My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4173: Father and son

After driving Jueqing away, Chen Tianya did not leave immediately, but said to Mo Yu: "Find a safe place to stay first!"

Mo Yu nodded.

Zipao opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say much.

Chen Tianya escorted Mo Yu, Zipao and Su Yanran to leave the ancient world quickly, and then came to Shennong's world.

The Jialan Palace in Shennong's world had long been in ruins, but Chen Tianya quietly made a home on the other side of Shennong's world.

It was a poisonous place, surrounded by swamps and forests...

Chen Tianya's home is deep in the swamp, and he has built his own little world in the depths. The scenery in the small world is beautiful, with mountains, water, and palaces!

He also has six dragon dogs!

That big dragon dog was injected into the body of ordinary wolf dogs with dragon energy, and he also made those wolf dogs take elixirs to strengthen themselves! After that, the children born by these wolf dogs will be dragon dogs.

Each dragon dog is as tall as a person and weighs six hundred kilograms!

The six dragon dogs are smart and clever, and they are usually Chen Tianya's playmates!

That palace is called Siguo Palace!

When Zipao saw the three characters "Si Guo Gong" in front of the palace, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Think about your past? What kind of past do you think about?" Zipao looked at Chen Tianya with a sneer and said, "You also think about it?"

Chen Tianya surprisingly did not confront Zipao. In the past, when father and son met, Chen Tianya would always be vicious.

Maybe Chen Tianya is understanding that Zipao has lost his family!

That night, Chen Tianya did not stay in Siguo Palace, but left Siguo Palace after settling them down. Chen Tianya knew very well that Zipao didn't want to stay with him.

The bright moon is in the sky...

On the steps in front of Siguo Palace, Mo Yu, Su Yanran and Zipao sat side by side on the ground.

Mo Yu said to Zipao: "Your father is not as cold as you imagined. Over the years, the misunderstanding between the two of you has been too deep."

Zipao remained silent.

After a while, Mo Yu couldn't help but said: "If you hadn't killed Chen Yihan back then, maybe you would have reconciled long ago. Chen Yang from the main universe told me a lot. At first, he just beat Chen Yihan severely, but later Chen Yihan sincerely Repent and die to save Ling'er's mother!"

Zipao could only remain silent.

At this moment, his thoughts were actually tumbling violently!

He thought of what he had done over the years, always acting wantonly, loving whenever he wanted and hating whenever he wanted!

I couldn't stand Chen Yihan, so I killed him!

His son Bai Xiaoning was unruly and naughty with him, so he beat him in the most humiliating way, but he committed suicide because of it!

Before meeting Chen Yang, he never thought about the second possibility!

But Chen Yang used the second method to tell him that everything could be handled better.

"But so what?" Zipao was in agony. In the end, weren't all his family members gone?

"Stop talking!" Zipao stopped Mo Yu from continuing, stood up, and said coldly: "It's useless to talk anymore!"

Mo Yu could only shut up.

The Zipao group stayed in Siguo Palace for three days, and everything was peaceful!

Chen Tianya was guarding outside Siguo Palace...

Although he was curious about who Jueqing was, he could actually hold back and not ask anything.

In the past three days, Zipao was also very silent.

Three days later, he took Mo Yu and Su Yanran out of Siguo Palace.

Above the swamp, Chen Tianya blocked their way.

"Are you leaving?" Chen Tianya asked coldly.

Zipao looked a little tired. At this time, he was no longer aggressive, but said to Chen Tianya: "I want to talk to you alone!"

Chen Tianya was slightly startled, then nodded.

The two of them arrived in the sky, and after that, Zipao set up a sealing barrier.

Chen Tianya remained silent. It was the first time for father and son to get along like this. Although the atmosphere was awkward and neither of them spoke, this was already the best time. In the past, when we met, we would either have a verbal exchange or a fierce fight to the death.

After a while, Zipao said: "You have met that Chen Yang, right?"

I heard Chen Yang say this.

Chen Tianya nodded and said, "Not bad!"

Zipao said: "He didn't kill Chen Yihan!"

A look of pain flashed in Chen Tianya's eyes.

Zipao said: "In the past three days, I have thought a lot. There are some things that I feel I was indeed wrong about. If I could be given a chance to come back again, I would not kill Chen Yihan!"

Chen Tianya was in great pain. He opened and closed his mouth. After a moment, he tried his best to open his mouth and said: "I have thought a lot in these years. All the faults are actually mine! Didn't you ask me, what's wrong with me thinking about Gong Si? I can tell you, in the past …It’s all wrong!”

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