My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4135: Dharma of heaven and earth, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Li Changye was wearing ice-blue divine armor and holding the spear of the undead. The vortex of ice-blue particles behind his back was violently absorbing the original energy of the devil in the world. His whole aura was so powerful that it made people shudder!

It was as if the heaven, earth and universe were nothing but ants in front of him! It's as if he can crush all living beings with just one kick...

Facing Li Changye like this, Chen Yang still didn't flinch. Instead, he took the lead and took the lead, condensing the Chaos Thunder Sword in his hands, leaping forward, and slashing at him hard!

But I saw a flash of sword light in the dark night sky... This sword light was extremely dazzling, completely illuminating the eternal darkness for a moment, and then disappeared after a moment!

Li Changye roared loudly, and also used all his divine power to stab out the spear of the undead.


The swords and spears intersected, shooting out terrifying sparks and energy waves!

All the dark clouds of the demon in the entire void were shaken by it. In the dark cloud of the demon, the ice-blue original energy of the demon was also agitated like crazy.

boom! The next moment, Chen Yang's Chaos Thunder Sword was smashed into pieces by the Undead Spear.

In this competition, Chen Yang lost.

Chen Yang quickly retreated more than 300 meters. When the swords and spears met just now, he felt the entire world of demons coming from the opponent's undead spear! It was as if all the divine power of the demons occupying the entire world was condensed and then exploded, shattering all the laws of the universe!

Such power is too terrifying!

At this time, the energy and blood in Chen Yang's body were still rolling fiercely and it was difficult to suppress it.

At this moment, Li Changye came up to kill him again. The Spear of the Undead gathered all the power of the demon and slashed fiercely at Chen Yang's chest.

Danger, danger, danger, danger to the extreme!

With such penetrating power, even the Great Devouring Technique has no time to resolve it!

I'm afraid that the Great Devouring Technique will be directly penetrated by this spear of the undead before it has time to digest!

When the saints saw this scene, their hearts suddenly rose to their throats.

Chen Yang quickly stood up in the air and pointed out three people's calamity fingers in succession!

Three rays of lightning shot at the Spear of the Undead, but they were all resolved by the huge power of the Spear of the Undead.

At this time, Chen Yang's eyes burst into light, he formed a seal with one hand, opened his mouth suddenly, and spit out a ball of golden light!

With the help of the seal, this ball of golden light quickly grew in size and formed a large golden elixir!

"The Dharma of Heaven and Earth!" At this moment, Chen Yang finally used his unique trick, the Dharma of Heaven and Earth!

The Great Golden Pill burst out with dazzling golden light, completely illuminating the void!

At this time, the Great Golden Pill was spinning with lightning, frantically absorbing the surrounding energy. Even the energy of the demon was absorbed into the golden elixir.

The chaotic vortex behind Chen Yang is also violently absorbing the divine power of chaos...

All the power of all kinds of magic poured into the Great Golden Pill.

The power of the Spear of the Undead had been offset a lot by the three fingers of life's calamity. At this time, it hit the high-speed rotating Great Golden Pill, but it did not break the Great Golden Pill!

The most vulnerable time of the Golden Pill is when it first appears. The longer the Golden Pill exists, the more powerful it will be!

This is also the reason why Chen Yang first used three fingers of tribulation to resist the spear of the undead. The power of the Spear of the Undead struck the Great Golden Pill. Not only did it not destroy the Great Golden Pill, it actually absorbed a lot of its power.

Now that Chen Yang has perfected his technique, he has completely integrated the Five Grain Sheji Divine Tree and the divine power of chaos.

Even the power you don't understand can be forcibly absorbed by the laws of heaven and earth!

The laws of heaven and earth today are no longer the laws of heaven and earth at the beginning.

The Great Golden Pill rotates rapidly in the air, absorbing the surrounding energy in a siphoning state with every rotation!

The golden elixir becomes more and more powerful!

"Go!" Chen Yang's eyes were cold, and he drove the golden elixir towards the position to kill.

The Great Golden Pill struck Li Changye with lightning!

Li Changye suddenly felt a dazzling golden light in front of his eyes, and a huge and boundless sense of oppression followed him.

It was as if the power of the entire fairy world was condensed on a planet and then came to kill him.

Li Changye was also unconvinced, his eyes were blood red, and with a roar, he integrated all the ice blue divine armor and the spear of the undead into his fist. His fist connected with the ice blue vortex behind him, and then he punched out!


Quan Feng and Da Jin Dan collided with each other, with a bang!

The sky is falling apart!

The Great Golden Pill did not take advantage this time, spinning rapidly in the air and digesting Li Changye's power.

Li Changye's eyes were completely red with blood, and he punched two more times in succession.

The demonic energy in the world roared again and again, all drawn by Li Changye.

This battle was completely beyond the imagination of the saints.

Chen Yang's Great Golden Pill showed no sign of weakness and quickly hit him.

Boom boom boom…

In the blink of an eye, the two punched each other ten times in a row!

