My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4302: Temple of the Sun, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

I don't know how long it took, but Chen Yang finally regained consciousness in a daze.

The moment he regained consciousness, he felt his body was sore and sore, and he couldn't use any strength. He hasn't felt this way in many years... During these years, he has always had great magic power in his body, and he can roam the universe and the stars at will.

"What's the situation?" Chen Yang felt that his mind was still confused, and he was a little confused about the current situation. He opened his eyes hard and saw that he was in an attic. This attic is dark and damp...

And it also smells sour!

Chen Yang shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

He was lying on the bed at the moment. The bed was in tatters and the quilt was extremely dirty and smelly.

"What's going on?" Chen Yang tried hard to recall.

Soon, many memories began to revive.

To be precise, the memory of this body and the memory he brought from the fairy world began to intersect.

His body's memory is still the most powerful.

"It was the Supreme Time that sent me here... I came here to kill Taoist Hongmeng and replace Taoist Hongmeng!" Chen Yang said secretly. He quickly remembered the glimpse into the future that he had seen in the long river of time. That scene was really tragic!

"I will never let something like that happen again!" Chen Yang gritted his teeth secretly.

Memories of the past kept flashing through my mind like fleeting glimpses.

After a long time, Chen Yang sorted out all his past memories. Then, he began to examine his body...

This body... is really thin!

He stretched out his hands and found that they were like black chicken claws, and they were really skinny.

The real name of this body is Chen Yi!

It's a coincidence that his surname is Chen.

Chen Yi is fifteen years old this year...

Chen Yang already knew Chen Yi's life experience very well. This Chen Yi was originally an orphan and was later adopted by an old servant. The old servant's name is Liu Feng. Liu Feng is an old servant of the Sun Temple...

Chen Yang also understood some of the environment here through Chen Yi's memory.

Including time…

The time now is the twenty-first century…

He remembered that he was about to have a decisive battle with Master Hongmeng in the fairy world. According to the calendar on earth, it was almost the end of the twenty-fifth century. In fact, Chen Yang couldn't remember the specific time. Having been away from the earth for so long, many concepts of time are a bit blurry. But he clearly remembered that he was born in 1988!

And now it is the year 2004 in the Earth calendar!

The current Dao Master Hongmeng is really sixteen years old.

In other words, the point in time when the Supreme Time sent itself was accurate.

Taoist Hongmeng is sixteen years old, and Chen Yi's body is fifteen years old, but he is actually one year younger than Taoist Hongmeng...

But these are not problems. The important thing is that Hongmeng Taoist reached the peak of his strength when he was twenty years old!

Chen Yang also understood that his current location is not within China...

In this Hongmeng universe, many things are slightly different from the main universe. For example, China is not called Huaxia, but the Kingdom of Daxia!

The Sun Temple is a country located overseas, and this country is called Li Country.

The Temple of the Sun is located in a coastal city in the country of Li. This coastal city is called Shenglun City!

What Chen Yi knows in his memory is very limited. Because he has barely read any books, and his adoptive father Liu Feng is also uneducated and knows very little about the outside world.

Chen Yang could only vaguely know that the master of the Sun Temple was called the God King...

The God King is from the Xia Kingdom and comes from China. He was extremely skilled in cultivation. He came to Li Country thirty years ago and gathered countless Xia Kingdom masters with his iron fists. They have built their own empire in this foreign country and have a lot of wealth and industry. In the early days, they did everything, including helping drug dealers, or helping the governments of some small countries to fight against rebels, and sometimes helping the rebels to fight against government forces, etc.! Relying on strong ability to accumulate original capital.

Later, the God King began to compete for business with the local snakes of Li Country.

The local snakes also have backers...

The ancient martial arts forces in Li Country are very powerful, including the Durrell family from the Vampire Clan.

There are also powerful ancient martial organizations such as the Holy See and the Ghost Society.

In order to gain a firm foothold, the God King later won over the Holy See. Many inconvenient and dirty things in the Holy See are left to the Sun Temple to do.

Based on this, the Sun Temple has gained a firm foothold in this foreign country.

Today's God King basically doesn't come out to deal with affairs, and he just goes into seclusion.

The overall affairs of the Sun Temple are handled by Luo Tianyao, the eldest daughter of the God King... Luo Tianyao's cultivation is said to be extremely powerful.

As for how powerful it is, Chen Yang doesn't know. Because in Chen Yi's memory, he only saw Luo Tianyao once from a distance...

The God-King has three daughters and one son.

The son is the youngest, named Luo Fei, and is a second-generation ancestor.

The second daughter, Luo Tianqing, is very smart and highly educated. She manages the Zhengdao business in the family.

The third daughter, Luo Tianxin, is a rebellious little princess! But his martial arts talent is also very good.

Chen Yang gathered his thoughts and saw that the sky outside was getting brighter.

He knew that this young man named Chen Yi still had a lot of chores to do every day. As for his adoptive father Liu Feng, he died of lung cancer three years ago.

This Chen Yi has no identity whatsoever, he is just a gangster. He was frail and was a blessing that the people from the Sun Temple didn't kick him out.

