My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4164: The God-Emperor appears, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang and his group stood in the void of the universe, looking at the blue planet in the distance. All they could do at this time was wait.

Fortunately, the movement just now was not in vain. After they waited for about an hour, figures flickered in the void.

Then, the figure came to Chen Yang and his party.

The person who came was wearing a gray cloth shirt, with a thick build and a dark face. He was the long-lost God Emperor!

After the God Emperor came to them, he immediately found two Chen Yang appearing in the field. With a quick sweep of his spiritual thoughts, he discovered that the two Chen Yang's energy bodies were extremely similar. At this moment, a look of slight surprise flashed in his eyes.

Chen Yang immediately saluted the God Emperor.

Zipao, on the other hand, looked at him with cold eyes. He was very resentful towards the God Emperor in his heart.

The God Emperor doesn't care whether outsiders are polite to him or not. After retracting his gaze, he said coldly: "Did you cause the movement in the world just now?"

Zipao said first: "Not bad!"

The God Emperor looked at Zipao and asked coldly: "Why?"

Zipao laughed loudly and said: "Why? As a guardian of heaven, are you qualified? If you don't want to be a guardian of heaven, then stop doing it and let heaven choose a new one. This earth This is your duty. You spend three days fishing and two days drying the nets, so that foreign enemies from outside the earth can enter the earth and feel like entering an uninhabited land. Why do you have the nerve to ask me? "

At these words, Zipao asked angrily, but he was not afraid of the God Emperor at all!

He is a person who is not afraid of death.

Chen Yang also felt that this divine emperor was indeed unreliable, and secretly admired Zipao's courage. However, he also knew that if his family were killed, he would be even more bold and angry.

Faced with Zipao's questioning and rudeness, the God Emperor did not get angry. Instead, he glanced at Chen Yang and his group and said, "Come with me!"

After saying that, he turned around and flew towards the earth.

Chen Yang and his group looked at each other and then followed.

After entering the Great Thousand World, due to the permission of the God Emperor, those heavenly magnetic fields did not continue to attack Chen Yang and others.

The God Emperor led everyone to the secret cave on Mount Tai!

In the cave, the God Emperor sat cross-legged and did not ask anyone what happened. Instead, he began to use the Tiandao magnetic field and the blue metamagnetic ocean, the cornerstone of the Three Thousand Worlds, to calculate the recent events on the earth.

Chen Yang and his party did not disturb the God Emperor.

They waited for about three hours. After three hours, the God Emperor looked at Chen Yang and said, "You are not from the earth, but you have the genes and blood of the earth. What is going on?"

Chen Yang immediately told the story of his origins.

"Multiverse..." An extremely complicated look flashed in the God Emperor's eyes, and he said: "There really is a multiverse... a universe that can no longer be explored. The multiverse seems to confirm the truth that we are always small! There is a sky beyond the sky, and there is a sky beyond the sky. Infinite expansion, infinite explosion, what is the structure of this world? Why can't I figure it out clearly even in my lifetime?"

He seemed to be talking to everyone, but also to himself.

Obviously, the God Emperor’s doubts were also everyone’s doubts.

The universe is a big macro question. Who can explain it clearly?

The ascetic finally spent his whole life trying to understand the relationship between himself and the entire universe, but in the end he still did not understand the universe.

Zipao has no interest in the universe now, and asked the God Emperor eagerly: "Now that you have found out, tell me, who killed my family?"

Chen Yang was also very anxious about this question and asked, "Is it the man in white?"

"What man in white?" The God Emperor asked Chen Yang after he came to his senses.

Chen Yang was shocked and said: "Didn't I tell you earlier that the man in white attacked us and we entered the Chaos Gate and came to this place? Wasn't it the man in white who killed his family?" After saying that, My heart couldn't help but tremble... I didn't dare to think, if the murderer was not the man in white, what would be waiting for me?

He was afraid that at this time in his homeland, his family would also suffer such ruthless killings!

As if waiting for the final verdict, he stared at the God Emperor.

Ye Qingming was also quite nervous.

Zipao and Mo Yu also looked at the God Emperor.

After the God Emperor glanced at everyone, his eyes fell on Chen Yang and said: "The man in white who attacked you has never been to the earth. Therefore, the person who killed his family is definitely not the man in white!"

"What?" Chen Yang felt like he was struck by lightning.

Zipao has complicated thoughts. Whether the murderer is the man in white is actually not that important to him. For him, finding out who the murderer is is the most important thing.

Zipao is also a smart person, and of course he knows what it means to Chen Yang, who comes from the multiverse, that the murderer is not the man in white.

However, there was a hint of joy deep in his heart.

