The blood core power in his body is still hot, and the strength in his body seems to be endless.

He swayed and arrived in front of Zarisi, then stepped forward and cut into the opponent's middle. Follow up with both fists...

Zarixi's anger dropped to his dantian, and he tapped Chen Yang's armpits with both fingers at the same time, but his softness overcame the rigidity.

Chen Yang quickly changed his attack, turning into a silk-wrapping hand and wrapping it around the opponent.

At the same time, both of them kicked out at the same time.

Chen Yang used large and small silk threads in his hands, outside and inside, and quickly restrained Zarisi's offensive.

Zarisi couldn't help but be horrified. He had encountered countless opponents in his life, but he had never encountered an opponent like this. The opponent's moves were unimaginably powerful. No matter how you try to crack or counterattack, you will eventually fall into the opponent's tricks.

Zarisi was no match for Chen Yang in terms of fierceness, and even less so in terms of exquisite moves.

He let out a loud roar, retreated sharply, and pulled out his hands, trying to get rid of Chen Yang's entanglement.

Chen Yang shouted lightly, "Go!"

A sudden circle of his hands and another shock shook Zarixi's whole body.

Zarisi only needed to take three steps back to stabilize his body. But with Chen Yang's help, his figure immediately became unsteady and he took an extra step back.

Taking one more step back is where the flaw lies. Chen Yang stepped forward again and struck with another move...


Zarisi's whole body felt as if he had been hit hard, and finally he was thrown violently away. His limbs were all broken apart.

He fell to the ground, vomited blood, and couldn't move!

Only then did Chen Yang absorb the power of his blood core, quickly calming down his energy and blood. Even so, his energy was greatly damaged and it would take some time to recover.

In the blink of an eye, the two archbishops in white were defeated by Chen Yang.

Nabat was dumbfounded on the sidelines.

Chen Yang turned around and smiled at Bart, and said: "I said, I will spare you this time. So you don't have to be afraid..."

Then, he came to Justu and said, "I could kill you now, but I don't like killing people. So, I will spare you today. But don't think that I dare not offend the Holy See." , because killing you or not killing you is actually the same to me. You won’t stop causing trouble to me just because I let you go.”

After saying that, Chen Yang looked up at the sixth floor of the apartment and knew in his heart that he must have caused trouble for Ruth.

But now, it is indeed not suitable to take Ruth with him.

"Forget it, wait until I absorb Taiyin first, and then I'll take care of Ruth's affairs." Thinking of this, Chen Yang turned around and left quickly, and his figure quickly disappeared into the night.

After leaving the scene, Chen Yang found a secluded place, took off the mask and clothes, and then put them back on.

He became that fifteen-year-old boy at this moment.

Come to think of it, no one would doubt that this fifteen-year-old boy could actually defeat two archbishops in white.

"They will definitely go looking for Ruth. My current ability is not enough to protect Ruth. Although Ruth has seen my appearance, she has not taken any photos. She is not a good painter. She can draw it in one go. ?" Chen Yang thought: "Hurry up first. If your cultivation can directly reach the realm of immortality, then the Holy See will not be a problem."

Chen Yang took advantage of the darkness to hide from the cameras on the street. He was as fast as a civet cat and disappeared again in the blink of an eye.

Walking through the dark night, I soon came to a villa area and concentrated on the feeling.

Finally, he found that there was no one in one of the villas.

Immediately, he quickly came to the villa, climbed through the sewer pipe, went directly to the second floor, and then entered it. After he entered the villa, he went to the basement.

In the basement, Chen Yang sat cross-legged and took out the Taiyin jade pendant!

The Taiyin jade pendant bloomed with faint light in the dark night, and the cold breath emanated, making Chen Yang's mind instantly refreshed.

"I have Taiyin in my hand, but how should I absorb the spiritual energy inside? Hold it in my mouth?" Chen Yang thought to himself...

It is very difficult to refine an elixir well. You must ensure that the spiritual energy is completely sealed.

This Taiyin is also full of spiritual energy, but it is not an elixir.

So, how should we absorb the spiritual energy inside?

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