My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4163: Looking for the God Emperor, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

At this moment, Chen Yang suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but ask Zipao: "You didn't give blood and tears to your elder brother, so naturally you don't need to give the eternal crystal, right? In this case, you should still be immortal now Body, right?"

Zipao glanced at Chen Yang and said: "When I cast the Great Destiny Technique, the eternal body had been completely purified by the Great Destiny Technique. So I no longer have the eternal body." Chen Yang suddenly realized, and said: " I see!"

Chen Yang thought of the time when Nian Ci was killed by the Corpse Emperor Worm by the Spirit Master, and he was forced to go to the Imperial Tianzhou. What about this purple robe? Even if he is immortal, he cannot stop the spirit master from poisoning Nian Ci. So this action trajectory is still the same for me and him. As for Ya Zhenyuan being poisoned later, he introduced the poison to his body and used it to break through Nirvana... Did the purple robe also have such an experience? He is immortal, even if he is poisoned, it doesn't matter!

Thinking of this, Chen Yang asked Zipao, how did he cope when Ya Zhenyuan was poisoned?

After hearing this, Zipao glanced at Chen Yang strangely and said, "What kind of poison did you get? My true essence has always been with me, and I have never been caught by the spirit master. How could I be poisoned?"

"Why is she always with you?" Chen Yang was puzzled.

Zipao said: "She has given birth to a daughter for me...she has been mine for a long time. Of course she must stay with me!"

"When did you know Yaluo was your daughter?" Chen Yang was speechless.

Zipao said: "I knew it from the beginning, and she didn't hide it from me. Although she was resistant to me at first, she soon accepted me. I was with her when she gave birth to Yaluo."

Chen Yang said: "..."

"Then how did you reach the seventh level of Nirvana in the Creation Realm?" Chen Yang asked unwillingly.

Zipao said: "It's natural! If you have a clear mind, you can reach it easily."

Chen Yang said: "Okay!" He was indeed speechless, and then pulled the purple robe to the other side.

I also didn’t want to ask in front of Ye Qingming and Mo Yu.

"What are you doing?" After reaching the side, Zipao asked a little dissatisfied.

Chen Yang said: "Then tell me, how many women have you picked up in the Eternal Star Territory?"

Zipao said: "Not much!"

Chen Yang said: "How much is not much?"

Zipao said speechlessly: "Why do you ask this?"

Chen Yang said: "I want to know how powerful you are."

Zipao said: "In other words, Luna, Jiang Wei, Zi Yu, Ying Xuefei, Yun Qingwu, Xiao Taohong..."

Chen Yang was startled when he heard the name Jiang Wei. After thinking about it carefully, he remembered that Jiang Wei was the life teacher in Yuan Academy. He sincerely admired him and said, "You are really capable."

Zipao asked in surprise: "Don't you even have a bath?"

Chen Yang said: "My wife and children are gone, where is the mood?" Zipao said: "I am different from you. When I am in an extremely bad mood, I like to pursue more women, which can relieve the pain. Although drinking A sad heart makes you sad, but for people who love wine, it’s hard not to stop drinking when they feel uncomfortable.”

Chen Yang was speechless for a moment, thinking that what this guy did was ridiculous, but sometimes it still makes sense! Soon, he thought of another thing and said, "Then what will they do after you leave?"

Zipao said: "After I found Qiao Ning, I severed ties with them. I am the one who wants to leave, and they will not be willing to leave their homeland."

Chen Yang said: "You are really capable, I admire you!"

Zipao said: "I am also very curious about you now. Tell me, what women do you have?"

Chen Yang said: "Su Su, Ling'er, Mo Nong, Qiao Ning, Qing Chen, Zhen Yuan. These are my current first wives."

Zipao said: "I understand, what about my lover?"

Chen Yang said: "There is no lover!"

Zipao said: "How come there is no lover? Su Qing, have you never had sex?"

Chen Yang said: "Su Qing is no longer alive. When she was alive, I broke off the relationship with her very early. Including Song Ning!"

Zipao was shocked and said, "What are you doing?"

Chen Yang said: "At that time, I felt that their lifespan was limited and they should not wait for me endlessly. We would meet once every few years, or even once every ten years, but they still had to protect themselves for me. This was not fair to them! I I think if I break up with them cruelly, they will get better after suffering for a while."

Zipao said: "Longevity is not a problem. Su Qing has always been alive here with me. I gave her the elixir and helped her sort out her constitution. It is very easy to live for thousands of years." After a pause, he said sadly : "She didn't escape this disaster this time, including Song Ning!"

Chen Yang was slightly startled and said, "Where were they killed?"

Zipao's eyes were red and he said: "Most of them have gone to Danube Star! There are more acquaintances there, which will still make them feel more comfortable."

Chen Yang fell into silence.

