My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4140: life or death unknown, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Xuan Zhenghao is a serious person, and he told Chen Yang not to rush to Earth yet. Because he wanted to clarify some things before letting Chen Yang take action. Although Chen Yang was impatient, he also knew that only by being careful can he sail the ten-thousand-year ship. He also knew that Xuan Zhenghao was not an aimless person, so he still agreed.

As a result, the trip to Earth still has to be delayed.

Taishang Daozu has already begun to prepare for Chen Yang to go to Earth. When Empress Nuwa knew that the passage could be successfully built, she was extremely happy. Taishang Taozu went to Empress Nuwa, Emperor Fuxi, Zhunti, and led these people to ask for the elixir one by one. The saints knew that Chen Yang wanted to use it, so they all donated generously...

The saints have been in charge of the fairy world for many years, and their savings are unimaginable. They are also very generous. Taishang Daozu quickly raised one hundred trillion pure Yang pills for Chen Yang.

One hundred trillion pure Yang elixirs are also quite large energy bodies, but compared to Chen Yang's level of energy bodies, they are just a drop in the bucket. So there is no problem in bringing these elixirs with you.

Three days later, Xuan Zhenghao found Chen Yang and said: "I have no doubts anymore. You can start preparing to go to Earth!" Chen Yang asked curiously: "Why do you suddenly have no doubts? You have figured out the principle of the fusion of the two powers. ?”

Xuan Zhenghao nodded and said, "I understand."

Chen Yang asked: "What's the principle?" Xuan Zhenghao smiled faintly and said: "It's hard to explain clearly. I'll tell you later." Chen Yang felt that Xuan Zhenghao was a little mysterious and said: "If there are things that can't be explained clearly, you can It's a bit hazy, I can understand it myself!" Xuan Zhenghao said: "Forget it, the secret cannot be leaked for the time being. I just figured out some problems. Anyway, there is no problem with your passage to the earth this time, so prepare quickly, and then Get ready to go!”

Chen Yang saw that he still refused to say anything and couldn't force it. In addition, I really wanted to rescue Susu as soon as possible, so I didn't ask any more questions.

Three days later, Chen Yang had taken some magic weapons from Taishang Daozu's Daluo treasure house.

At the same time, he also brought Xiaoyao Palace and one hundred trillion pure Yang elixirs with him.

Heiyi Suzhen is frozen on the ice bed in Xiaoyao Palace!

In the sky above the Eight Views Palace, all the saints gathered together!

Lone Moon is also here...

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Li Changye began to use divine magic, turning himself into demon particles.

The demon particles activate the power of the demon between heaven and earth, melting all laws into one furnace...

About two hours later, a black door appeared in front of Chen Yang and Ye Qingming.

The passage has become…

The passage completion time this time was much shorter than the last time.

It took Li Changye three full days last time.

Probably practice makes perfect...

After the black gate was generated, Ye Qingming also started to cast magical spells, but when she saw the seals on her hands, the black aura of death naturally appeared in the seals. The aura of death quickly became thick and formed a vortex. After the vortex was formed, Ye Qingming himself entered the vortex...

Chen Yang said goodbye to everyone, and then entered the black vortex.

Under the gaze of everyone, the black vortex rose into the sky, and then rushed into the black door. After the black vortex entered the black door, the black door quickly disappeared.

There was nothing in front of Taishang Daozu and others.

But this scene is not unusual. The last time Chen Yang entered the black door, the black door also disappeared. But three days later, black undead particles appeared in the void, and then Li Changye came back.

I think it will be the same this time!

Taishang Daozu and others waited calmly.

Empress Nuwa was not familiar with this process, so she couldn't help but feel a little worried, so she asked Taishang Taozu: "This..."

Before Taishang Daozu could answer, Emperor Fuxi smiled and said, "Don't worry, sister. Li Changye will be back soon. Once he comes back, it means the matter is settled."

Empress Nuwa breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good!"

The other saints were relieved after hearing this...

Time passes minute by minute...

Soon, three days passed...

According to last experience, Li Changye will return successfully in about three days.

But the current situation is uneventful...

Li Changye showed no sign of returning.

Taishang Daozu endured it and felt that there was no problem. The time could not be so consistent every time.

The others didn't say anything.

Everyone still has some patience.

But soon, another day passed.

Li Changye still hasn't come back...

"This..." Empress Nuwa was not very calm, because her daughter also went with her.

Taishang Daozu said: "Maybe the form this time is different, so it will take a longer time for Li Changye to come back. Let's wait patiently!"

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "Logically speaking, this passage will directly send Chen Yang and the others there. After Chen Yang and the others pass by, Li Changye must come back quickly, otherwise he will get lost in the passage and his body will be scattered all over the universe. , that’s unacceptable. So, it shouldn’t take such a long time.”