After ten punches, Li Changye showed signs of fatigue, and the original energy of the demon in the void began to dissipate.

The Great Golden Pill is becoming more and more huge, majestic and terrifying.

Chen Yang didn't feel good at this time, because the current laws of heaven and earth were indeed powerful enough, but they were also very draining of vitality and mana. Chen Yang's mana was almost drained by the golden elixir these few times. It will be difficult for him to maintain the operation of the Golden Pill anymore...

So at this time, Chen Yang took advantage of Li Changye's defeat and used his last strength to activate the Great Golden Pill. The golden elixir hit him with a bang...

A look of horror flashed in Li Changye's eyes, and he could no longer resist it. His body was hit by the golden elixir and exploded directly, turning into endless ice blue particles.

This time, it was difficult for Li Changye to gather his strength quickly.

Chen Yang also quickly dispersed the big golden elixir, and then used the chaotic vortex to absorb the divine power of chaos to replenish his vitality.

It would be best if he still had some elixirs on him, but unfortunately he didn't have any elixirs on him now.

In the void, icy blue particles are still floating and difficult to condense!

Li Changye will naturally not die, but his vitality is greatly reduced now, and it will take time to gather them together. After Chen Yang quickly recovered some energy, he stretched out his big handprint, took all the ice blue particles in his hand, and then swallowed them in one gulp.

After doing this, Chen Yang sat cross-legged!

The ice blue particles entered his little Zhoutian world... and then he circulated all the mana in his body, turning the mana into a chaos oven, and in the oven was the Chaos Divine Fire!

The Chaos Divine Fire began to burn these ice blue particles!

The ice blue particles began to struggle and stir in the blazing flames.

But they can't get away from this oven of chaos...

Obviously, Chen Yang was determined to kill Li Changye.

At this point, the winner should be said to have been decided.

But Chen Yang had no intention of stopping, so he sat cross-legged in the void, and then used his body as a furnace to burn Li Changye to death!

When the saints saw this situation, they immediately looked at each other, not knowing how to solve it.

The battle just now was breathtaking, and they also admired Chen Yang's cultivation to this point.

But do you really want to watch Chen Yang kill Li Changye?

If Li Changye died, people like Taishang Daozu would not feel it was a pity. But they are afraid that the undead army will lose control...

Empress Nuwa is worried about the safety of her daughter...

Gu Yue was also anxious beside her. How could she bear to watch Li Changye die?

But at this time, no one dared to go up and persuade Chen Yang...

"Xuanhuang, what should we do now?" Taishang Daozu asked Xuan Zhenghao beside him.

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "To kill Li Changye, it would be much easier to use our green grass seeds. There will be no results if he burns and kills like this. He also knows this, why does he still do this? "

Taishang Daozu was startled for a moment, and then he thought deeply.

The saints began to discuss...

Lone Moon paced back and forth, her heart burning with anxiety...

Ye Qingming stared at Chen Yang in the void, but there were complicated emotions in his eyes.

And what about Chen Yang?

Chen Yang felt uncomfortable at this time. As he burned and killed, the ice blue particles began to resist. They are like rebels in Chen Yang's little Zhoutian world, running rampant. Although he was blocked every time, it made Chen Yang particularly painful and strenuous...

Obviously, burning and killing Li Changye in this way is the most undesirable.

The particles formed by Li Changye's body also felt all kinds of pain. Although he was difficult to kill, he still had pain-sensing nerves now. Such burning and killing made him feel like his soul was being burned.

The particles in his body sent out consciousness and shouts: "Chen Yang, are you crazy? Don't you want to save Bai Suzhen? What on earth do you want...ah...I will fight with you..."


Ice blue particles collided one after another, ending in failure again and again!

Chen Yang was in extreme pain, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Not long after, the saints saw that the inside of Chen Yang's body was red, as if it was about to be burned through by flames...

What kind of inhuman pain is that!

This process has been going on...

Li Changye and Chen Yang were both in agony.

At this time, the saints finally understood Chen Yang's thoughts.

Taishang Taoist Ancestor sighed and said: "Little friend Chen Yang already knew that he could not kill Li Changye, but he could not let go of this hatred, so he adopted this method of torturing the other party and torturing himself. Alas... nature plays tricks on people, Fortune plays tricks on people!"

Empress Nuwa said nothing. She could feel Chen Yang's inner sorrow and suffering at this moment.

It was a kind of pain and hatred that was powerless and had nowhere to vent!

Hate your enemies and hate yourself!

At this moment, Ye Qingming flashed and came to Chen Yang.

"Okay, don't do this anymore." Ye Qingming's eyes were red and he said to Chen Yang: "What you have done for Xiaoyu is enough. You don't owe her anything. If she knows what you have done, she will Very gratified.”

Chen Yang looked up at Ye Qingming, shook his head, and said with pain in his eyes: "You don't understand anything, you won't understand, stand down!"

Ye Qing meditated on what to say and opened his lips, but still nothing came out.

She can only retreat...

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