Although it was not his family members who died, he couldn't let go of the fact that these relatives who were exactly like his own family members were killed, and there was an unspeakable fear lingering in his heart.

At this time, they were standing on a towering snow peak!

Suddenly heavy snow fell in the sky.

Chen Yang and Zipao looked at the sky together.

The two men looked exactly the same, but their clothes were slightly different.

They are both destined kings, both named Chen Yang, and have experienced many of the same experiences.

Although there are some differences, the overall fate is still the same. They all walked from the Great Thousand World to Tianzhou, then to the Battle of Spirit Masters, then to the Immortal World together, and then back to Earth together.

Chen Yang thought to himself: "This is the trajectory of fate, a trajectory that has been calculated a long time ago. No matter how I jump, resist, and struggle, I will always move towards the script that has been written. So, is there any point in working hard?"

At this moment, Chen Yang was a little discouraged.

Zipao looked at Chen Yang and said, "You feel that life is meaningless, don't you?"

Chen Yang said lightly: "I have a feeling that my efforts are useless, everything is just a script!"

Zipao said: "So I'm really surprised, how can your cultivation be so strong! According to your personality, you shouldn't be better than me." Chen Yang was surprised and said: "What do you mean?"

Zipao said: "Ordinary people will grow old and die slowly when they are born. This is a script that everyone knows! But can you say that hard work is useless? What you eat will definitely come out... Don't you eat it? What we care about is still The enjoyment and process involved! So I won’t have the same emotion as you!”

Chen Yang was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "You were right this time, it was me who caught the eye."

Zipao said: "I have long felt that life is a script, and it is moving towards a predetermined trajectory. So I want to live a happy life and enjoy it!"

Chen Yang said: "As I said before, you have your enjoyment and I have my persistence!"

Zipao said: "Well, I won't try to change you."

After the two of them finished chatting, they started to get down to business!

Hatred always lingers in the hearts of the two.

No matter how busy Zipao is, he absolutely cares about his family.

Chen Yang was also eager to find the man in white, capture him, and then ask him about the whole story.

At the same time, the death of Zipao's family was also painful for him.

These two people are both extremely smart people. They worked together to think of countermeasures and soon had an idea.

Chen Yang first said: "The God Emperor can trace and investigate the internal movement tracks of the entire earth. If you find him, you can find the whereabouts of the man in white."

Zipao said: "It is not easy to find the God Emperor, unless..."

Chen Yang and Zipao had an idea.

The two looked at each other and their eyes lit up at the same time...

What they think of is to go to the vast world and stir up magnetic field storms. If there is an abnormality in the magnetic field storm, it will alert the God Emperor, so that the God Emperor can be brought back.

They now all have the power of chaos and can absorb infinite energy!

The two of them joining forces can definitely turn the magnetic storm in the world upside down.

Previously, Chen Yang followed the rules in the world because he knew that these rules were beneficial to the earth. Now, the situation is different.

Chen Yang and Zipao soon joined Ye Qingming and Mo Yu, and they expressed their thoughts.

Ye Qingming and Mo Yu also agreed.

After that, the four of them quickly headed to the Great World.

After arriving at the Great Thousand World, Chen Yang said to Ye Qingming and Mo Yu: "If you can't support it, leave the Great Thousand World immediately."

The two women responded.

The magnetic field of heaven in the world soon began to become violent.

The magnetic field of heaven formed a blue Yuan Magnetic Divine Sword, which was densely packed and violently slashed towards Chen Yang and Zipao.

Both Chen Yang and Zipao used the Great Devouring Technique to devour these blue magnetic energy swords.

Keep swallowing it and releasing it!


The entire Tiandao magnetic field began to rage, the foundation of the world began to shake, earthquakes occurred on the ground, and tsunamis appeared in the sea...

Suddenly, countless creatures were devastated...

Chen Yang also felt struggling at this time, mainly because the attack of Tiandao's magnetic field was too powerful, which made him a little overwhelmed.

The purple robe is even more embarrassed!

The attacks of Tiandao's magnetic field are getting more and more fierce!

Mo Yu and Ye Qingming couldn't hold on anymore and quickly broke through the clouds and left the earth.

After a while, Chen Yang said to Zipao: "This should have alarmed the God Emperor. We can't stay any longer. If we stay any longer, it will be too much for us, and the disaster will be too great."

Zipao said: "This is all the fault of the God Emperor. As the guardian of heaven, he always leaves his post without permission. Back then, Dharma God Yuanjue never left the earth for even half a step!"

Chen Yang smiled bitterly, and then said: "Let's go!"

Zipao nodded.

The two of them quickly broke through the clouds, left the earth, and met up with Mo Yu and Ye Qingming.

Standing outside the earth and looking at the earth again, this blue planet is so beautiful and peaceful!

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