My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4303: Hard start, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang's current job is to help the boys move goods... In fact, his job is dispensable. If he doesn't move it, the boys will move it themselves. But he can't live for nothing in this all kinds of chores are his. After moving the goods in the morning, I have to go to the kitchen to help slaughter chickens and fish, etc.!

The boys always disliked him and forced him to do dirty and tiring work.

At this time, in front of Wang Xueqin, the boys couldn't scold Chen Yang too much. He was also afraid of leaving a bad impression and arousing Wang Xueqin's disgust. Chen Yang also knew these little guys well and knew that it was useless to please them. These tiring tasks were too strenuous for his current thin body. He immediately ran inside, moved a chair in front of Wang Xueqin, and said with a smile: "Sister Qin, standing is so tiring. You sit down, We can do these tasks ourselves. By the way, it's too cold here. I'll go to the kitchen and make you a cup of hot coffee." After that, he ran towards the kitchen.

"This little bastard..." The boys didn't come to help them when they saw that Chen Yang was always being attentive to Wang Xueqin. Everyone was so angry that they thought that when this guy was alone later, he would have to teach him a lesson.

Wang Xueqin was stunned for a moment. In her position, she was neither above nor below, so only some of the boys were afraid of her. The people above didn't take her seriously, and the boys were never so attentive. She had suffered enough violence and neglect from her black husband. Now that Chen Yang was serving her so diligently, she felt indescribably tolerant.

So I sat down.

The kitchen was already in full swing, with all kinds of cakes, steamed buns, steamed buns, and other exquisite pastries being made.

"Little bastard, go and deal with the ten groupers on the water table." He ran into Hei Tan, the water table master, and Hei Tan yelled at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang immediately responded with a smile, and then said, "Brother Hei, Sister Qin from the warehouse asked me to pour her a cup of coffee. After I gave her the coffee, I came to deal with the grouper immediately, is that okay? "

Hei Tan's status is not high, and he also knows that Wang Xueqin in the warehouse has a bad temper. Seeing Chen Yang greeting him with a smile, he snorted coldly and said, "Move faster!"

Chen Yang said: "Okay, okay!"

So Pidianpidian ran to the coffee machine and poured two cups of coffee from disposable coffee cups.

Along the way, anyone who saw him asked him to do something.

That status is really inferior to that of a dog.

But Chen Yang solved it cleverly.

After pouring the coffee, he ran to Hei Tan first, gave Hei Tan a cup, and said, "Brother Hei, drink coffee first, and I'll be back soon."

That Hei Tan was quite surprised. He never imagined how this guy could behave like this today.

Chen Yang ran to Wang Xueqin, served the coffee attentively, and said: "Sister Qin, I know you don't like drinks that are too bitter, so I took it upon myself to add some condensed milk and sugar cubes for you to try."

After Wang Xueqin took the coffee and took a sip, her whole heart felt warm.

Chen Yang looked at Wang Xueqin and asked, "Does it taste good?"

" tastes good!" Wang Xueqin has always had a bitter personality, but for some reason, she couldn't bear to let Chen Yang down at this time.

Chen Yang was immediately very happy, and then went to help the boys transport the goods.

Those little guys have already had enough of Chen Yang.

When he was moving the goods, a boy named Hu Jie kicked him to the ground and said, "Damn it, you are dragging your feet to move things, haven't you eaten?"

Chen Yang simply sat on the ground and stopped moving.

"Get up quickly and continue moving the goods." Hu Jie shouted at Chen Yang. Then he said: "What the **** are you pretending to be?"

Chen Yang just ignored Hu Jie anyway.

Hu Jie became even more angry and raised his fist to hit Chen Yang.

Anyway, everyone usually either beats or scolds Chen Yang’s body...

"Stop!" At this moment, Wang Xueqin couldn't stand it anymore. She came over, scolded Hu Jie angrily, and said, "What are you doing?"

"Sister Qin, I..." Hu Jie was about to speak.

Chen Yang was waiting for this moment. He stood up, his eyes were red and he was filled with tears, and said: "Sister Qin, it's because I poured you a cup of coffee that he looked at me unfavorably. In this place, Apart from my godfather, you are the best to me. So what if I give you a cup of coffee?"

Wang Xueqin's old face suddenly heated up, and she secretly thought that she didn't seem to be very nice to him usually. Then I thought again, maybe compared to other people, I was kinder to him. At least I didn't hit him...

She looked at Chen Yang's aggrieved eyes, and remembered how kind he had been to her just now, and her heart suddenly softened. So, she said to Hu Jie in a cold voice: "Chen Yi is from my warehouse, and he usually helps you move goods as a courtesy. From today on, he will no longer help you move goods. You can move it yourself!"