When all the saints heard what Xuan Zhenghao said, they immediately lost their countenance.

Taishang Daozu was not very calm either.

Xuan Zhenghao continued: "But judging from their power form, it is unlikely that there will be a problem. Why haven't they come back yet?"

All the saints became worried.

Taishang Daozu said: "Let's wait, wait, wait!"

Xuan Zhenghao frowned and said, "I hope I'm overthinking."

They continue to wait!

Gu Yue's heart was also clenched, and she couldn't say a word. Everyone was concerned about Chen Yang's safety, but in her heart she was worried about Li Changye's safety. Li Changye had thought of leaving before, but he stayed because of her persuasion. If something really happened to Li Changye, how could she forgive herself?

Time passes minute by minute...

Soon, another day passed...

Li Changye still hasn't come back!

Another three days have passed...

Li Changye still hasn't come back.

Nine days have passed...

Li Changye still hasn't come back!

The saints waited patiently for nine days above the Eight Views Palace.

At this point, they can no longer deceive themselves.

"Xuanhuang, what do you think..." Taishang Daozu asked.

All the saints looked at Xuan Zhenghao.

Empress Nuwa is the most anxious!

Xuan Zhenghao glanced at everyone and said: "I don't think we should make too many guesses. Before Chen Yang went, I had already set up the formation. What happened to him? As long as he is still alive, we can deduce his location. If it cannot be inferred, it means he is no longer alive.”

In the roundabout hall of Biyou Palace, all the saints have arrived.

Xuan Zhenghao, Taishang Daozu, and Emperor Fuxi sat together in the middle of the formation.

What Xuan Zhenghao has deployed is a secret tracking array!

Take the Heavenly Secret Diagram of Creation as the core of the formation, and use Chen Yang's energy and spirit as the guide!

This formation is not difficult and can be set up easily.

But when ordinary masters arrange this formation, they can only find people at a certain distance. And after Xuan Zhenghao cooperated with Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi, as long as people are within the Three Realms and Five Elements, they can find it.

Empress Nuwa was always anxious.

She thought it was a natural thing, but she didn't expect such a side issue to occur.

Xuan Zhenghao, Taishang Taoist Patriarch, and Emperor Fuxi transferred the supreme holy power to the Heavenly Secret Map of Creation. In the Heavenly Secret Map of Creation, the holy power merged with Chen Yang's spirit.

Then, this energy formed a light spot!

The vast universe was formed in the heavenly secret map of creation, and the light points flew rapidly in the universe.

This search took three days.

All the saints and Gu Yue were very patient, so they kept waiting.

Three days later, Xuan Zhenghao finally stopped looking.

Empress Nuwa's face was already very ugly and she asked: "Have you found it?"

Xuan Zhenghao looked at Nuwa Empress, then shook his head and said, "Not found!"

All the saints had already guessed this result, but now they still found it difficult to accept it when Xuan Zhenghao said it himself. Empress Nuwa was shocked and said, "What do you mean you can't find it?"

How could she accept this result?

Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi were also unclear about the results. They were only responsible for providing the holy power.

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "Not finding it means death! However, Chen Yang is probably not dead yet."

"Xuanhuang, please speak directly if you have anything to say!" Taishang Daozu said with great gravity.

Xuan Zhenghao stood up and glanced at the saints before starting to pace back and forth.

Although everyone was anxious, they couldn't rush Xuan Zhenghao too much.

Xuan Zhenghao muttered something in his mouth and kept mumbling. His expression sometimes frowned, sometimes relaxed, sometimes confused...

After a long time, he stopped and said as if talking to himself: "Originally, there was no problem with the plan. This passage was extremely stable. But why did there be a problem? This means that someone was obstructing it. This obstructionist The person cannot be Li Changye, because once the passage is destroyed, Li Changye will be the first and worst sufferer! This person is an outsider... There are not many people in the world who can interfere with this passage. Yuan Sheng is dead... Black Corpse is dead, Dragon Xiao Feng is also dead... We saints are all at the scene. There is only one person... that is the unknown, the man who came from the Chaos Gate. It must be him... I had thought that this was the worst plan, but I didn't expect that he would actually go towards it. This area has developed. Damn it..."

"Emperor Xuan..." Emperor Fuxi couldn't help but speak, "Is Chen Yang still alive?"

This is also a question that all saints are concerned about.

Xuan Zhenghao looked up at the saints, and then said: "Chen Yang is still alive... This is based on the essence I have mastered. This essence comes from Chen Yang. If the main body is no longer there, this essence The spirit will speed up and disperse. But now this energy and spirit have not accelerated and dispersed, which shows that Chen Yang is still alive."

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