"It's good to have no identity!" Chen Yang secretly said: "I am here to replace Hongmeng Dao Master. When the time comes, I will change my name to Chen Yang. Then I will find an opportunity to deprive him of his luck, and then officially become the leader of this universe. The King of Destiny. However, it is not that simple to deprive luck. When you have the magic power, it is easy to say, but I don’t have the magic power now, so it is difficult to do it. Cheng Jianhua tried to deprive the luck, I can go to him then. Ask."

At this time, the alarm clock beside the bed rang.

Chen Yang turned off the alarm clock and suddenly had a headache when he thought of what he was going to do next.

Grandma is such a badass, what she has to do after getting up is to pick up dog poop, and then she has to go to the kitchen to move groceries...

The current location is the headquarters of the Temple of the Sun, which is a very large castle manor...

People who eat every day…

There are six hundred mouths for people to eat.

Not to mention the large and small security personnel, senior bodyguards, managers, etc. who live in the Sun Temple!

The thirty-mile radius of the Sun Temple is guarded by security personnel.

And...there's also satellite radar monitoring and more!

Although everyone is an ancient martial arts force, technology is also advancing with the times.

Chen Yang sat up and picked up the clothes next to him...

Tattered and smelly...

He himself also had too many good days, and it was really hard to accept it for a while.

But soon, Chen Yang adjusted his mentality.

I came here with the mission of saving the entire multiverse. Not to mention wearing some dirty clothes and doing some rough work...even if you eat shit, you have to eat it!

He must never let anything happen to his children and wives!

After adjusting my mentality, I no longer feel anything. He was also very happy in his heart, happy that he still had a chance to save!

After putting on that shabby cotton-padded jacket, I looked at the cuffs. There was already a layer of oil scab on the cuffs...

After getting up, I turned on the light and felt a biting cold.

Damn it’s the twelfth lunar month of winter!

Although Shenglun City is a coastal city, it is still surprisingly cold in winter.

The light is very weak.

Chen Yang searched in the box next to him. The box was full of messy items, but there were two cotton-padded jackets on the chair.

All are equally dirty!

Chen Yang cursed in his heart that Chen Yi... is so **** lazy!

It’s not like I didn’t have a change of clothes, so how could I get so dirty?

My personal habits are too bad.

After getting dressed, open the door.

Suddenly, cold wind and snowflakes rushed in.

Although the attic is not very good, it is not leaky.

The chill is biting!

Chen Yang almost wanted to go back and close the door...

He gritted his teeth and walked out the door.

Outside the door is wrapped in silver...

There are many big trees on both sides...

Above the attic is a utility room and next to it is a doghouse.

In front is a yard with a pool. There is a toilet on the other side of the pool…

Genius has just dawned...

Chen Yang came to the pool and opened the water faucet...

However, the water tap was frozen.

No water comes out at all!

In desperation, I grabbed a handful of snow, washed my face, and took another mouthful of snow to rinse my mouth.

After doing this, I went to let out some German Shepherds from the kennel.

Those German shepherds didn't look down on others and were very affectionate with him. Chen Yang took the German shepherds to a weed field, and the German shepherds began to go to the toilet. After using the toilet, Chen Yang had to run to pick up the dog poop. After picking up the dog poop, he used a high-pressure water gun to rinse the floor.

After doing this, take the German Shepherds to the logistics department, and then the logistics department will take over.

The logistics department will arrange the meals for the German Shepherds and then arrange them to some positions.

After taking care of the dogs, Chen Yang went to the warehouse next to the kitchen.

The kitchen is not a small kitchen in ordinary people's homes. The kitchen is as big as a factory, covering an area of ​​500 square meters! Next to the kitchen is the warehouse


There are three warehouse managers. In the morning shift, there is a eldest sister from Xia Guo. She is in her forties, big and fat... like a manly woman, and her name is Wang Xueqin.

Wang Xueqin married a black man from Li country here. Her husband was also a social scum, and he relied on her to support him.

In front of the warehouse, it was in full swing. Many little guys pulled carts to transport goods.

Chen Yang came to Wang Xueqin and said with a sorry smile: "Sister Qin, good morning, you seem to have lost some weight recently. Are you losing weight?"

Wang Xueqin was stunned for a moment. She was ready to scold Chen Yang when she saw him. Anyway, she just doesn't like seeing this little **** every day. Unexpectedly, the other party actually laughed at me today and even praised me for losing weight. Immediately, the little **** stopped talking.

She was embarrassed to show pleasure, so she snorted coldly and said, "Go move the goods quickly!"

"Okay!" Chen Yang responded happily.

The boys who come to deliver the goods are paid and have their own staff quarters.

They are also from Xia country.

Most of the people inside the Sun Temple are from the Xia Kingdom.

The boys all looked down on Chen Yang... Chen Yang also knew that the main reason was that the owner of his body, Chen Yi, was not very good at being a human being before. He's extremely rotten, dirty, and dull. Who would fall in love with this guy?

The little guys usually like to take it out on him. After he was beaten, he just felt depressed...

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