Everyone has bad qualities!

If you make a fortune yourself, you may want others to make a fortune too, as long as it does not exceed your own wealth!

If you are unlucky, you definitely don't like to see others making a fortune. After losing money, I felt very uncomfortable. But if you see someone you know losing worse, you will feel better inside!

"Who is the murderer?" Mo Yu asked immediately.

The God Emperor said: "The murderer is a person on Earth. When he killed, he did a good job of hiding it. Therefore, I can't figure out who he is!" After a pause, he said: "I should know him. This person seems to be trying to hide this from you."

"Where is he now? Is he still on Earth?" Zipao asked urgently.

The God Emperor said: "I don't know. After he killed someone, he became invisible. What I can trace is the trajectory of his previous murders. After that, he hid himself and it is difficult to find him."

"This is impossible!" Zipao said excitedly: "Since we can find the previous trajectory, we can also find the subsequent trajectory!"

The God Emperor said: "The murderer is very familiar with the entire earth, and he is also familiar with me. I can continue to check his trajectory, but he is constantly changing his trajectory, so if you chase him like this, you will never be able to catch up!" After a pause, he added: "Besides, I can no longer interfere. Because this is a grudge on the earth, a grudge within the earth. As the guardian of heaven, we should not interfere! Unless he wants to harm the world, Otherwise, what I have to do is to let it develop! I have said enough today, and it is not suitable to say any more, so you can go!"

How can Zipao and Chen Yang be willing to do so?

"Is the murderer the same person, or is it?" Chen Yang asked quickly.

The God Emperor said: "One person!"

Chen Yang said: "This murderer can kill Ling'er and the entire Jialan Palace with one person, and can also destroy the Xuanhuang Sect. His cultivation is unimaginable! Who could he be?"

The God Emperor said: "You need to check this yourself!"

"It's a person from Earth, and with such a high level of cultivation, who could it be?" Zipao murmured to himself.

Chen Yang was a little unwilling and asked the God Emperor: "Are you really not the man in white? Apart from him, I really can't think of anyone else."

"There is no need for me to lie to you, right?" the God Emperor asked.

Chen Yang was immediately speechless.

"Please do as you please!" After that, the God Emperor issued an order to expel the guests!

Chen Yang and his party had no choice but to leave. Before leaving, the God Emperor said: "Next time, if you dare to have any wrong ideas about the magnetic field of heaven in the world, don't blame me for not cherishing old feelings!"

Chen Yang and his party didn't speak, turned and left.

They first came to Tianzhou, found an island, and discussed on the mountain peak of the island.

Chen Yang was worried.

Ye Qingming comforted Chen Yang and said: "Even if the murderer is not the man in white, it does not mean that something will happen to your family. Because many of your trajectories are different from his... There is a big difference in how you behave!"

Chen Yang glanced at Ye Qingming and said, "I have to find a way to go back quickly to see what's going on." He didn't want to think deeply about whether his family would be in an accident.

Deep down in his heart, he also understands... Although his and Zipao's lives are very different, many small life trajectories are also different.

But the terrible thing is that the behavior of the two people is amazingly consistent!

He is really scared...

It’s too scary to even think about it!

If his family really died tragically, he felt that he would not be able to survive.

His family is his motivation to fight and survive!

After a long time, Chen Yang said to Zipao: "I want to go back as soon as possible! Can you work with me to open the gate of chaos?"

Zipao said, "No problem, but how should I help you?" Chen Yang was startled, then remembered that every time the gate of chaos was opened, it required extreme energy expansion. The first time was that day when Wudi self-destructed his soul, triggering a chaotic explosion!

The second time was Li Changye’s passage explosion!

Now, what should I do?

Perhaps, the God Emperor still needs help.

At this moment, Mo Yu spoke and said, "I don't think it's appropriate for you to go back now."

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming both looked at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu said: "If an accident happens, it will be too late for you to go back. Why don't we work together here to find the murderer, so that you can deal with it better when you go back!"

Zipao said: "Not bad!"

Chen Yang also felt that what they said made sense, but he was still uncontrollably anxious in his heart. He couldn't help but said: "Who could this murderer be? Who has this ability?"

Ye Qingming was calmer and said: "This man hides everything when he kills people. Why? Is he afraid that we will seek revenge? Since he dares to kill, why should we be afraid of seeking revenge? What is his purpose? Also, why after killing someone, Want to deliberately keep the body? Previously we suspected that it was done by the people in white to put the blame on us. Then we asked you to kill us and lead us to kill each other. The people in white are good at profiting from it! Now it seems that all the conjectures have been It’s going to be overturned.”

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