"This..." Hu Jie was unhappy, but had no choice. I didn’t say any more at the moment and went to move the goods myself.

Wang Xueqin took Chen Yang to the warehouse.

Chen Yang immediately put away his aggrieved eyes. Wang Xueqin said: "From now on, you can work in the warehouse, find a broom, and clean everywhere."

In the warehouse, there are three administrators, but there are many subordinate employees responsible for other tasks. Wang Xueqin is also a small manager, so it is not a problem to arrange for Chen Yang to come in.

What Chen Yang wants is this result. He thinks that Chen Yi has done too many and complicated things before. He is stared at all day long and it is difficult to do anything of his own.

When I first came to this strange place, I had no strength, no identity, and no money. I had to be a little humble first and grow slowly!

When I think about it carefully, it feels dreamy and even more funny. The day before, he was roaming the universe, even defeating the Phoenix Goddess at the ancient level... but now he was being bullied by the little Yakuza.

Soon, he calmed down again.

Right now, we must be patient and do everything we can to grow and become stronger...

This is the only chance for the entire multiverse and the only chance for my loved ones.

He said hello happily to Wang Xueqin, and then asked worriedly: "Where is the kitchen?"

Wang Xueqin said: "I will go and talk to Director Yu from the logistics department. You don't have to worry about that."

"Thank you, Sister Qin!" Chen Yang quickly bowed happily.

This morning, Chen Yang had a sharp eye and would do whatever he saw.

I was busy until ten o'clock in the morning, and it was time for breakfast.

To have breakfast, you have to go to the canteen. This canteen is specially designed for ordinary employees like them. The meals inside are free, but takeaway and waste are also eliminated.

Chen Yang felt that it was very difficult to walk, and he knew that Hu Jie and his gang would not let him go in the morning. Maybe they are still waiting for me there...

If she keeps hiding behind Wang Xueqin, Wang Xueqin will look down on her.

It is also worth mentioning that Wang Xueqin also eats in this ordinary canteen, and her position is actually very low.

Wang Xueqin was going to eat, and when she was leaving, she also greeted Chen Yang.

Chen Yang happily followed.

When we left the warehouse, the wind and snow were raging.

Chen Yang took an umbrella and held it for Wang Xueqin, thinking that those guys should not dare to make a move when he went to the cafeteria with Wang Xueqin. Therefore, it is safe in the morning. You must eat a full meal first to store some calories. Later, when they come looking for trouble again...

Huh, these little guys are not doing well in this foreign country.

If there is really going to be a conflict, it only makes sense. After all, Chen Yi grew up in the Sun Temple, and they were hired from outside... It shouldn't be a big problem!

When the time comes, find the right opportunity and kill one of them hard. It should be able to scare the others!

Chen Yang quickly had an idea in his mind.

It’s about five hundred meters from the warehouse to the canteen!

The cafeteria was bustling with people...

Chen Yang served Wang Xueqin before and after. Wang Xueqin also enjoyed this feeling very much, so she left Chen Yang alone.

As expected, Hu Jie and his gang were also there, and they kept their eyes on Chen Yang. But due to Wang Xueqin's existence, they could only swallow their anger for now.

After Chen Yang arranged Wang Xueqin's meals, he went to get another meal for himself.

Although it is an ordinary canteen, there is enough beef, mutton, chicken and so on. There are also tons of sweets and other high-calorie items.

After Chen Yang brought the meal, he found a corner to eat, not with Wang Xueqin.

When Wang Xueqin saw this, she immediately felt that this guy was very sensible. Because she also disliked Chen Yang for being too dirty...

Chen Yang ate a lot of beef, mutton, and in addition, some high-calorie banana cheese cheese...

After eating completely, I feel that my whole body is warm.

In fact, it's not very comfortable when eating. Because the gastrointestinal function of this body is very weak... so this body usually cannot eat much, which leads to its thinness.

After Chen Yang finished eating, he felt uncomfortable.

After eating, he successfully returned to the warehouse with Wang Xueqin.

Then I ran to the bathroom...

In the bathroom, Chen Yang took a deep breath and began to try to blow up his hair to save his energy.

Due to past experience, no matter how weak the body is, it is not a problem to explode the hair. He quickly made his hairs stand up... then took a deep breath and entered his body. After this breath enters the body, close it and let the breath move between the intestines and stomach.

Not long after, I felt the urge to defecate...

After solving the problem happily, Chen Yang felt much better.

This body's foundation is too weak...

It takes time to get it right.

Chen Yang secretly thought, fortunately, there is still time... In one year, he should be able to reach Huajing.

It will take another half a year to reach Jinxian on land...

take it easy!

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