My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4139: paradox, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said: "It's not impossible, but this is the most optimistic idea. We who plan things can't think too optimistically about all problems. Generally speaking, I prepare for the worst first. !”

Chen Yang said: "That's what I said." He paused and said: "I don't know if I was born at the wrong time or just at the right time. I feel that the crises faced by the monks in the past were more childish. But we are now What we are facing is getting crazier and weirder! Let’s talk about the battle between spirits, the war in the fairy world, etc. It’s a big event that a monk can encounter once in his life. But we keep encountering this kind of thing . And it feels like it will become more and more complicated in the future!”

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I have really studied the phenomenon you mentioned. You have indeed encountered more major events in your life than all the monks. At least I did not participate in the war in the immortal world, so if you and I Between me, who is the Chosen One, it must be you. I am probably the role that assists the Chosen One."

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said, "It feels like you are talking as if our existence is a novel!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Look at those Chinese histories. In troubled times, when emperors appeared, would there be many counselors and generals around them? Many emperors' entrepreneurial histories were written into novels, which are more exciting than novels. He When we experience those things, it is real. When later generations write it, it becomes a history book! Who knows what role we will play in the history of mythology in the future?"

Chen Yang said: "It's better to be like Tao Ancestors and others. People can see themselves becoming myths and legends while they are alive!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "So we still have to hug each other tightly."

Chen Yang said: "It makes sense!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Let me tell you something else." Chen Yang said: "Huh?" Xuan Zhenghao said: "Maybe you will feel a little pessimistic after hearing this." Chen Yang said: "I would like to hear the details!" Xuan Zhenghao said: " After a person is born, he will gradually grow up and experience childhood, youth, youth, middle age, old age, and death!" Chen Yang said: "This is a natural law!" Xuan Zhenghao said: "If we use people to deduce the planet and the universe, they will also It will go through a period of creation from scratch, then a period of brilliance, and then a period of decline, withering, and even destruction. There will always be people who are unlucky enough to catch up with the great destruction and die directly along with the universe or the planet."

Chen Yang said: "Then what period of the universe do you think we are experiencing now?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I shouldn't need to say more about this. If you look carefully, you will find that it is not great! Before us, we have never heard of the multiverse and the gate of chaos actually appearing, but now, it seems Appeared. Before us, we have never seen a planet turn into an existence like this magic ball. And if the six-dimensional power of death is used next, it will be equivalent to spreading this virus throughout the universe. Then It will be the end of the universe... The only thing I am not sure about is whether this is the end of the universe approaching, or whether this is just a major crisis in the life of the universe... If it is just a major crisis, you can still play happily after it is solved. . If the day of destruction comes, no matter how much we do, there will be no way to save it!"

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said, "Your point of view is indeed novel enough."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Based on my repeated inferences, I don't think this is a sign of the Day of Destruction."

Chen Yang said: "How to say?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Because of you!"

Chen Yang was slightly startled and said, "Because of me?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "You have solved many crises, but you are not the most powerful one. Another thing is that you seem to be difficult to kill... If what we are experiencing is a novel, then you should It’s the protagonist!”

Chen Yang said: "What you said is too far-fetched. If that's really the case, I would like to give it a try. Is it true that I can't die no matter what?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I'm also very curious, how about you give it a try?"

Chen Yang was speechless and said, "What if I really die trying?"

Xuan Zhenghao laughed and said, "That means you are not the protagonist."

Chen Yang said: "Let's talk about the main topic."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "What I'm talking to you about now seems like a joke, but maybe there's some real theorem hidden in it."

Chen Yang opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "All these things may be nothing more than a mirror and a moon in the water. You and I may be nothing more than an interesting drama in the eyes of others. Is it Zhuang Zhou dreaming of a butterfly, or is it a butterfly dreaming of Zhuang Zhou?"

Chen Yang fell into confusion for a moment.

There are many things that even at his level of cultivation and understanding of so many laws of the universe he cannot figure out clearly.

The chicken lays the egg, the egg lays the chicken...

Cosmic paradox…

Does time have a starting point? When do you start having time?

Is there an end to the universe?

What's behind the end?

Thinking of this, Chen Yang felt that he was too insignificant. There are too many unknown secrets in the vast sky!

