My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4174: The real murderer appears, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chapter 4174 The real murderer appears

The father and son opened their hearts and spoke for the first time! Chen Tianya continued: "I hated you for killing Yihan before, and I have thought about it. It's not that I can't accept Yihan's departure.

I can't accept that Yihan died in your hands! But then I thought about your mother. You probably can’t accept that your mother is no longer alive.

What you can't accept is that I killed your mother! "

Zipao's eyes suddenly turned red!

All the pain and sadness for so many days seemed to be vented at this moment.

But he was a strong person after all, so he forced back the tears.

After the father and son were silent for a moment, Chen Tianya was the first to ask: "Where did the man in white come from?

what's your plan?

No matter what, this hatred is not yours alone.

If you want to deal with him, count me in! "

"He" Zipao said bitterly: "He is not the murderer, he is just cooperating with us in acting! Our purpose is to lead out the real murderer."

Chen Tianya was a smart man and quickly understood the meaning of Zipao, and he couldn't help but lost his composure and said: "Is there another murderer?

Who is this murderer?

I can't think of a master in the entire earth who can kill Ling'er and the others without even realizing it.

Also, since the man in white has joined forces with you, you should obviously know him, right?

His cultivation level is very high, but who is he? "

Chen Tianya felt that he was trapped in a mystery, and soon, he thought of someone.

"The man in white is the Chen Yang from another universe that I saw before?"

Zipao took a deep breath and said: "The matter is very complicated and cannot be explained in a few words.

You can ask Xiaoyu and the others. I have some things to do now. "

Chen Tianya said: "The murderer has not been found yet, how about your safety?"

Zipao said: "Don't worry, there will be no problem."

After saying that, he flew towards the sky.

Chen Tianya had no choice but to enter Siguo Palace first.

Siguo Palace was completely isolated from the outside world, so he didn't even know anything happened to Zipao's family.

For so many years, everything has been peaceful.

He never thought that such a thing would happen!

Zipao soon left the world of Shennong.

Then we went to Tianzhou

After arriving at Tianzhou, Zipao flew all the way to the sky above the North Sea.

After staying above the sea for a while, it flew towards the depths again.

After a long time, Zipao came to an uninhabited island.

It's noon and the sun is shining brightly!

The scenery on the island is extremely beautiful, and the sea breeze is so mesmerizing!

In the center of the island, there is a lake, and there is a wooden house next to the lake!

In front of the wooden house, there is a grave!

There is a stele in front of the tomb, on which are engraved the tombs of his deceased wife Ye Ziqing and his beloved daughter Luo Silan!

When Zipao came to the tomb, he did not worship, but just looked at the tomb silently.

Many past events came to mind.

He didn't stay in a daze for long. After a while, the door to the void behind opened, and then, a person walked out.

The person who came was none other than his eldest brother, Luo Feng!

Luo Feng's face was stern, he came behind Zipao and said: "You are not welcome here, you can leave."

Zipao turned around and said calmly: "I only need to raise my hand to destroy this tomb and your so-called thoughts!"

Luo Feng's eyes turned cold and he said, "How dare you!"

Infinite murderous intent flashed in Zipao's eyes, and he said: "What do I dare not do?

Over the years, I have always respected you as my big brother.

So when my family was killed, I never thought it would be you.

You watched Nianci and the others grow up, how could you do it? "

Luo Feng's expression suddenly changed and he said, "Why do you say I killed you?"

"Haha" Zipao laughed loudly and said: "Before I spoke, I was not very sure.

Now looking at your reaction, I am absolutely certain that the murderer is you.

Luo Feng, hello, you are so kind! After so many years of brotherhood, you’re going to **** kill my whole family.

Was I responsible for the deaths of Ye Ziqing and Silan?

Isn’t this retribution for your indiscriminate killing of innocent people? "


Luo Feng's eyes flashed with endless killing intent, and he said: "I had already recovered the soul-suppressing Dao Fruit, and everything was completed.

All it takes is Situ Ling'er's blood and tears to resurrect them.

But what about you?

How did you do it?

You rejected me outright! That's just a drop of blood and tears. Even if it hurts your body, it won't kill you, right?

You don't want to do this.

Also, later on you used the Great Destiny Technique, which obviously could have easily changed their fate, but you still didn't do it.

Speaking of Cheng Jianhua, you knew that I was taking him with you, yet you killed him in front of me.

I valued you at that time and didn't say anything, but did you respect me?

You didn't even ask. After all, you have never thought of me as a big brother in your heart! "

Zipao's eyes suddenly turned blood red and said: "So, you admit now that you are the murderer?

From the earth to the Danube planet, my wife and children, are you a chicken or a dog? "

"Yes, I was the one who killed him!"