Many people who practice Taoism want to explore the universe clearly after they practice. But in the end, the more persistent they are, the more they will go crazy.

After all, Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao couldn't come up with a solution...

As for who came after the chaos gate opened, they had no way of verifying it. Everything can only be a step forward and a step forward.

Chen Yang was eager to go to Earth, but he also knew that this matter could not be rushed. Everything still needs to be deployed before we can act!

Three days later, Li Changye ran excitedly to find Taishang Daozu and said that there was a way to send Chen Yang to Earth.

After hearing this, Taishang Daozu also quickly found Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao.

In the Bajing Palace, Chen Yang, Xuan Zhenghao, and Taishang Daozu were waiting for Li Changye to state his plan. Li Changye said: "Miss Ye's death technique can be integrated with my demon power. If I work with her, we can enhance the stability of the passage."

Chen Yang and the others were a little confused after hearing this. To be precise, they couldn't understand the principle.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "This death technique and your demonic power seem to be somewhat mutually restrained. How can they be integrated?"

Li Changye thought for a while and said: "This requires me to convert and refine the power of the demon!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Everything must be based on facts and evidence. What you said seems to be deceiving laymen."

Li Changye said: "It's hard for me to explain clearly. You can find Miss Ye and I will test it with her, and you will understand."

When Xuan Zhenghao looked at Li Changye, he always felt that he was talking like a magic stick. But it won’t hurt if you give it a try…

So Xuan Zhenghao didn’t object!

Chen Yang quickly went to find Ye Qingming, and Ye Qingming also expressed his willingness to cooperate.

On the spot, Ye Qingming used the power of death.

Li Changye used the power of the demon, and the two forces intertwined and merged really quickly.

Xuan Zhenghao, Chen Yang, Taishang Daozu and others felt very incomprehensible after seeing it. These two forces should obviously restrain each other, so how could they still be so perfectly integrated?

"This is wrong, what exactly is wrong?" Xuan Zhenghao is a scientific worker and feels that this matter is completely illogical.

Taishang Daozu used his magic power to sense the power of their fusion, but only felt that after the power was fused, they became one.

Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Yang also followed suit and detected their magic power.

After Chen Yang completed the induction, he was overjoyed and said: "With this degree of integration, it is indeed possible to create a channel." He was too lazy to delve into it, because what he wanted now was to go to the earth and find the Sun Poison Fire Savior Susu as soon as possible. .

Xuan Zhenghao frowned, pondered, and even went crazy.

Seeing this, Ye Qingming said: "Xuanhuang, my power is a bit strange now. This is because I have experienced nirvana from life to death, and from death to life in the world of death. My power is very pure, and it is Li Changye’s power is also very pure, so these two powers can achieve such a fusion under the control of our minds!”

Xuan Zhenghao said: "But this is still wrong!"

Chen Yang said: "Brother Xuan, just tell me how integrated this kind of power is, is there no problem in creating a channel?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "There is indeed no problem, but why is it integrated to this point? This makes no sense!"

Chen Yang ignored Xuan Zhenghao's doubts and said to Li Changye: "Since there is no problem, when will the passage be built?"

Li Changye looked at Ye Qingming.

Ye Qingming said: "I can fully cooperate at any time, but my body is not like Li Changye, which can be broken up at will, so I need to enter the passage with you. I will **** you in the passage the whole time. …Besides, it shouldn’t be a problem if you bring Susu with you!”

Li Changye also said: "Chen Yang, leave whenever you say!"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "Then let's do it tomorrow."

Li Changye nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go down and get ready!"

Afterwards, Li Changye left.

After Taishang Daozu waited for Li Changye to leave, he said to Ye Qingming: "Ye Sheng, is there really no problem?"

Ye Qingming smiled slightly and said: "If there is a problem, I don't dare to take risks. How can I make such a joke with the safety of Chen Yang and Miss Su Su!"

Seeing that she was so sure, Taishang Taoist Ancestor felt relieved, and then said: "Little friend Chen Yang, all your magic weapons and elixirs have been destroyed. Although there should be no danger on earth, Pindao still wants to do something for you." You do your best. Let's do this. Before you leave, go to Pindao's Daluo treasure house to pick out some useful magical weapons. As for the elixirs...Pindao will prepare some for you together with the saints. What a great gift!”

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