Luo Feng said angrily: "My elder brother is not as sentimental as you. If your wife or two children die, you will be sad for a few days at most.

If you don't even think of ways to resurrect them, then I'll kill all your wives and children and see if you can be happy in a few years?

If you can't let it go, you should find a way to cast the Great Destiny Technique again, and then change all this fate. "

At this moment, Zipao finally understood the intention of his eldest brother Luo Feng!

The eldest brother wants to push himself into a desperate situation, and then use the Great Destiny Technique to change time and space, and even fate!

"You're out of your **** mind, madman!"

Zipao was extremely desperate and said: "There is no way to cast the Great Destiny Technique at all. It requires the light of destiny and the spirit and energy created by many masters.

That requires the right time, place and people. Even if everything is achieved, the fate of time and space cannot be reversed. Once reversed, the time of the entire universe will collapse! If it's really just a matter of effort, why don't I change it?

I can't even save Luo Ning! "

Luo Feng said: "I don't care about this, the only thing you can do now is to use the Great Destiny Technique.

I know that many things seem impossible, but as long as you push yourself to a certain level, you can create miracles! You can definitely do it! "

"Even if I can do it, do you think I will help you?"

Zipao shouted angrily: "I won't, I will kill you!"

Luo Feng stared at Zipao with complicated eyes and said: "It's very painful, isn't it?

I have been in such pain for so many years! You should understand how I feel now, right? "

Zipao said: "Just because I refused to give you my blood and tears, you want it"


Luo Feng said: "I have thought of many, many ways, and this is the only feasible way.

I have no more love in this world, so I can only do this. "

"Have you never thought that if you fail to do it, my family's death will be in vain?"

Zipao gritted his teeth.

Luo Feng said: "It doesn't matter. If it really can't be done, you can take my life! Anyway, I don't want to live anymore."

"So you are always like this and never think about others!"

Zipao was in extreme pain.

When the two people were facing each other **** for tat, the door opened again in the void.

This time a bunch of people came out!

Those coming include Chen Tianya, Mo Yu, Ye Qingming, Chen Yang and Jue Wuqing!

They quickly surrounded Luo Feng.

Luo Feng didn't care about this.

After he glanced at everyone, his eyes fell on Chen Yang and said, "Aren't you already gone?"

Chen Yang stared at Luo Feng, but there was an unspeakable fear deep in his heart!

He never expected that the murderer would be his eldest brother Luo Feng.

He thought of the big brother in his universe. Big brother wouldn't do this, would he?

If my eldest brother really did this, how should I face it?

He could only keep comforting himself that there would be differences in all action trajectories, and his elder brother would not do this.

At that moment, he took a deep breath, looked at Luo Feng, and said: "Your obsession is too deep. In my universe, I gave the eternal body to my elder brother, and also gave my blood and tears to my elder brother.

But blood and tears can't revive Ziqing and the others at all. "


Luo Feng said immediately.

Chen Yang said: "Haven't you ever thought that Zi Qing and the others are just ordinary people, can ordinary people bear Ling'er's blood and tears?

That blood and tears are so powerful.

As soon as the blood and tears entered their bodies, they were burned to death! People cannot be resurrected after death, they have long since turned into dust and disappeared into thin air.

Why don't you let them go, let yourself go, let us go? "

Luo Feng felt like he was struck by lightning!

But he quickly came back to his senses and said: "Now as long as you can use the Great Destiny Technique to change the timeline, everything can be resurrected!"

"The Great Destiny Spell cannot be cast!"

Chen Yang said painfully.

"I don't care, you must use the Great Destiny Technique."

Luo Feng recognized this truth.

Mo Yu stood up, looked at Luo Feng, and said: "Uncle Robert, I have always respected you and respected you! I didn't expect you to do such a crazy thing.

Today, I want to avenge Ling'er's mother, brother Nianci and the others! "

Luo Feng didn't want to pay attention to Mo Yu at all, so he didn't look at Mo Yu directly.

Zipao also spoke, saying: "Luo Feng, I really regret knowing you! If I could go back in time, I would definitely try my best to kill you.

Today, it’s too late to say anything. Since you don’t want to live anymore, then I will help you! You should have died a long time ago, you should have died a thousand times, ten thousand times. "

But the more he talked, the more excited he became.

Luo Feng glanced at everyone, sneered, and said, "You all come together!"

"You're not worthy of letting us come together!"

Zipao said.

Chen Tianya stood up and said: "Today we, father and son, will avenge them together!"

Zipao shook his head and said, "No, I'll do it alone!"

Then he said to Chen Yang and his group: "Keep him guarded and don't give him a chance to escape!"

Luo Feng sneered and said: "Don't worry, I will never run away! I haven't taken you seriously yet!"

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